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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Ok for new players andthose who wants to finish arena shop items.
  2. Thx. Anyone can have a TOP10 acc but not meN knows what to do with it. IN my case it is just fir fun not to be a top player. I pl a y in base of what the mech actually position itself as natural power. I just like to fool around to have fun making parts. Hmm, it is true if I play more arena and serious I can be at higher ranking even I reach all ranks. In t he development and current mech set I will say I am an R1 in1v1 and 2v2 if wants to go for it in full and will say cN go for r1 in 3v3 if I do not goof around like always do a nd stick in R3-R2 with current power level and limitations since still things to get fix and I am lazy or no interested on it. I keep same l a y out Nd test with different modules same mechs looking real damage in both sides in the aver a ge and add data to my personal program I have developed for percentage accuracy and possibilities. I use OD6 Insane as farming place because for level up account it is the best in xp collection and gold grant per use of fuel bars. Now, in my case I am already level 250 so there is no point to farm there and better go for fortune boxes or go to the boss fight but takes longer and not a lot of differential and I am a busy person in real life so I farm in the easy way really fast OD6 insane and keep moving during my all working days and if my single day off I have decide to go for fortune boxes so I go for it one full round or 2 of full energy free bars and see luck but I do have really bad luck so I get bored to farm fortune boxes more thN 2 times in a week or passing weeks without trying. In case I do play in all seasons R3 and it is easy to be there with few wins like eating candy plus the box it is good and no need to go for r1 box and trying to keep a rank. No worthy at all. I wNt to have fun not to get bored doing such way. I like flexibility to enjoy and have fun purpose of the game since the word say it is a game . Do not copy my style but get focus in your personal interest and whT drive you playing this game not what others sY or wants you to do if not you won't be happy playing the game. Just read my progress some lines above in OKI or farm and will read wh a t I do to farm and add a nice making parts.
  3. The maximum energy bars in the game for now as far I know it is 95. To reach that number require to max out your arena shop FUEL CAPACITY and you need to go through the acc level up process from 0-250. I so not remember when is the last extra bar is given but it is at very high level. Grinding ways it is up to the player ad much they can go for but there is a limit a ton per day because require energy regeneration which include another we r arena shop item that it is FUL REGENERATION Nd of course need to be max out. Based to a max out regen and max out capacity you can gring on paper 6 full time 95 bars. Now, been realistic playing you only the account no others helping at your home or friends it is almost impossible to take the 6 full farming since people work or have school or whatever other reason like sleeping hours need as person. The best grinders are people with free time and are just crazy doing that. In my case I am a bit focus in farming because th a t the w a y I choose to progress faster in the game and of course that pay off because it is the base of the game. I farm basically all day long timing bars regeneration a to ensure bars are always drained not reaching full status because thT stops the regen process and of course you won't have 6 shots of opportunity to farm and will be limited during 24hrs time frame. I work basically every day so that keeps me checking and farming practically 34hrs because I do not sleep that much. Recently I am having to cover even more work making everything harder for me to pvp a nd even farm so my farming dropped a bit to an average of 4.5 times 95 bars of fuel. We that kind of farming help the progress to get an average of 500,000 a day with some basic 5 daily pvp or so and you can make around 3.5-4millions per week not consuming the gold. Sure grinding gold grants are the same to everyone but gold granted on pvp it is different depending of your rank. As higher rank more gold per win you get and gold growth it is faster than lower rank thT will have to pvp 4 or 6 times more if compare against an R1 to be adquiring close on daily gold. Grinding and pvp it is up to the player according personal circumstances of there own. Do not compare your person with the others. Play according your possibilities and whT do you really want to achieve in this game. In my case is to max parts for fun not to be a top player. I just fight to have fun winning and losing not focus into win but to try positions for fun even cost to lose. I just want to enjoy the game not to be under boring tension to win all the time and show off been the best. Sure nothing wrong with that and I like to see the players to achieve high status and get their medals working hard for it. I cheer for all players and clans of course mine too. Forgot to add picture for your answer
  4. OKI finally reached 30mill for first time. Next goal is to increase another 4mill and level up test parts in progress. cheers
  5. I decided to spend some gold enhancing test parts but keeping over 31mill to not drop too much. Mechs are looking better and getting stronger. Testing against full myth mechs are doing ok. I have to drop on purpose to keep testing. This is how are looking now and maxed stabbing drone. Looking I will save more gold for another week to complete if possible L50 not including modules. CHEERS
  6. Yeah, bank gold reserve still in progress mode increasing. Farming is good. I might start to level up a bit more test parts this weekend. Cheers
  7. Clanes comi Troll Fast son clanes dedicados a ganar medallas. Lo basics en ellos es mantener puntos acumulados altos llamados AP. El AP esta basado en no perder peleas de combate o PvP persona contra persona. El rango del jugador determina puntos base y ganar o perder determinara el subir o bajar esos puntos ganando o perdiendo las peleas. Un ejemplo para un rango 5 sin estrellas los puntos acumulados base son 91. El ganar o perder no determina solo Las estrellas para pasar de rango r5 a r4 pero el AP incrementara. Ahora, que pasa cuando se llega a rango 1 y estan 200 peleando en ese rango y alguien pierde? Pues cuando se juega ganando sube basicamente un punto y cuando pierdes te quita 10 puntos. En otras palabras si el jugador alcanzo la posicion individual the 1 pues bajara a la posicion 10 o mas bajo. El juego castiga el AP mas particularmente cuando pierdes con alguien de mas bajo rango o puntos. Mientras mas bajos Sean los que te ganen mas rapido baja tu AP. Si observas en las ligas de clanes o de personas en particular las de jugadores independientemente veras la mezcla de distintos rangos uno arriba de los otros. Por ejemplo podrias ver un rango 3 entre los rangos 4 y 5 relacionado al AP porque podran estar todavia en rango 3 pero perdieron varias peleas en contra de rangos 5 y bajo el AP pero tienen mas rango como jugador.
  8. It is hard to answer the question. We do not know your arsenal and tendency as player what you like better plus what rank you play or for how long. Now, one thing it is to think as torso independently or the combination with particular parts oriented to particular focus with your multi set up for attact in pvp. Things to know about the torso it is there in the part description how looks. Battery armor for physical can be tricky and require to know well to make it work and not many use it on top player. The basic issue for it is that the energy regeneration and cooling are awful but good power output. Aiaf you do not have good modules to compensate massive deficiency and parts combination you will get stuck in low ranks for long. HOLLOW it is a decent torso but not used thT much at high ranks because the condition been balanced for energy and heat and lower hp thN the energy or heat monkey version it is less desirable. Sure works to some degree but normally will be limited to R3 generally speaking of course works better but it is the norm so far I have seen. Windigo recent buff helped to regain status and it is good for physical and heat mechs set up in particular for heat. Torso it is been use always at low ranks as one of the options granted and mid range always been there trying to scape from the bottle neck of ranks 10-8 but works at all ranks even R1 with proper modules and parts. In the end it is you the one to select and use as preference at your current status as player. There is a web page to see set up. Firgot the name and link. It is around in the forum and many use it not me. The forum can give you direction for to go there. No matter the torso when having parts limitations and have to move up in some way and later change when have chance with parts acquisitions. Good luck
  9. wtf, so many epics grants. I wish at list get enough epics. I get rare and common and getting legend from mix I have seen that last time last summer just in OD FARM with power kits. Sad to work for R1 and get so awful reward. THAT is a good reason I do not play for it and stay in R3. No point for it. Excellent video
  10. Nice. Got couple of needed items. Not super but good in need. Wow, cool items video. Memebers should take a look. Poor guys been abused but some are the SM future tops playing good . nice video Awesome, I do some similar but very rare get the t6. I haven't developed parts for it so I am way behind to do a good job on raid but constant on t5. I haven't prepare anything thinking on raid. No heat bombs, EMP, flame etc. Well, will take a bit longer. Great video. Likes.later. I do have available. annoying likes limitations. Nice, you have some swoop there. I got the item offer in both acc but still in the working in other parts. Nice war fights. . Dual cool videos So funny video but so sad not getting the item putting some money first time.. I know your pain. Ha ha ha funny video.
  11. Tuff to buy by the players but I get your point as free to play. I think can be possible. There is a need to earn a bit more tokens for ftp and also there should be a bit more of gold so new players can develop in better way the base and advance plus to create a a better mix of players at pvp. Majority of players are young people with school etc and need a bit of incentive to progress.
  12. Thx God you were unable to see me in my time.
  13. Hmm, I will say it is just a fashion show. I placed the parts together to centralize and have a place to max parts of some categories. I always do the same having parts together and max but not mean will be a mech to build. Now, that give me some ideas and analyze what modules will need and how good or short for that kind of build. I test the mechs to to test the parts not the mech functionality. An example it is my current phys mech sniper. The mech wasn't set as mech to be use just to max parts but the game changed during the max process and ended up been a temporary mech to use resulting a decent mech to use for R3-R1. Now, parts will change like adding bulldog, recoil, rail gun, firefly, cockpit burner, flame spear, backstabbing, swoop, murmur, piercing fox, shadow wolf and others. It is about making parts and test them. It is looking ok for heat mech using vest or using energy free armor as torso and of course will need some platin and will work on it having some around not in use in myth L1. Will see.... NO direction at this point.
  14. Hi Since I am doing the same as OD FARM I decided to reduce mix boxes accumulation in OKI DOKI reaching 900 so I trimmed around 450 and drIn some 900k in gold leveling up heat and energy parts under testing. Like it or not needed to trim mix boxes today or tomorrow due to the maximum allowed to store. Anyway, it will give some room for the next week to save more gold and having some space to accumulate mix boxes. My goal is to increase gold to 30mill + then work more in the level up but will do a bit during game daily. I like the new color in the parts like in OD FARM. Parts are at low L20's and few max out since I use some for test. cheers
  15. Hi fellow pilots, I was able to do some pvp and save some extra gold and decided to use my baseline of 300,000 per day and the 700,000 extra making 1mill and use that with 400 mix boxes accumulated and started to level up heat and energy parts. Due to I reduced enough mix boxes I can farm for the next 2 weeks to accumulate again like 800 boxes and 6mill in gold something like that. I like the color for those parts in development. PArts now in the low L20's. cheers
  16. Hmm, in OKI I have 16,000 something and in OD FARM 26,000 something. There is no point to open boxes at this time. My storage is full with legends, myths and epics not in use. I am focus into increase gold to begging to max some 20 parts in OKI and similar amount in OD FARM. I am accumulating mix boxes with close to 800 in OKI but I used some yesterday leveling up a bit the 20 parts no more for now since OKI still in 26,000,000 in gold not enough to sustain level up. I have 3000 power kits crafted but there is no point to add to the storage not having room and not been ready with epics at L30 to create legends when open the boxes to use epics properly. With the mix boxes accumulation it will provide epics but this time I won't use them for legends instead eat them in the level up without use boxes. Both accounts are in the same conditions with storage at full capacity and 3000 crafted power kits in reserve and already FARM reached 30,000,000 and started to level up a bit same parts as OKI but I will be controlling budget and will be an slow process to keep enough gold around. Using 300,000 per day it is good enough to keep balance and increase a bit the reserve or steady maxing parts leveling up 1 or 2 level at the time all of them as I like in that way not just focused in 1 part all the way to L50 and then jump to another. It gets boring in that way and having many at the same time and see their color changing little by little it does give me motivation. Sounds stupid but it is fun for me. I try to enjoy the game as it is looking for fun ways and not get bored.
  17. No picture bit got 1 golden relic, 1 purple relic and 1 avenger legend in my R3 box. My S+ box
  18. Normal stuff. Good for you to keep in communication with the clan. About school, have fun now been young with school mates and learn as much you can because later life will be harder on your own shoulders. A the lunar new year, I knew due to one of my coworker it is from Vietnam. I still do not have sorrow no even with packs.
  19. Nice. I call you an smart guy. Keep saving. A man . Welcome to game slavery. . here take 🌶. Just kidding. Well, you needed a clan to progress a bit more so will take a bit of your time. Normal process to work for someone else no longer been the boss. Welcome back bro.
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