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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Yes, love people. Actually no much pvp as you can see for both in total. The issue i am with my boss now in training and break plus regular job. Now, sometimes he do his job and me my own for emergencies and we split and when I can do few but no titan, tickets not full daily like yesterday 1 wins on 0d farm etc. Now waiting for some data and my boss left early due to training today was short. I am at work now but I can look to the side a bid not to play in reality but makea comment or two. The r1 was pure luck
  2. Why I am not on top 4 clan position or higher Just kidding. OK, MY own temporary solo clan.. Not having expectation for it playing low..
  3. Yeah. If you analyze the amount of tokens by clever usage to gat repeated top guns was very high. 200k mean nothing in the current drop rate and cost to get them. Look my account normally on 20-30k both of them even i do not use much but time to time I use and can see my accounts with lot of weakness. If the guy wants to get good stuff to kick some butts for fun and promo like that video sure have to be even higher level of tokens grants to him. 200k is trash.
  4. After months first legend on fortune box. Oh well, I do not know how to use those weapons.
  5. 20k was in the old times. New times should be 200k since some people can get 100k so is better to give something better.
  6. Those hours are related to real job work. I am an old adult with family to take care. Meta parts came some for free and others are purchases. I was free to play before buy items and I already reached top position as free player.
  7. Thx bro for the vote of confidence. I have been offered to be clan leader at the top. I have to reject always. I have no time. I work 24/7 14-19hrs a day plus family. A leader need time to organize, coordinate, to search, etc and I can't give such things. I do not join also high top clans because I cannot give their basics due to no time and I will be kicked like bad potato same day. Better to stay in what I am good on. I just farm so better stick to farming before I become a clan joke. Sure I can play at high level but not having time I stay low but at list I still advancing my accounts.
  8. Hi, King Well, I am not making a clan. I open this one in a temporary way for some weeks only I guess till finish some job new assignments taking away my time and not been able to play basics then will be gone. I left my clan for that reason till I can get back at list to my normal play. In this clan you will waste your time. I do not do even TITAN due to ridiculous amount of tickets to collect. WL4.0 is good clan. You can go for basics and get something on TITAN and war. Some others clans do too. I just play right now solo with my 2 accounts in it. I am not declining but it will be a waste of your time. Get a good clan focus on rewards. There are good clans around promoting in the forum.
  9. Yeah, I saw some videos of max level on 50, 100 and 150 clans members all max out. I started on 10/19 and by that time the game was reloaded and cap at L250. To reach L250 in normal ways takes very long basically years in the game depending how fast you farm. In my case I am a farmer so I did it in 8 months flat O.D FARM and in OKI DOKI in 9 months and 3 weeks first account learning what to do in the game. It does need strategy and dedication most of all.
  10. Well, I am not playing much been too busy but I was lucky getting R1 not fighting for in my new solo clan even giving wins. COOL. At list one before clan goes away again.
  11. People with more than one account it is no an issue. I will say generally speaking are honest players playing different accounts for fun like me. Everyone can see my fights and know well. I give wins asked when I can. When I am in my daily and in rush I go for the killing no win grants or when I go to play for serious ways "very rare" then I kill and kill to get to the top. Some players fun is to win and they have goals to be at top and some others like me is to have fun and do what they want because it is the idea to relax in a game. Pro players takes things seriously and farmers like me focus in development for future in a consistent way getting stronger and stronger day by day and no rush to the top because we know we will be there and nothing to prove to others if are capable to be at top. All takes to have a good mech and that makes the difference. Sure some are pro and are very smart players regardless power in their accounts. They play really well and it is fun to see their plays not to copy but to enjoy their fights. All it is in the player how wants to play in the game regardless others people opinion due to still a game and if work in their way so why not. As you say, enjoy your account and development and achieve what you want. My fun is to make parts L50 as fast I can as relaxing fun and make friends with everyone around.
  12. Well, I will say yes in some ways. It all depend of luck on your account. I have seen free to play like my former leader Scorpion always free to play and been R1 every season with limitations. I know few others players free to play and they are top in every season. Some people like me we were free to play then decided to get some tokens and items. O.D. FARM and OKI DOKI were free to play and reached top position as free accounts. This account started with base post base insertion back on 2020 January. I made this one on February 2020. Sure later got items but never developed till more recently. Now, my recommendation is to focus in what you have and have fun with it. If you get focus in what others have better than you then you will be unhappy. One thing you need to consider is that you have no idea what the person went through to be there. It is easy to finger point to people that buy and have better parts but at what price as I know some on the 15-25k till to day and I am not one of them. In other hands, I created another 6 accounts as powerful like this one and those are free to play all the way. Yes I know well how hard is free to play and free-purchase side. Be happy with what you have. Develop the account as fast you can as I do. I farm all day long and do little pvp. It is up to you to progress regardless if have money or not. Trust me that my accounts are based not on items with money but farming and pvp plus titan, portals and raid.
  13. Hi Pilots The progress still on check. I will slow down on maxing parts to rebalance gold usage. I will increase gold a bit again then by next week I will max few other parts. Current gold reserves. It is ok. Not that bad from 83. Some parts maxed and transformed. CHEERS
  14. first. It is a controversy and forum can close this thread and should be reported. How is done many knows but it is not proper to do unless you want to lose your account and be banned. The other popular option is that you become really good with the best weapons and getting the best scores like that. Just a joke.
  15. The mech it is ok to some degree. I play with it in rare moments when I get bored of same mechs around. I will return to the clan later if they want me back but I do not know when. All depend of work assignment and extras from the boss. Yes, it is cool to see your sis and my flag around for few weeks. I guess she told you be choose together the flag. Is her baby flag. Yes, it does takes long to increase gold and max parts at the same time. Annoying to be honest. By the way, I can see you connected. You can call me.
  16. You have a phone. you can call me like your sis and will know ahead. I already talked to her. I am too busy at work and training for new job role. No time to play basics just a few here and there. I connect as always and read in the side when is possible like now doing some work at home because I left a bit earlier than normal to get some stuff done before class. I left the clan just for some weeks. It is not right to steal rewards without doing my job for the clan. Will you stay in the clan and others doing the job and you getting a reward doing nothing? That it is not cool at all. Great. Keep saving a bit more then work on the other 2 weapons I indicated. Your second mech will be really tuff to deal with. Keep saving the relics. Do not use them for now. Too early for it. Game change a lot. If you need to use some just use them for the torso to increase health if is a needed torso. I recommend only one if you like. No more. I do not think you need to add more torsos. Keep current inventory. Save gold.
  17. Excellent. I like those positive numbers. I like the progress with the fortresses. Hmm, I still need to get the mojo to fight campaign. Always draining the fuel due to no time to play it just basic fast grinding.
  18. Thx for adding the offer. If some one need the plating and few others things can be ok if you pray for luck. It is not bad to be honest but 4k is hard and need to think on it. I like to wait for a particular weapon in need.
  19. I think can be possible as option. SHAME ON YOU TAG . The problem will affect on asking for honest wins around too. I do give wins too all clans from 1 to down 4millions. Helping game peers to get their ranks having sometimes bad game set up etc I do not see that as a shame on you things. Sometimes the game is hard regardless others activities and the game set up in a harsh way. My account as example have the habit to set me up in a way I have to lose turns in a very high percentage and so some others have same issues. I do not like to ask for them. I asked 2 times for first time in the game last month. One not for rank but for a test to go down I wanted to check in the matching and was granted by a former peer cool guy and I moved from full stars R1 to R5 no stars for that test and another form a top player to cross to R1 asked because the game set me up at range 5-6 every time I played 14 on the road making losses losing turns then set up of mechs same kind. I never got the grant because we fought till the end and I won and was a seater. I screw up his seat. Now, I do not see wrong to help the players and get a quick quit if asked me one time and still in the issue failed next so I give the other without ask. I do not care if they are powerful or weak having the request of issues to move up due to game matches so I help even me crossing to R1 and they needing to cross rank to not be boot out of clans. I think there is no shame to ask in an honest way and me ending up giving the win and then me dropping like a rock losing post giving the win when I will win the fight to cross the rank. To me it is a game. Lets make friends with everyone. Now, I do test in low rank for new parts not developed. I do get the wins but at proper power and rank according set up of test. I do win more and move up rank fast normally so I have to make changes to even lower more but been a player for a while I win more often so they ask for wins been more powerful than me by large margin but I give the wins all the time. Some ask me one time then I give all when come to me again in the match. That will be a penalty giving them as "shame on you option" maybe not that fair for them. There are too many gray lines to blame but hard to do things.
  20. Recently the Energy parts have been buff a little. If you are starting the game some of those parts are good to go to max out. 1- Broken blizzard can be fully max. It is in need on high rank 2- Bull dog it is not the best weapon now. Still decent but not everyone will say is good now. Still decent starting and beyond. 3- Hot flash is decent till R4 or Even R3. Some configurations are decent for it. New Legend version is better. Same weight but more power. 4- Big Daddy still in use at top but not a lot. It can be max out. 5- Legs are in need. Max them. 6- EMP in reserve also can be max out. 7- I do not know torso and modules in use. Hard to tell Blizzard will help to drain energy resistance in particular for those using weapons against resistance but still good as reserve for your mech and is good because you have Bulldog. Be sure to not use bulldog instead use leg and use blizzard then bulldog at some point. With VEST torsos the resistance are very high making them hard to kill them. It will work using leg then bulldog and hotflash but hysteria will be out of range. The drone will need to be a good one to inflict resistance damage like rail gun to use hysteria and hotflash as combo killer or electrolyte for close range for your bulldog/bigdaddy combo. It won't be that good but if is what you have for now go for it. You need good modules for it like quad core and overload boosters.
  21. Yes. Interesting. I know well that because I do check always and can see some stuff going on and plus screen captures captured on the going no just one but some fun on that will be not funny to some. I know some for fact and I am hunted too. It does leave a trace if players are smart like me getting stuff around. If I was a player for rank and medal, I can tell you it won't be fun. Anyway, the game is to play and find ways to play and go for what can make the player better than others. In the end it is how is designed and if happen so it is. Pointing fingers it is worthless. Some do and some don't and some will stop and some will start all according progress in the game and what they do joining or not joining clans X ,Y and Z. I just play when I can and if possible with a beer, jerky, cheddar cheese, olive, hard salami, ritz cookies etc.
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