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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Check her pictures in y he staff pictures thread.
  2. Yes, some individuals wants all easy and complain about everything instead to get focus in the basic. Sure I do not blame many because grinding it is not easy and take a million of years to progress in particular when the base was activated. I started with my niece and we got focus in the basic of grinding together next to each other then we started to understand how to grind better but everyone play as they want or play according their limitations in real life and thinking that the majority of players are minors and school students and depend of parenting it is the time allowed to play etc. Yes, if no money so no other way than to grind and look for best how to do it per player. Grinding help level up fater getting some more slots at garage space, energy bars, gold and extras. I still doing the same basic of farming to progress every item and all had been advanced in that way no using tokens for it. Sure some item purchases.
  3. No problems. My clan it is been good to me all the way and I can play freely as I used to do as solo player till few months ago. During my test I give many freebies since are test and when I play at higher rank I also test against the real top players of the game and I like to take the opportunity to do things and check my mechs in different ways relearning their use costing me always losses changing modules and position. I do not mind to give free wins unless I am in my daily and to comply with basics for the clan or to win against someone in particular to test as best the mechs for a win. Sure I go for my rank box that I am interested. Helping to other to achieve a rank having bad luck it is fine with me. It is nice to see some individuals like you that think and are grateful and I thanks to you for that. It is nice to have decent players around.
  4. Nice, my S box ❤ Cleaning just one. Keeping room.
  5. Hmm at list I got a relic in need from S box. Purple are welcome too. I need them.
  6. The game it is balanced. Do not pass 1kg and all will be fine. just kidding
  7. Looks like the six millions dollar man using the bionic eye.
  8. We are doing great with this. Nice. I will like to have one
  9. Nah, you are young and in shape. You can be my son. Hmm, 1989 missing those days finishing university. Cutting my long hair for the new job rule on those days no long hair allowed at jobs not like now and drug test looking at you.
  10. I like the idea using dual distance against the titan. For that one use one. WOW, you got good drops if you needed them. The intro still making smile.
  11. You always 8mprove the intro. So cool and funny. Nice fights with the energy mech. I did something similar 4 months ago and tried just few times at E-L level. Interesting Cool fight and cool intro. I never tried to fight the titan with seraph. I might try if max the item.
  12. Cool fights. Ranking up to 11. Keep farming as s much you can. Nice divine. It was my second to divine. Punishing your peers. cool fights. Sorry for your bad luck with the boxes. The same with me.
  13. Interesting clans landscape. Yep, next 2 weeks will be interesting to watch as mentioned. Can you see 2 of the favorite flags around next to each other.
  14. The game is changing and I think in the last 2 weeks some rebalance happen again and removing some cheaters according CEO recently. Yes, it is getting harder for the 3 types of mechs. Time to go to the 4th secret mechs, mix mechs
  15. It is sounds honest and sometimes people should not make fun out of it. The person is looking for friends and be friendly and start a good conversation makes things better from start. Think in the feelings involve. Be tactful.
  16. Well, I am back to my standard luck in boxes. Enjoy the ride making your own legends with purples.
  17. Hey, hello again. A pleasure to meet you. Looking young. I was guessing close age. Sorry, I do not have likes to give. Later. Love in the air. . Just kidding been silly Man, I look like Albert Einstein. I need a hair cut for sure. My days of long hair back in the 70-80's are long gone. Flexing. Looking good. Funny picture. If you are hungry you can make some fried bird if the bird do the wrong thing.
  18. Reason why I do not play for R1. There is no point just to show a funny bloody face. I got at list a gold relic. Keeping my R3 and farm for fun.
  19. This is funny, you drain all your energy trying to get the new item then the next special is gold of course you need energy please buy more tokens for gold collection.
  20. Cool, MY phone did not allowed me to copy.
  21. Go to your forum name top right side and click on your name. It will show up a list of items to select and the item in the bottom before the sign out option there is an option "Ignored USers". Click on it and add the name of the forum member you want to ignore. I never used so I do not know how does work if include direct mail.
  22. I do not know you but I really hate when I can't give likes because ran out after few clicks. At list a nice item.
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