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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in How do change my name?   
  2. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tirreggregars in The new gold portal is a scam.   
    FFS read, it was an exaggeration, often used in discourse.
    I am not making insults, but pointing out the stupidity of u correcting something that was not a mistake.
    I'm attempting to clarify a misunderstanding, but u seem incapable of understanding.
  3. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in The new gold portal is a scam.   
    Tell me how an average player, that is, a player who is at rank 10 and who most of the time does not have mythical torsos, modern modules or mythical HP plates, can dominate the insane mode in this portal.
    We are not talking about people with rank 5 or higher, who are the minority on the game, but about the vast majority who fluctuate in lower ranks. For these players, even hard mode is hard to beat. We aren't talking about Arena battles or RAID either, but about a portal that is supposedly an event to help everyone (the average gamer) and not just for people who have  good and myth things.
    The illogical logic of the game, you make an event and those who need the least end up taking the most.
  4. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in The new gold portal is a scam.   
    Yeah spitting facts sawz is extremely toxic to people who dont agree with him
  5. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tirreggregars in The new gold portal is a scam.   
    @SawzAll, very ironic considering ur extremely toxic and aggresive with anyone that doesn't agree with u.
    Secondly, from what I pick up, Wep did beat the portal, her logic is simple:
    Alex makes a portal with good rewards yay, however to get the good rewards, you need to have "VIP Items", hence, you need to spend money to get the good reward, which in itself makes it not as good a reward.
    She is not doing it out of personal interest, as her inventory is probably deeper than anyone, or almost anyone, else who has posted here, what she supports is that the portal difficulties should be beatable by people that don't have 18 heat bombs, 4 swoops, 68 fortresses and a bunch of premium weapons.
    and again, sawz, and whiteout, read the psot before posting some bs which is compeltely wrong, and sawz, dont be so toxic, ur very hypocritical.
  6. Thanks
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Cosmic Radiation in Drop Rate of Fortune Boxes   
    Hi all !
    I saved up 200 Fortune boxes !
    (takes/took years, if you save up "only" every 2nd you get and open the rest)
    I opened them all yesterday ! 
    In the first 100 Fortune boxes I received around every 15th - 20th box 1 Legendary !
    (~ 2% chance of a Legendary / card)
    In my second 100 Fortune boxes I received 2 Legendaries !
    (~ 0.67% chance of a Legendary / card)
    I had 69 Fortune Boxes in a row WITHOUT any Legendary !!!
    Good Bye !
  7. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tirreggregars in .   
    Everyone has the same authority to egt others banned 🤦‍♂️
  8. Thanks
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I play by inertia. And because I don't have time to look for another game. Every day I quickly do the 3 pvp to fulfill the daily missions. I don't care if win or lose, I just want to finish fast to raise the 10 tokens. And if it weren't for the tokens, there are days that I wouldn't even make myself look at pvp.
    The only event that I still enjoy a bit is the item portals.
    I think I'm still something useful for the clan, that's why I stay there and help with the titan (when I can) and the clan war. But I don't have much of a will to test new builds or anything like that. The game no longer moves me the floor.
  9. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
  10. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Im starting a alt with no base i think it will only take me 2 months :))

  11. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Rank 10-11 took a month of actually trying or 1 year of being lazy, I play a heat mech for my 1st mech and have been playing since around the begining of sm
  12. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Hey spam whats your rank and how long did it take you to get to that rank?
  13. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    That's true, I only farm when there is 50% fuel 100% xp or 50% gold and it increasing gold in campaign would make base even better.
  14. Thanks
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Yes buy once they see how espensive base is they quit i see people wanting to remove base everyday from in clans to global chat
  15. Confused
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Pavke in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    That is not true at all. There are more and more new players each month. 
  16. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    New players quit alot cause of base is too expensive and they havent reached finsl boss on stage 8
  17. Haha
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Pavke in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Only LG left because he got bored. Other two is for other reasons. Also, its not only "few" new players.
  18. Thanks
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I think SM is generally a tedious game were it not for the fact that I love strategy games, I surely wouldn't be playing.
    I believe Alex is doing a lot, but he is just 1 person, more crew would speed up the process.
    As for what I said before, you can understand there are few new players because progress is sooooo slow, and new players quit before reaching r5, effectively meaning that for me, the matchups are the same over and over and over again.
    The fact that players are leaving is obvious, lg left, boss took a break, bestie took a break to name a few, I could obviously find at least 100, but I can't be bothered, however new players come in as well, and it is normal for people to leave a game. The problem is that since progress is so slow, new players all leave as well.
    Anyways, my point remains, without new items, the game is even more tedious, so I'd appreciate new items, or more events such as the one Alex already made, the 100 tokens for 10 arena wins event, which increased arena participation, making it much more fun. 
    I made a proposal to permanently increase arena participation, hoping Alex looks at it, it got very positive feedback 🙂
  19. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Nah its been too long since an item or something interestibg has been released they should bring back unicorn portal :))
  20. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Turtle in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Why are people complaining about game modes when they have literally been the same for YEARS, and if anything over time they have added a bit to everything. There was never portals before, and those were added.
  21. Thanks
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    We are playing the final moments of this game before its decomposes into a rotting mass of degeneracy 
  22. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Have you max out every item in the game and divined to say there is nothing there?
    I do not know what it is the issue. Sure we no need more weapons in a temporary way to re-adjust the game and old weapons and that takes time. Need to patch the game and that still in progress trying to figure out new ways to detect players wrong doing. 
    Players do not want to farm because want to click and presto mentality and be super robot killer machine number one. Want more weapons and barely can handle ideas with what have in the storage. I can see some top players with basic parts and be top 10 consistent not meta thing and they kill me like nothing. 
    Use imagination with the inventory at your disposition. Test and then test but many no even do it or try for it only looking for a drop of a part or legends to meat because want to do nothing to progress and complain.
    I am a slow maker player progressing in a slow way farming and I have weapons to develop and will take long to make and to have and are basic parts and premium parts and that takes disposition and focus to go for it. 
    Why more parts at this point when I have so many to go for development and get ideas for it...
    How many weapons do you use or combine and test to make it fun?
    Why focus to be always in be #1 instead to enjoy the game and see development taking place of parts never tested or used properly for lack of imagination just because no want to see a loss to someone else.... 
    I am not even a fan of this game and I rather prefer not to play and play my fav games but there are lots of things here good enough to be ok but everyone want more and more and more in easy way. 
    Sure I know drops are weak and yes it is true and I agree due to the cost if you pay for it and I do not get good parts or nothing for months in fortune boxes but that do not stop me to keep advancing step by step and see progress one day at the time. 
    Too many lazy ideas is what I can read complaining about everything and crying for everything instead to work the accounts and advance them. Just asking for someone else account, be jealous of someone else account having this or that or asking for wins just to keep an AP for the clan. Why not to focus in your own account and enjoy the progress and yes can keep progressing and I have been here 1.5years and my progress is just starting. 
    I do see my consistent progress day by day without rushing anything and trust me I can get an account as good like Clever already if I want because I can do it but chose to see my progress farming because it is more fun to see my work paying off. 
    So many things to advance.
    What this game need it is to enhance the GOLD grants for lower rankers so can improve for a faster development and join top ranks for better diversity and KEEP the Desire to Stay in the Game progressing accounts because it is  hard to make a base and develop a mech but that it is the idea if not why to play but sure I have said this before and what the game truly need is more Gold Grant so players can see development and hope.
    I focused into farm from start and developed many accounts and are top and free only 2 I have paid and are the 2 can see their progress. 
    Work your account or accounts as should and use brain power to come with mechs and all is not a meta mech to win and be a top 10 player. 
    I have been top as free or p2w so no complains since can be reached focusing in your personal strategy not thinking of what others have or have achieved. A new idea of meta and everyone want the same thing. Oh, I want that , I want that, I want that....
    I wish the best for all the players but if everyone have everything simultaneously it will be so boring. Look what happen when everyone was using Frantics. What happen there? All complained because all where using same weapon killing top players R1 like fly been R10 kids because can do the same and play at the same level just because having the weapons. 
    Sorry but I know the game need some extra things but for a person starting or been an R10 or R4 there is a huge gap to move forward on development that no need more weapons to be added. Maybe the only one need a new weapon added here it is Clever. 
    Do you have full 3 set of phys. energy and heat and different parts to make others sets of phys, heat and energy not the same to add more new parts?
    How many players actually can do 3 sets of the same kind?
    Read this again from the FARMER who made 2 accounts Level 250 before anyone else here and 1 of the first 30 to reached and I was new players just 9 months and 3 weeks for my first farming and few months after completed my second in 8 months flat. 
    When I say it is GOLD the need, I know well what I am talking here. If you want prove, check my accounts progress. Again GOLD-GOLD-GOLD. If GATO wants to keep players around it should improve gold. 
    Sure have improve the gold cap in the base but that not mean gold grant and reduce cost to build the base. Sure have been adding more tokens etc and that it is the right direction because in reality it is a need and I can see that need  for the majority of players here. 
     Again, Gold it is the base to see the light in the progress if not you farm like no end and I am one who do that all day long and do 1000 pvp per season to get the extra gold in need apart of farmed and few coins from the base if have base.
    Also, buying gold option it is totally ridiculous expensive token wise. I have never use it and never will. 
    If players wants to complain to GATO so ask for GOLD. 
    Now, sure there are some players with a massive amount of gold reserve and those are few not that many and can say something different about parts but more than having bad luck to get the parts in need currently available in the game and adding more even more difficult will be to get them. 
    I have purchased in 2 accounts and I do not have valiant, sorrow, magmas grants etc etc etc and If I have a few around were some sales to get them as the magma last summer and kept them not in use not having parts or gold to be able to develop them.  
    One more time, GOLD it is the need to develop and can develop when get the part if luck if not in mean time save or make different future part to keep progress. I am just saying...
    If we want more players at the arena and progressing accounts, more gold it is in need for it. 
    Also, why more parts in need, looks clever having 1000 plus parts and divined a massive amount of them and how many is been using more recently? As many more you have less and less you use the others. I see the point it can get bored if no new items comes around but how many actually can say that and to be at that level you should have his own storage but I guess you do not have that including me. 
    I personally need a ton of current old parts to make different mechs and I do not have them so why add more and not even max out what I do have because no gold or parts crafted or farmed. 
    By the way, I play video games for over 40 years just in case and I have been playing one for more than 30yrs on the road and be part of real competitions in many games in the past for real money rewards. 
  23. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tigergeezer in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Yay!  Judge Death is back.

  24. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Firstly, Im also on the balance team remember.
    Second, it's a statement of fact, if the player base is so small, and the possibilities so limited, without new items, the game is a monotonous grind against the same opponents over and over again.
    Point 2 leads nicely into my third point, being that, the game is dying, since arena participation is low, players are quitting, and grinding is horrible.
    Honestly, we either need better events that increase arena participation, I made a thread about a possibility, or we just need new items, which change the matchups, if released on a weekly basis, people will be playing new builds every week, making the game less monotonous.
  25. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    True, higher ranks are quitting and lower rank players are increasing, so the game is actually... living?(what's the word for it?) 
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