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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Candela Inc to OKI DOKI legendary stash and smoked with
  2. I need to give at list another 2k likes and this forum allow me like 15 and I am out.
  3. WOW, Nothing to report. Anyways, let's pretend I have something something so important to say.. I have been crafting 3k power kits like in OD FARM and gold dropped a lot to 14mill forcing me to stop crafting and start to save some gold. My goal is to increase gold to over 20mill now back to 17mill. I got the last offer even I am not much fun for the part. Still inside the box. I have no room in the storage for it. I need to clean some. I keep testing heat and energy mech at low rank. I will max parts after can increase gold. CHEERS Oh, one factory leveled up from L4 to L9
  4. How do you found my family and me? give the best shot to know whom am I of the 3 handsome guys? Nice. I got one last night with my R3 box. I won't say no.
  5. Good. I like Zilla. Young and mature and very respectful and responsible. . Good to know he found a new home.
  6. WASA boyzzz and girlzzz Today I have nothing to say in reality. I was crafting 3k power kits and I am back to the saving mode since gold it is decreasing and I need to save for level up parts. CHEERS Oh, I forgot I did level up to 13 remaining factory at lower level
  7. D the rookie. Now you can walk Getting stronger everyday. Nice
  8. Kinda, I make them to test in pushing but I change the parts too like using lighting recoiler, hammers, EMP, mortal bullet, hybrid cannon, electrocuted scope, Shockwave etc as example so there is no a real mech at this point. It happens I need to make party crasher and space invader in both acc so I place some parts that I can use for test. I am using parts I got back in last summer but never max out focus in other parts to make like modules in need since I was incomplete to make 3 mechs and I still a bit short and need few more in process according nee weapons that I might use but can't make them properly due too lack of proper modules.
  9. I quit. I just do test but if mechs match are equal in power or less I normally quit. My test it is based into fight full L50 mechs with my mechs limited in heat/energy set up and parts at myth or legend L1 with health at 1900's. I have few items at L50 in one mech in OKI because I do not have extra similar part on the account at those levels or the part itself. Matches I want are above my mech power level normally at 2100-3000 in health with decent energy and heat capacity and above R8 if possible. Some R10 get into the mix because are full flesh L50 with 2k in health but normally I quit them and few times I fight them because are more powerful. Many players that are actually rankers are playing at lower rank with full power screwing lower true rankers but not me. I play test at true power level against proper rank but getting into more powerful than me it is the re a l test and is what I go for checking the parts if are worthy to max or not. I collect info of damage toward my mech and see how react against heavier attack. I do it for few days then I move up rank to R3 post test. Picture below first heat and energy mech are the parts in test not in reality the mechs. I normally assemble parts like a mech to centralize a place where to max parts that I am interested not meaning the mech itself but I make test like that in the chat or at R5 normally and sometimes I plan to do it at lower rank at similar power level.
  10. I think we had pvp at lower rank. Maybe OKI DOKI or OD FARM with my test mechs.
  11. Sadly no clue. Every account works different in some ways. At start I was unlucky getting nothing ending with mix mechs because can't make a full flesh and adapted to play in that way so I like mix mechs. Then after 4 months around 5th month the game started to give me lots of legends in fortune boxes like monkeys, platings, claws etc then suddenly stopped and no even farming for fortune boxes used to get them just regular mix boxes reduced because started to get no boxes like the game started to readjust itself in the compensation. Premium packs are terrible in my case. Just epics and very rare legend and just meat. Bonker, magma, seraph, heron, terrorblade as example I got them in the forum last summer with Sarah forum offers and still not in use except the heron and terror. Others items has been purchased with odlffers. I have bad luck for sure. Jiyoon is one of the players better say free player getting all the time good stuff between few others. I only can advice, careful with the or will lose your pants. The system compensate sometimes. Another example it is in OD FARM. If you see back in my progress you will see the heat mech and 2 standard phys huggers incomplete. The game was giving me for long no even 1 epic. I mean, none zero nada. One day I had 920 mix boxes accumulated. I started to make epics to L30 to build myth meats making legends with them and no epics and just common parts not even rare parts and when I was around 100 the game gave to me power kits, 2 legend max out, 2 legend L15, 2 legend L10, 2 legend L5 and then 4 epics L30 all power kits and use it to max those phys mechs. Crazy for sure but the game keeps a balance in some way at list in my accounts. I haven't gotten meta parts generally speaking like those blades, valiant, magma etc, you know the real good stuff. I think I will never see them in my accounts unless a sale someday down the line. In mean time I play my game and my eyes popping out and saliva dropping when I see the other players getting the good stuff in the free mode.
  12. Thx you very much for t he detailed answer. I appreciate and I know this takes time away from you to do the real job in front of you. Good luck in the task. I know it is not easy.
  13. It does takes time and planning, programming etc with short staff and fixing up lot of stuff. People wants all right on the spot like using a magic wand and presto. Just give a break to them. This takes a year or more. Be realistic plus lot of rules and law from different countries to address etc. Not easy task.
  14. There are forum headings to select. Browse, activity, information, clubs and Play Super Mech. Under Information click there and you will see "Request for your Base to be Disable" option. Request using that option. Good luck.
  15. Cool video. I was laughing. no good luck with the boxes. Same old same.
  16. Hmm, at list you got a couple of items in need. I normally get those purples.
  17. Interesting. Is like having frantics but different weapons but no worries keep it in 1kg and will be balanced. Planning for my new mech for the next rebalance
  18. Hi pilots, Sadly we lose a team member due to wifi connectivity issues and hoping can resolve the issue and can rejoin in the future in mean time we have an opening for a new permanent member. Rules still the same. Please read above. Drop a line, contact Scorpion the leader here in the forum as Bunboy or any clan member during chat or pvp etc. Any question, all members can help you and I am as my best disposition. Thx OKI.
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