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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Yep I think this time it is not about cheating. I think it is a bug and happen to everyone I guess. It happen to me last week and I think happen to me yesterday. I can't play raid now.
  2. Cool, the farmer keep farming. Progress in check.
  3. Well, I think all depend of your strategy according your personal life style. In my case I use OD6 1V1 INSANE because is faster between the average of energy consumption, gold granted and xp for those still leveling up their accounts. My life is busy working so I check for a few sec and I can start the auto farming. Since I work 14-19hrs a day I c a n check often the energy regen and do a farming. There are others places to farm to get gold but for me this one fit properly. The other way to get gold it is doing pvp. WHEN I was having gold issues pvp came to rescue me in particular during silver box account set up.
  4. I got for collection and test at this point. I know not many use the weapon due to limitations and are better around at same range. Just for fun. In my case is about fun not to keep an R1 spot as the majority of players to win and be the best.
  5. Hmm, I forgot about this recent offer to be added. I decided to myth the part since money invested. Yes I now, I am collecting for fun little by little. Let see work in progress to get it to myth. I forgot to screen capture making torso and leg L30 and transform to Legend meat but it is in the transformation to myth the part. I forgot. Anyway, using relics from the offer and 2 made legends meat and maxing to L40 I myth the part. Sure why not, I paid for it Don't ask me. No clue when I will use it.
  6. Some top players left the game or semi-retired because the same issue. They were getting nothing at all for very long and of course that affect to be competitive if are free to play or even buyers not getting anything. When I started I was not getting anything playing for free then suddenly in farming started to get many and I was able to improve and after get those the system stops all the way to grant me something been stuck in rare and just a few epics counted with my hands fingers since then so changed to buy some premium with not so good results so I get some offers now if looks attractive. When I try to farm in 2v2 boss and few others the game even hold back to give me mix boxes just pure empty no boxes. I tried to test for a month and the max I got farming for FB were 8 and rare. I farm in OD6 only because bad luck in FB grants and at list is faster to farm for me since I am always working day and night so fit for me but if I try to for 2v2 takes too long and waste of time and resources. I will say some people have luck in their accounts and some accounts are set to get screw not just pure luck. Even with premium boxes I get epics one box after another. Anyway, pure luck and some have and some not.
  7. Uhhhhhhhhh from a fortune box. Now I have 3 of them.
  8. WOW, I haven't getting Legend parts with very rare FB's I get but this is today from a fortune box since last year maybe summer time. It is been a surprise for sure. I got this one in OKI DOKI.
  9. Yes, finally Everything is going as planned. Now is time to increase more the reserves. Farming is good.
  10. Solo Latinos sin incluir Espanoles ni gringos. Solo bromeaba Pues soy gringo.
  11. I never played the game but sounds ok to me. Just for those purple rewards lowers at high ranks. correction: Just for those purple rewards lovers at high ranks.
  12. Cool. The progress keep moving. I was able to increase few thousands in gold so I decided to myth that baby using few legends parts created from epics and the offer granted relic. Lets see the mojo in action. Good to save my epics always. Bang Farming is good
  13. yes, in the transition does happen so to high to compete at lower and too weak to move to the next stage so need to get a bit more stranger in modules to have a regular combat
  14. What the heck is going on here? Hope INMAX stay strong and get members back. Congrats to WLGang on 3er position. TF-RR get back membership mojo. . Cheering for you guys from your friendly farmer. Keep it up.
  15. I had myth parts in R10 when I was f2p and reached R2 with mix mechs incomplete. I do not see here hack. Some players lowers their ranks to play at lower rank to not fight against similar power.
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