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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. it was chemical waste from Mr. Chem
  2. subscrever o meu channel gian gamer
  3. It is. I get killed all the time and I still alive.
  4. Bem-vindos ao fórum SM. Muitos membros do fórum ajudam no jogo. Às vezes leva tempo, mas certifique-se de selecionar as páginas de fios adequadas para ele ou clubes.
  5. Bem-vindo ao fórum Murilo. O fórum normalmente é utilizado em língua inglesa e, nesse caso, ajuda todos a entender como língua básica comum. Feliz Ano Novo. Neste fórum muitos membros do fórum podem ajudá-lo a entender este jogo e configurar.
  6. When When I was 16 was about sports and girls and car and sure video games and mechanic and creating electronic stuff and other things. I was busy kid also working and I wanted to work to make my own money to not ask to my parents. I work since the age of 5. sure, I love anime since baby time, and I do play video games since the 70's console or arcadia.
  7. wow, 10 years of play time. I am only 2. There are few other players telling me that will quit soon after a lot of work on their accounts. Life changes, I guess. Now 14 years old need to be focus more on education and girlas. Too many girlfriends to attend. SAD to know you will quit. Any new game to play or sports etc?


    No. She is a CL from Oregon State and I do live in Oregon. Well maybe I should use a "Patriot" CL me being from New England but I do live in the West for many years now and I to promo locals


    Oh man, so I am not beautiful. Look at me dancing
  10. Now the fireworks are all over me. 12:02am. Now I am much older. Well, I have to work and will be tuff day in the morning.
  11. Wish you all a great new year. Here I still in the old 12/21
  12. 4098- My nephew wrote to you "RON" seems like it. He plays the game but barely connect to the forum and just post on my progress. He always verifies the clans and my teammates in CANDELA. He sometimes calls me or come to visit me. He does not know you change the name.
  13. yes, in particular my OKI DOKI drops always are being terrible. OKI love purple and not much time in a clan so.... Now I need to save gold for divine status. Cost 1mill so it is a lot of gold when in the middle of making parts.
  14. I got the offer for the relics. The majority of my time playing was as solo player and the need of relics well it is in a need. I do not need the overload. I have plenty. The offer is good too if a low rank player can use those relics and enhance a VEST torso just for say. The gold can add a bit and few transformation relics in the side can help myth plus enhance the account arena power. Having the overload for those rankers can help a lot to reduce a bit the weight and do a change in their mech.
  15. Hi Big. Sorry, I just saw this reply since I was not reading today been busy at work. Sadly, I can't join now because I already joined the acc to RF and I saw their reply ahead. No matter, I thank you for the offer and your clan it is always been good to my person. I do not say no but just RF was ahead when I was reading, and I just saw this. Hi ACE, my clan recovered after some players losses toward top gunner clans, and I was joining back my O.D FARM to CANDELA but I hold to be sure we can get some people back and to complete the clan because my wins are being too low, and I wanted players that can do more than me for the clan to ensure the clan can stay in the format. My account was out for a month something like that due to the changes and when the clan stabilized, I requested again to join clan with some basics in need for my account development. I was looking into your clan as well to be with an old friend plus our common friend and our other friend now at your clan told me is there yesterday. Sadly, I saw the reply just now. I had no idea you commented. Thanks for the offer. I do appreciate. I joined RF ahead being the first reply I saw.
  16. Yes it is true it is weird. As you know I like to play solo to start with to avoid clans drama and be focus on my own thing when I can. Now, in order I can progress a bit the account I need gold relics at this point. To get those gold relics I need rank and war and as you know I do not have much time to do pvp and I am not a focus player except back then on last summer to test my self if I was able to compete with the best players of this game and I was able to find out that I was capable to compete and get all season top rank full stars and high HP when was playing serious during that time. Now I am back to lower rank and since summer time I haven't play for top rank except some by default top rank happens not in the search of it. It is very rare I play a pvp seriously just a fight for the fun against the player that abuse me too often. Too many people asking for wins at all ranks and me giving wins sometimes it gets boring so I play at different ranks all the time. Now my clan it is back on full strength and I did not joined the O.D. FARM to get a player that can add wins because I do not have the time but searching for a clan that can accept my 5 wins, titan, ticket, war for "S" if possible. Sadly I can't play more than that except to complete the 5 wins or to get a the R3 rank only for the box and play at lower rank on test etc limited but I keep farming and developing the account. So a temporary clan is fine for now because I use the account to help CANDELA if we lose players. If a clan with basic mentioned is around I will join till my clan need my account.
  17. me either. I really do not have time to play pvp. Now, with my phone when I have time I click to farm during the day 2-3 times auto keeping regen working.
  18. 1- It is decent for R5-R4 solo and might get R3 by end of season all depending of heat mechs in particular due to resist is low. If those are your modules availability so is fine till get some extra. 2- It is decent o play for R7-R6. The issue is sacrifice does eat HP ad using the wrong turn for it you will run out of life been low on HP. If you use those 2 at 2v2 can achieve R5 maybe more but will be an R5. 3-The last is looking good sadly it is too low on HP and sure will cross to R5 due to power but at R5 tuff guys will show up. Sure will get R4 depending luck and smart play. If that is all you have to make combinations due to modules limitations are fine to use as they are. 1- That it is a bit crazy. No way in the current format. Why? Low HP for weapons in use. Drone eat HP, Blaster eat insane HP and sacrifice eat HP. If you do 3 shots even getting an attack you killed yourself already. 2- No 2 hammers. That does not work.
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