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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice. I just wonder why you decided to meat the misguided rocket? Sure is not as best weapon but also it is not as easy to get some weapons like that one. Maybe in the future can work a bit and few top players I have seen with them. Maybe can work for some ranks. In my case I will L30 epic a epic and make the legend. No have too. Just wondering.
  2. Hi friendly pilots How are you? I am a bit tired to be honest. My first day off from work and catching up with some work at home at backyard, cleaning toilets "my lady hate to clean them so I have too", resting a bit because I am really sleepy not been able to sleep much due to work constant calls at night to help on issues plus training and study including regular job. Oh well, I have to pay the bills and keep the family happy in some ways. Well, I have been too busy at work more than normal and of course my play time declined a lot. Sometimes do 5 wins or less maybe 3 just for the daily tokens or even missing days of pvp. No titan and forgetting sometimes raid and even farming. Sad ways to try to move account progress in a healthier way but that it is life for an old person with family. My current focus still the same and I am based on farming for gold when I can during the day but sadly pvp is been really hard to do having my boss close to me on training etc. Ok, back to a simple update. Gold progress is been slow but finally I crossed 80 millions to start some power kit craft. I was thinking to go for more gold and increase account o 90 millions as the new base on gold reserve and increase to 100 for the next batch of power kits but it is been a bit hard to go for it. I might should do it having already few mechs to sustain an R3 without focus to try to rank up because I do not have time and focus for it. Anyway, I am writing now and at the same time I will be activating base factories. Let see current gold stash. Current factories status. This look really sad. Please close your eyes. All idle. I will try to make the base a bit happier and I will crank up all factories for power kits. I will be making 4k power kits. I need those to max out some parts available even will hurt gold cash. I think will drop to 66-68 millions due to lack of pvp and sometimes missing a lot of farming. So WHAT THE HECK. LETS DO IT. OK, the BASE factories are happier now but sad to see so many days of farming for that gold to be erased. What others things is been happening this week? To be honest nothing else except to use daily to increase few weapons level. Actually I have been saving mix boxes because I drained them recently and went too low less than 100. I forget to mention I got one offer 2 weeks ago I think but still under reserve box as the others for a while. I do not have space, gold and parts to work on the few parts I got and I have to build tons of L30 epics to myth many parts. That will be a future challenge. I might get into get more storage space. Who knows... This is all what I have in boxes. No titan, no war, no ranking, missing raid etc looking terrible. I will be crafting for the next 6 days and see what happen. I hope all goes well for you guys. Cheering for you all. CHEERS
  3. buen video. apenas lo vi. el progroso y muchas cajas de fortuna estan buenas Me imagino que el progreso esta mas avanzado 5 meses despues.
  4. to be honest, sometimes I forget too. too many times to count.
  5. just to react to the one reacted reacting for those reaction already reacted because want to react the reaction
  6. funky killing. those are good to some degree till can add more resistance and health. for now can do the job to some ranks. good job
  7. No hay un tiempo especifico. Debido aque el cambio se hace manual toma tiempo para desviar a un empleado para hacer ese pedido. Normalmente el CEO Alex lo hace. Aveces rapido o aveces tarda un mes.
  8. many are not English people, we are Americans too.

    F2P Players

    Nice progress. I will improve let me see ehh
  10. False Next person is tired from a hell of work day.
  11. Nice. I like. Yeah. L250 it is about determination and been smart on grinding. Reaching 120 it will be slower. By the time is 170 will be a lot slower and from 190-200 you will see no progress and trying to kill yourself. That is when some say goodbye or stick to the game for real to get L200. If you do not farm as I do I will say will take 2yrs even so with determination. You need to plan to take advantages like yesterday grinding having 100% fuel extra and 200% XP today. I loved those as example because those are the one that help you out to move up in the harder levels. Hope all goes well. I still do my hard core grinding as much I can even I declined due to work etc but even I can't pvp I can grind.
  12. Terrible. I was saving some as soon I joined from old players never seen because left before my entry and old players making comments on those days way back before me around. Then collected from active from back then and recent comments and ideas for fun. Sad happens your loss. So much information from so many older players contributions making the game fun. The forum was really oriented on help and create.
  13. confetti for Prince and the Revolution
  14. True Next person will do what has been told to not do Period
  15. sadly not. I had thousands of screen capture of the old forum but mixed file with another and deleted by mistake. At list I have few pictures from my progress in different area and few others from the forum but just a few.
  16. The company CEO. He is the one managing the game
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