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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice video. I like the music and effect. Nice mech
  2. That was funny test. Those are like my constant test I do. Funny video
  3. decent drop and lot of meat. Nice music. funny special effects
  4. poor titan. you abuse him. Ehhh, hammers and pizza cutter
  5. Firulat I do respect every member of any clan and leader and I do not like to talk trash or make comments without understanding of my play ways. 1- I do not have to give excuses or to justify my person of my play way. 2- I do play as I please and develop my acc as I please and I have done this in an honest way 3- You can see my OKI DOKI and O.D FARM thread progress and the comments said there and will see exactly what I am doing like I will play at low with low mechs under development. 4- Those mechs can be seen from early stage progressing little by little step by step and play at their respective rank that are belong to now R8-R6 or lower depending if I win or lose and quit if the player is too lower according the match maker. 5- I use same mechs at R5-R1 to check power level when enhance a percentage to see how is getting against top players at those ranks knowing I will lose one time after another 6- I do not snurf. I play legal and honest to test current power level of those mechs. 7- If you have a concern. Please talk to me and do not talk bla bla bla to me about rank. I am a busy man in real life. When I can play at top I play and when I can't I don't because no time in real life to focus on top etc etc etc. 8- I do respect you but I do not like any leader or player talking to me in that way because I will put anyone in their right place who ever is. Keep to you your comments and thoughts. 9- I will not be that kind to you if you do so again. I do not have beef with people here but I am a person that I will not hold back to any person or clan if get into me. 10- As leader show respect and ask before make comments. If you have concern PM me. By the way, look your mechs that are not belong to that rank. I know well what those can do. I have an arsenal and I am a tester so I know well just saying. Thx Wally
  6. WOW, that was a good deal there. Nice week. Sad about your arm. I hope you recover soon.
  7. yes. stone feet it is a must. Just balance budget. Good you are using your head administrating. Do not worry about others players what have just focus in your personal progress as your rate. Do not remove ash till you progress the recoil. You can test recoil with on chat. Now, your current legs are working like recoil and was good choice when no other parts available to do the trick. No good part but it was your choice to use energy weapons. I did the same using Dynamite boots for heat ways. Now, I recommend to not waste gold maxing those legs. You can max the torso due to is good in particular for heat and physical mech types. You might switch later. You can max EMP and Malice. Hysteria won't be that good on top so is about choice. I do not have one max out. Your obsolete weapon is not that good but can work for now. Phys and heat options are better. Your cooling and regeneration are way low. You need to get focus on engine modules before even think to use malice, EMP due to energy consumption plus malice affect heat, also hysteria affect a bit heat etc. Ensure to work first on your modules to sustain current weapons in use. Adding raw power not mean will progress. You need to work on those modules to help those weapons.
  8. According what I can see, you have have the basic way to meat epics to improve parts faster but you are harming your acc. Careful with epic as meat. You need those for future weapons and also are your way to make legends parts to myth legends at L40. You need to preserve and administrate them properly. Your progress depend a lot of proper acc management. Do not be crazy like others later on crying like babies because meat parts then needing them in months ahead and getting stuck.
  9. do not meat parts that you do not have replacement. Your recoiler is an inportant part for all levels. keep it. Max the item with confidence. Replace ash for recoil don't meat ash. you need for other stuff in the game.
  10. Hi Pilots How are you? Well I am tired and trying to do some test at low rank and with undeveloped parts in my lunch time. I have my boss around and is been interrupting me and every time I will sneak in my own break to do some pvp he appears to give me more work to do. Jesus, not even on my breaks and constant phone calls and massive pages for issues to take care and projects to prepare and to work on and people off due to COVID or others conditions. Seems is a terrible week to get some wins and test or else. Anyway, this is my short weekly progress report before the boss get angry at me. I was targeting OKI like O.D FARM to get 100millions in gold and I was trying to get it by Sunday but I OKI was behind for 1million taking longer plus due to I was unable to do limited grind in both accounts the gold accumulation is been slower and limited pvp do not help much to increase it. I need to do more pvp and I want but sadly I can't. Well, I got the 100millions but OKI does have many MYTH parts at L1 and I have to work on them to max out and clear the cluster I have then move to a more controlled myth creation. My goal still the same about the intension to craft 8k power kits to max out some myth parts but not all due too it is not enough for it and gold reserve will drop a lot. I will have to go for some parts as batches of 6 or 7 parts then recover a bit then another batch etc. There are some important parts at legend status I need to max out ASAP but I will hold for now. This is my gold reserve. Finally 100millions in OKI first time. I think O.D FARM did many things before OKI. I will save gold for the rest of the week just to start 1k P.K. with that gold. Not a lot but I will control a bit. I have some mix boxes on reserve and I will drain a bit those with the IK craft and to make some max out and legend parts in need from epic stash. Clan war. Happy to see those gold in OKI. Normally OKI suffer a lot on grants from starting the acc. Rank. So inspiring Portal CHEERS
  11. is been forever. We had same issue in the past and also we got reward belong to the winner we losing.
  12. I had no idea. news for me. FB? I got 3 mix box on OD and 2 in OKI . then no boxes just farm the basic full round.
  13. there are good topics around. there are days I do not check forum and I miss different things around and search later. there are tons of videos post test unable to watch due to no time in real life
  14. wow. super bro. congrats nice bro. great deal
  15. Hi Pilots How are you? I am tired for sure and sleepy. This is my day off and finally I was able to sleep some hours post a hell of week. I was too busy till this morning 26hrs working. Anyway, let do an small week update. I was projecting to reach 100millions by Sunday and I was able to get it. This is the first time I reach that number ever on any account and I am happy to see breaking that barrier and controlling the desire to make myths parts one after another as I like. Hmm, I need the gold to max out parts crafting power kits and my goal still the same to make 8K power kits to max out parts. O.D. Farm does have less myth parts to go for so not changing strategy but delaying for another week to accumulate a bit more gold will not hurt. I have not been playing at high rank. No time to focus on R1 mind set due to I feel tired to focus so I play at low rank to test parts not developed and changing set up. My basic is to be at R3 by last day for the box only. I think I need a real rest away from the game and from work. I need vacation just to sleep and spend time with family. Portal grants. I think portal if not new weapons getting relics and some other weapons is good. CHEERS
  16. holy macaroni. I want to be your son. I need those badly. Not a lot but happy at list I got 1 relic and that count for me. Hmm just got this in the other acc cool another
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