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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. nice fights and background music. Those weapons are ready for big stage.
  2. I do not know because I drain fuel all the time. Now, maybe due to an offer or so possible to 600 max to be drained right on the spot. I think in the past there were many with high amount of fuel on reserve to be use on portals back on the portal's days stacking 800-? cool, a real grinder. We are a very small family.
  3. Hi RV provided you a good information to follow.
  4. Not a flex, can someone update today offer to the exclusive offer thread? Thx. Keep record updated.
  5. No sure entirely. I think that it is the Pavke clan where Pavke have his main and alt. Also, if not wrong, Yi was in TF before disbanding. Solid player and if not wrong it was with us for a month or so. Maybe Warrmachine can give more info. I barely play so I lose track
  6. back in May and Jun there were few offers but is rare to see that sale. maybe 1 time a year
  7. hmm, too many sprite cranberry. I am going LOCO. Who is my bud? rc still play his account as always. he just do not connect to the forum like was every day.
  8. drums, guitar, tambora, piano, bongos and congas My father was musician apart of been Engineer and military guy. I learned some of them back when my dad was assigned to the island. My siblings also played basically the same. No, I do not play now.
  9. yes, he is like an emperor been king of kings. You just are the Monke boss. At least you have a crown. I only follow orders. Yes sir, Oki Doki. Will get done.
  10. King vs Atusiff. Since both are back, is time to pvp each other We need a video.
  11. Oh, Monke is with Ace. Ace clan is brotherhood. Ace is our long pal and one of the members who accepted me in CANDELA when I was a rookie. Well, I still a rookie. Like he said, tickets are important in our clans. @Monke King This is me in my alt. I even go higher than that if others do not collect on time. This is me in OKI. Due to the clan collect fast and has been part of our mojo. Now, due to the tickets collection start in an hour too late at night for me is harder to collect a lot more but normally I used to collect around 300 or more but we collect fast and attack fast. No reason why to waste free goodie in the game. Those coins come handy for premium boxes. I had played titan since starting the game. I already used 14k. Help Ace to collect and get rich. Ace was a player in CANDELA of high wins 300-600 per season. The clan members average gas been that high to get 5k wins rewards on 1v1 till recently. I was in my basics 206 wins per account or more having both accounts there thing I can't do now but when I can for 100 plus, I go for it on any season even more of what it is require when I am in reality a 35-season guy if miracle comes. I push really myself when should not been too tired and fall to sleep sometimes playing late at home to help them.
  12. Write to Pink555 here in the forum. He is the current leader. He will decide. I can't decide since he is in the search, and I do not know who applied already or talked to him. @Pink555
  13. Dear players How are you? I am writing to you, forum members and to those who read in the sideline. As many of you know, the game has changed a lot in the resent year about player's attitude toward the game in some ways impacting everyone. For us in CANDELA INC., we are a clan that like to have wins, fight the titan, collect tickets and do war. This clan heartbeat is based on those areas. We like to be at top position, but we do not compete for medals since it is not important for us. We have been a clan playing on 2v2 and 3v3 for 2000 wins and 5000 on 1v1 for very long time. We no missed titan except when we had leader transition due to some wrong transfer in last minute but as clan, we have been focusing on those areas that identify the clan character. Sadly, the game environment to get players who would like to to do PVP wins now is very rare having some basic power base. We normally search for people with R4 all seasons is possible and higher but also look for players even a bit less in cases can achieve those basics with some rules. Because the environment is not as used to be, the game changed a lot and of course recently our clan suffered too not been able to achieve those basics as we used to do till 2 months ago. I am looking for players that still have a bit of that flame for wins, war, tickets and titan fights. I really will appreciate if you would like to join us. We are looking to get back to some basic. We need those tickets even we still get them, but participation went really lower, war missing join and not fighting titan only to be honest to you. I am looking for those that will love to be with us in a permanent way. I will like for now to have people that can go for 84 wins per season to make 2k and of course some do a bit more but the basic 2k in all seasons will be appreciate. I will like if you are strong enough to do war with 3 mechs. Also, to fight titan and tickets collection. We fight Titan 7 stars in all seasons and require full participation and normally will kill titan by second day. The ticket collection is fast normally but slowed recently and some of us we have to collect more than before. We need to collect tickets as fast possible so the participants can kill faster and address if we are too behind to kill. So, tickets, titan, war and wins are in need for the clan new member. Even my life it is complicated, I always do my tickets, titan, war and wins with few exceptions due to working 24hrs but I try to compensate those wins as best I can to get those numbers. It those feels well having everyone participation. That give energy to players like kitty, diablooder, boma F.W. and others to push high numbers and help on those moments with difficulties been on vacations, sick and else. Those guys are guys of 200-1000 wins if clan is motivated but there is no point to work hard when the rest are not doing the basic. I really will love to have permanent members doing the basics without having to ask or to reminds every little thing. I am looking for no troublemaker and honest players compromise for the clan basic. Please PM our leader Pink here in the forum or discord. Sorry, I forgot the clan discord but he can provide the info. He is a cool young guy who has been a hard worker for the clan and for their members. He started with us as low ranker and now is the leader in the freeway ranking 1. Please, if you have friends interested or you are interested, talk to him or any clan member. I will appreciate your kind. Thank you Wally-OKI DOKI
  14. False Next like to fly like a bird
  15. True Next help his/her dad cleaning the house
  16. actually, it is the first time I see the claw walking. Players talked about it but never seen until now. Cool to see that.
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