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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Welcome back to the game. As the boss Asther mentioned, sometimes is better to save up 2k-4k for better offers. Some offers 1.5k are ok too. Normally those comes with a particular item in need plus packs, gold, silver coins, clan coins, power kits maxed between others. There are offers that comes with tokens and items for better price than normal. Some examples of premium packs below, does not translate to every account. It is luck base to get items. Some players get fast items and move up fast getting a good deal on weapons etc and some others totally bad luck one time after another reason why some buy only if they have a particular item in need or for those not having parts, the recent offer of 24 packs is an option to risk for rewards. Below some examples of one set, I opened this year. I normally save them and very very rare I use one. In the example below, there are around 5-6 items will consider decent for the sale that you will maybe use or not but ok. Some other legends are meat to transform too mythical your legend on level 40. This is a more average than good result.
  2. well, for everyone who does wants to spend to get gold. I mention silver box account because you can buy a group of boxes for 32k gold and level up weapons. It is like crafting in the BASE but just at your finger click anytime having gold around. Or you will have to farm a hell to get gold and parts.
  3. it does happen by summer ends every year. Gold or other stuff. The offer is decent for those that have tokens and are lazy farming or better say not having enough time or ways to do so. Good offer for CLEVERNAME having the cash to load and max with silver box account.


    It is TACO TIME. I will prepare some nice meat well condiment. Ground beef is ready for it. Beers are in the freezer getting cold as ice and I left early work. Nice salad is ready for the mix and I am hungry for sure. I need to do some wins, but my tacos have been called by my belly.
  5. 6 slots and 6 fights on the road for a win. 6v6
  6. My wife. I won't mind being honest. Will be cool. Local pizzeria or chain pizza? Local beer/can beer/international. Here in Oregon we have summer beer festivals plus waiting for Oktober fest next month. Want to go with me? I will be there at Mt. Angel town drinking some beer and to have fun with the German band, Funny guys. They come from Germany time to time and are fun to watch and sing and drink. Family environment. Check it out. Home - Mt Angel Oktoberfest https://oktoberfest.org/
  7. Bug? as far I can understand, you transformed a Frantic Brute already at L40 using 5 legendary items. That is the basic transformation from L40 legend item to Myth status. If you did that, your other 5 items are gone. That cannot be resolve. It is game base. In order that happens, you added those parts to the selection and clicked saying ok. The game does not add the items. Maybe I wrong about what I understood. If happens like that, then nothing can be done.
  8. 1- Yes, I think it is good even for new players against old ones is tuff but ok. 2-No, that will limit the possibility by luck that a player can progress. 3- Hmm, not sure. That is the reason we have base now. Sure, we need more portals. 4- The game it is a good game as it is generally speaking. The issue is that some people already went up in everything and need some extra things to feel that there is something else to do. Since this game is about progress, they do not feel that not having some extra changes. We need to add something else to the base for the use of silver coins or exchanges. They can pump the game buffing the entire legacy parts to interact with current versions with the same names and attributes even if weapons are close or equal in power but balanced in the game with old functionality. The maybe will bring old accounts back to full power not in use and some legacy players with those accounts can come back and we can interact with more weapons mix and we can get those weapons on portals like new item but old buffed. Recovery drone, small repulser etc. "I do not know their names" Just imaging the game with current weapons and mixing with legacy style will add more fun for legacy lovers and current reloaded players like me to fight other styles already knows by old players. There are a lot of options to growth this game and it is a solid game. Grahics are cool, design is cool, sound is cool, attacks are cool. Management should do something attractive. Game does have possibilities.
  9. First of all, you are making few mistakes. The basic one is that you are building power not in a balanced way. You are limiting your progress for fast shot and that does not work in that way. You need to hold back maxing weapons and instead you need to focus in to max modules as priority. You have a great torso "VEST" and that is the one to max at some point. Hold back on Battery even is close to be finish but you can save some gold for now. That torso requires proper modules because does not regenerate or cool fast and because of that you will get drained and overheated plus you barely have enough modules for 1 mech. Focus in your primary mech set up. You need to control gold usage. It requires good pvp and farming to advance properly. You will have problem for now. Stay as you are for now. Build some gold reserve. Do not desperate. Then keep good gold reserve and do not lower from that point. Increase more gold and keep that reserve for goodies that might come handy. If you are developing the BASE, do not increase the factories beyond Level 2 and level up one level at the time per gold mines. Base head can level up slowly to get 3 mine golds because the 4th is more expensive to go there knowing you lack gold right now. Like I said, forget about the weapons for now or torsos. Keep what do you have to deviate to improve your modules. Max all what you have in modules . Hold back a bit in that energy modules because won't pass epic version. Max the heat modules. Ok to max the protector even is an epic version till get a premium, but it is ok to do it for now. Max the energy modules. Max the energy/heat module, max the heat module and heat cooling at least to start few of them. Max the plating even is epic version but will help for now but focus first on heat and energy modules. The charge modules hold back for now. Hold back on the hook too. Sure, in the future will be ok but just till get modules correction. As mentioned, stop the messy weapons maxing all over. It will take you too nowhere for now. When you have does modules on legend L40, you can then move to work on weapons only for your first primary mech not the second. Level up by stages calculating gold to be use according to farming. You can build different mechs with what do you have. Seems like you like claw mech. It is classic option to use when get the leg but hard to use but can give you some HP for now not having enough HP and in the other side, you can switch for a leg that will be in need on top as the game it is for now. It is your options and desire of what do you want as mech but the basic need to get done. You can have modifications and the community will give you a better advise. Sorry, not a lot of time. I left some weight for changes but can be a basic start with what do you have right now but not the best basic. In this example, you have 242 on regeneration which for this mech is low in particular for that level but can help against heat and phys. The heat/energy module, does not regenerate or cool down making it a simple module to increase cap. The issue is that you need to counterbalance with modules that do that function as cooling and regen boosters. The resistance module in epic will be ok but I have premium in the example so it will be lower but can add a bit extra resistance so use it. Let see the others Use teleporter common version. Using a better option will cost energy that you won't have so with that one, you can have same function and will cost only 3 energies. The charger in the future need to be max out but not for now. Just use the basic function as it is. The hook ok as it is so do not max for now. The drone as you have, sadly won't be the best right now due to limited HP and that drone will cost HP per shot. So, in the end, focus on maxing modules. The rest the community will change for better options according to current inventory. They have good ideas. Good luck. Ah, recommendation is to play every single day to collect silver coins with 5 daily wins as minimum. During development, it is crucial in particular at lower rank because the coins grants are lower. You need to enhance arena shop account enhancement. Ask to the community for the proper option. Since I was different in priorities, I was focus in regen fuel as my primary target to farm more but others will choose by logic resistance and caps etc and having low resistance and energy/heat cap it is normal to balance them one at the time then go with the next at same rate not maxing one all the way but all one step at the time for balance.
  10. it is about personal decision according needs. The offer using the regular price stablished, it is an ok offer. Now, the offer it is a gamble. If you struggle right now to have an epic need or suddenly a legend lucky grant hope, you can go for it. You have to understand your rate of tokens accumulation as you play. If takes very long for you to accumulate another 1k for the 2k offer, then risk if you want. I think normally a 2k is better option. For undeveloped account might be good for those starting accounts, for developed account like mine right now having parts in the storage to develop it is not that important unless is a pay to win every offer as some do.
  11. try to open acc in a different device.
  12. This is not the right thread to talk. this is Flex. you can go to my OKI DOKI thread but as last answer in this thread, in order you can farm, you need to keep regen working. What I do mean, if you have maximum of 80 on fuel, that is the max to farm in one shot. Now, what about if you farm every 4hrs just for saying, the regen will keep working not getting capped. If you let cap to 80 it will stop to regenerate. If you reduce that then you have more fuel during the day. In my case I am a consistent farmer because I can't pvp much but with my phone I can farm in a steady way. My account reaches 95 in fuel, that is the max in the game so far, so I farm before going to bed in full, by the time I am up, it is barely stating to reach the limit, so I start to farm right at the moment I woke up. When I walk to the office, I farm from parking to office and takes 10 min or so. I have to talk to the bosses etc on meetings, but I can keep in the side the phone and click for a farm around. When I work clicking is not an issue to farm, so I work 14hrs or more a day so that gives 3 full loads of farming of 95. So, I can farm 5 full fuel or maybe 6 till recently so regen keeps moving and me enhancing account with some farming and 5 pvp getting some 500-600k on gold daily or with other events even more like 100% fuel and I can farm in full every 2hrs, gold at 100% or 50% etc. you need to find the right way to advance in your own personal conditions. There is no trick, it is about to konow what to do with what has been given. In my thread there is an explanation of what I do daily about farming. Some lower ranks players, followed and pushed to top ranks doing the similar thing. They were low and bang, in matter of months bang. Also, farming is important to max your account level, if you farm as fast, you can get parts, storage space and some gold. No rocket science to see that reason I maxed to L250 in 8 months my O.D FARM and leaning process in OKI with 9motnhs and weeks. You can see that in my progress thread Also, farming provided your future parts to level up. As much you farm, more parts available to level up. Now, a top pvp player can win 25 a day and will earn as much like me with one shot at farming. Been a top you can get 20l on gold for win fight and if is one player that pvp a lot, can get millions in a week and max parts really fast.
  13. Hmm, I will say like 8 months. I have computers, phones, note pads everywhere. I used to farm all of them at the same time back at home and at work with the phone one at the time just farming not playing them at work except OKI 5 wins and stuff. The rest back at home doing titian, collecting tickets, raid, 5 pvp plus of course enhancing and that takes a lot of time. O.D FARM is the youngest and I started that one on 2/20 post base game insertion. When I gave the other accounts, I was focus in to keep OKI in lower rank waiting to increase power on O.D FARM to rank both at the same time at higher level even had already power for it.
  14. nice account. That is an R5 if max parts. About parts, it is just luck. Some accounts are luckier than others. I had one account and is free as powerful as O.D FARM belong to my daughter. All free and she ranks R1 when have her mood for it, but she plays other games. I created 8 R5+ accounts and gave away to family 6 of them. I kept OKI my first built in the beginning with my niece who used to live with me. She does have a powerful account too I gave to her but play randomly and her farming is equal to mine or better and her account is nice account with parts I do not have all free. She is also an R1 when please. She learned to play and build together with me, so she is a good player by mood.
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