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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I won't say no but there are set ups in mind when were created and also status. Tonto is the version for no premium basic E-M combo with nightfall. Solar torch is base more for spartan L-M weapons. Those are not backfire both powerful enough to inflict damage. The infinite versions are based to be less powerful but every turn you can attack giving the average of missing an attack generally speaking. The others infinitive kill your mech health surrendering to a point to miss attack and be killed because lack of life in your mech. If the game give TONTO as example the option 1-4 generally speaking you are converting that weapon to a premium base and the function of balanced per range will be lost between the issues that can bring to the current game strategies. I do not say no but need to analyze the drones and weapons distribution in the current game arsenal. To make a new drone require rethinking to make new weapon even a torso to go against for it.
  2. Hi Deimos. I know you were active in the previous forum. The previous forum server system was belong to TF. By the time this new forum was opened the previous remained open as was and many players prefer the previous one because at the beginning of this forum was lacking of stuff and harder to navigate on phones. Some of the old forum users still not wanting to use this one. The previous forum remained open till early this year then was separated and remained open individually but at some point the forum if I am not wrong was delete and can't recover accounts. Now it is this forum and old information sadly it is lost for us now having so much there to be transfer. I recommend to be happy with this one and current active users. We lost some very active recently retired of the game or school things. Some of the old very active forum members are here and semi active and some still active and others joined and look and no longer comments etc or very rare to read something about them. The forum still useful and helpful all depending of the forum members who want s to make contributions to make it fun and good for learning.
  3. Thx, it is been a lot of hard work farming for sure. Not a single day missed since creation back on FEB/2020. The account just have 1 year and 10months. I will say for a player who will like to be R1 every season can be R1 with this account at current level. I tested and I was hitting R1 any season full R1 stars when played serious. I do not have much time to be focus player so I do only farm and little pvp and keep basic rank on R3 and sometimes when I have the desire then I play for rank1 and always get the rank. It is a wasted account for the point of view of a pro player and for my point of view it is fun to farm and make parts in that way and test without worries of ranks or to please someone else who want that way. I play on my way and always will be. You have to be happy in the way you truly want to play and can.
  4. Great RON. I will check your account later. Not having time busy with your cousins and auntie as you know. Hi Pilots How are you? I am regular taking care of my family sick time and it is not been that easy but they are improving. I took some days off out of work to support family emergency and working a bit in the side line to avoid work accumulation because it does get complicated as day are passing. I am happy my family started to respond to treatments and improving slowly but improving. Back to the game... It is been a while without a full account progress passing multiple months as normally I do. I will be adding full current account status to keep some records as normally I do. Let see... O.D. FARM it is not been growing on new weapons just to say during this period of time but it is been focused on accumulating gold and maxing out parts currently in the storage and balancing weapons for set ups and testing. Gold is been growing in a steady way step by step for close to a year and progressing at the same time. It is been a challenge but it is paying off little by little keeping enough farming regardless less farming and pvp during this time. I added few sales and I think I posted them previously and was nothing mayor. For now gold is growing. My plan for this next week is to increase more gold reserve and max maybe 1-2 weapons only and keeping the gold reserve trending up a bit. I still have power kits on reserves from the last craft of 1k I think. Gold moved to 110 millions again and added a token purchase just to add them for future sales due to the account is weak regardless R1 any season if I play for it. The account it is limited on weapons and I am looking forward to increase power doing the same I do without real changes. The base it is idles with some power kits reserves. I do not know the amount on reserve. Arena shop items are fully max out and silver coins accumulation keeps growing. My TITAN little flags as I like to call them keeps growing. Boxes on reserve not that many but happy. O.D FARM it is been a solo account for a week. I had to walk away the account and give space to someone else that can go for all basics and wins because I have no time for it so I requested the leader to get someone to replace OD. FARM. I guess no much play for sure and sleepy. Let see account parts available. Weak but moving forward. Rank Box Clan War Part maxed this week CHEERS
  5. I think it can. just remember your mech is energy dependable and your regen is low but portal at heat or phys it does work hard but can.
  6. good progress. Hmm, a bit heavy to spend that gold but ok if need to risk at base. Yeah, get focus at work and pay the bills. Your account is doing great and it does shows it is possible to progress in the game even with limitations.
  7. with sponge toilet paper "nice, good mech choice from Dw"
  8. but he had no idea and asked Kaio-Sama who can see the universe
  9. hmm, some players are farming wins at your rank. now, some are not. They recently developed but do not have modules to support higher ranks and play with what they have to win. When I was on development I had same issue. I had developed parts but unable to cross due to lack of modules to support power. It won't change. Also, energy mechs were on total disadvantages till recently. The buff few items to get back to close to normal as used to be before new modules even so still a bit lacking in some areas "weapons" to be toe to toe against heat and phys. I use the 3 kinds and I test a lot and for sure energy weapons no need nerf but a tinny buff.
  10. cool. I have been there with you in the past and now again. Yeah, SHABBA had internet connection back in his country and had issues to connect and in the end he needed to pass down the clan. I miss him too been a cool guy. Sad what happen to your old account. Should be super powerful now and I am happy that you has been able to move forward now back on a top clan. Hard work to get back. You are not the only one from our old clan happen the same and is back in business and clan leader in full 24. Glad you are back with us.
  11. were all digital pies are tasteless
  12. mixed in a blender with chocolate milk and
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