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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. In my case no L like always. I think I got one time an L item in the portal since I play. I use all energy constant regeneration today for only 2 new damage brain item in FARM and 3 in OKI.
  2. Interesting. Seems you are ready for action.
  3. Well, today FARM is doing the same as OKI. I need to clean a bit to make room. Gold it is decreasing due to crafting. My goal it is to increase gold and around 3k power kits and will take some time then will work leveling up some parts. cheers
  4. It is his right to keep privacy. We have fun with the videos, comments etc so I think a bit of privacy it is on the line in particular the system is collecting info that in first place no business should have in data centers at all.
  5. Welcome to the forum Persi. Here you can ask to this bunch noobs to help you out and improve your mechs. You will be able to make new friends and get have some fun around. Lots of fun cool people around.
  6. LoHmm, I ran out of space again so I needed to clean a bit and decided to make few parts and myth one. Gold keep dropping as I am crafting some parts in 3 factories. I got a avenger in a weekly premium box. Let see today chef menu. cheers
  7. when an R1 account no longer have room let's meat. No more remedy. I need to clean a bit too. Good deal
  8. Nice goodie sweetie. Still ok. Some use it. Back to Frantics.
  9. Nice WTF is going on at top players. One more day to move up. New metas and game adjustment changing the lands scape. Cool , welcome to the club stuck in 250. congrats, about time.
  10. Nice, I got those back in summer and was funny from mix boxes. I got those 2 max out then 2 L15, 2 L10, 2 L5 then got L30 epics set one after another. I was getting just common and very rare the rare parts and I think the game compensated and I use them to level up my 2 first mechs in OD.FARM standard phys . Helped me a lot to progress in the game.
  11. We never know. People love RR, LLYL, TF and HTK rivalry and it is a kind of attraction to the game. They have name, face, reputation and something to back it up and are medals making the look attractive and cool. INMAX got a footage very strong and they are very good and solid clan. They are a top for sure and core members also are top as single contesters. WLGANG became strong clan as well with nice core memembers. USSR also a solid clan and it is been solid with their members very stable. I like them too. LLYL it is doing great and happy to see their come back. R Forever it is kicking again. If they activate in full the relaxing members in the clan will be another tuff business to deal with. Let see how this change in the next few weeks. Interesting. Well, I am doing great, I keep farming
  12. They were not spot 6. They were top3.
  13. Hmm, old members returning. Game clans land scape changing a lot. Something is cooking. Wish the best to HTK and to all clans for sure. OKI
  14. Cool, OD. FARM moving again to R1 with the junk yard phys mech assembled parts to max and use it to cover in temp way till can build something for real combat is doing it again. For now will keep using mech for R3 base but it is been doing OK in all seasons as R2 as I predicted.
  15. Forgot to add too R1. Forgot to add before even almost forgetting again. Anyway, for just a mech just assembled to make parts not mech for combat and get R1and use it just to cover till can get something functional is not been that bad.
  16. Hamza it is a clan member for long. I am happy to see the progress with him. Sure lose core members but that not mean he can't rebuild and become strong again. I am looking forward to see the progress step by step. Will like to see core members back. Well sure I respect them and they do what need to do and get some medals as players in other clans. Good luck rebuilding.
  17. In this case seems it is cheating. The tier glitch happen to me few weeks ago and last week it is a different matter and happen to others. I hope Alex fix that as he said it will do before 3v3 seasson start.
  18. If you are suddenly solo player out of clan or in a clan just you might happen you won't have to get tickets for it. If you ad a second person it might get tickets to collect. As solo you can fight titan without collect.
  19. Muchas gracias por recomendarnos. In this moment we are currently full. We are very active clan with goals in place indicated in CANDELA INC thread. We are a clan to have stable members who do their job and friendly. About your personal goal I get you. I was a solo player till recently. If YOU need to understand about war everyone in the forum or me can help you out. There are different clans to recommend and one of them is WLGANG 3.0 with Aditya as leader and a really cool guy. It is a strong clan. They are a family of clans and you fit with them. Aditya can give you nice advice. I recommend the clan according your rank and goal. Take a look in the clan threads available and some others also can fit for you. Good luck in the search. OKI
  20. Yes, I will say she was one of the forum members making the forum active and interesting no like me boring stuff in my game progress.
  21. Well, according what was posted due to the covid. She was very young
  22. I miss besty. Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment Ivar is Cadbony. Yes, HAPPY move recently to RR. There are things I miss sometimes for sure and it is to see that flag around and the spot. LLYL also it is something sometimes missing getting into that constant fight spot. I am a recent player but as my start in the game are things I get used to it and good memories. It is nice to see LLYL is back and healthy. LLYL also won't be LLYL without you. I can't imagine you not there. I will get nut.
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