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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. yes, I look at it but not all. I have limited time in real life. I normally try to check all your tubers in the game if possible.
  2. check with @SawzAll and click his link in his profile and will prompt to good info and ideas. He does a lot of tests with top players helps. good stuff
  3. Welcome to SM. The torso is one of the best torsos and is normally the best currently in use with top players. The legs as well. The torso it is a premium part, and the legs are epic parts but the best around to play. The side arm "Recoil", it is an epic part but use on general at all ranks like the torso and legs. The side weapons for heat, those are epic parts and general for everyone but are limited in current power level to play at top. Those are more based to be use till reach R6 generally speaking but not limited for it. It is ok for your current health point. Your energy cap is 461 a bit low and your energy regeneration is too low. Energy mechs with drain your energy fast and won't recover because your mech side weapons depend on energy to work. Your heat cap and cooling are standard and are ok as it is. The shields are low "resistance", but it is normal for your mech rank having limited HP in 2099. The top weapon, it is a premium weapon, and it is use at all ranks. In general, torso, recoil, top weapon and legs are great parts to advance. Heat weapons for now will work at your rank limited with HP and energy regeneration or resistance. For a beginner or a person already advancing it is a decent mech and can play on rank 10 and depending at rank 9 if player and match making help a bit, can go higher to rank 8. You need to progress in arena shop to enhance account for extra mech endurance and the minimum to play to advance in that area is playing 5 fights person to person to collect the coin in need to enhance account. You can show your account arsenal and some forum members might help you out to be clearer according to what do you have and if can be improved. Have fun.
  4. cool. new music style. few decent items drop. nice account.
  5. yes, you can post your inventory and forum members might help when they can
  6. at least 10 inventory space is something good in particular during early development. That helped me a lot. CONGRATS.
  7. Hmm, it is hard to prevent abuse. There are some factors in the game to consider. 1- When low number of players the match maker will match you up with what is available even jumping too many ranks. I have been in rank 9 against rank 1. 2- The game by default it is set that can match you up with 2 ranks ups or down in normal days as should not beyond that. As many players can be, the closer same ranker pvp will be. That means if we have many an R3 will normally fight an R3 but with less can be R5 or R1 as normal limit. When is too low then the system skews a lot to find a player. In the past was an R1 vs an R1 just to say but was relaxed a bit because they had to wait for someone to log in and had no many matches and to get 5 wins was hard. 3- In every rank in particular those at end of season that crossed to get a box as I mention, the new season will drop 2 ranks according to stars gained in that higher rank. For example, if the player reached RANK 12 full stars, it might remain in R13 but in contrast when have gained just 1 star will drop to R14. Sure, that happens to everyone but at some point, there is a mix due to modules etc having hard time to advance. 4- To prevent will require a lock to rank by end of season to stay in that rank let say an R1. If an R1 remain an R1, it will have guaranty an R1 box and that should not happen instead needs to fight to go up an earn that box. If we implement a rank lock, it will affect everyone because that does not mean that everyone can be sustainable in the particular rank but won by luck but does not mean will win again to reach that rank. 5- To prevent some abuse, it can be identified players according to inventories and ranked power to lock them to no drop. Now, the game changed a bit in the past and some top players R1 just to say, came back to play and now are just mare R4-R3 till get stronger again with parts not obtained for a period of time and game evolved since then. Locking a player on some ranks that can be harsh too abusive. 6- Some players also are testers like me. I test in different conditions from low to high rank exchanging modules and weapons power level to the respective power level of the particular rank and to check match maker what will do. That means, the player can choose to play as wish to play having opportunity to experiment according to the real time they can dedicate to the game and develop step by step a mech playing with from epic L1. 7- Some players are playing on R6 because can't win on R5. Sure, can cross but when they go there, the battle for supremacy knocks them down to stay forever on R5. They are strong but too week to compete higher. The ripple effect is that they are strong but barely can win thing that happens to me losing 25 on the road in the past been R5 but unable to win there. So, the R5 weak mech but too powerful for mid rankers, it is matched with them against R7-R6 and sometimes cross to R9-R8 which it is too strong to those rankers. 8- I consider that some mechs set ups the system should lock them out for lower ranks. For example, there are players with full version of R3 plus at R7-R6 but also full R3 versions on R10. When they skew in that way, the ripple effect is to punish lower rankers so the system analyzing that condition it should prevent that happen. 9- There is a lock on R5. When the player reaches R5, the system prevents to lower rank regardless of it is too weak for it. The same can be applied to some degree to others ranks boxes. Now, sometimes are players not playing for weeks like vacations etc, as passing the weeks and not been touching the account, it will force the player rank to drop even more than 2 ranks because by logic seasons passed and it is not legal to start at higher rank because that compensate the player without work up the rank with boxes. There are many other conditions not mentioned but I think it should prevent a bit better forcing the mech exchange on modules and power weapons to play at those ranks. Let say if the player using an R5 mech ended on R8, the game will force the player to change mech power enough to be legal at that rank. Sure, some people drop their ranks with less powerful weapons and losing the spot. It is hard to analyze according to player active at that particular moment to match or not and stay in a permanent loop without a contender. Sure, I agree with you that there is some abuse and players should not abuse. I even have to increase power on my test because the matches are way of on power level against me and been pushed down sometimes 10 times on the road even 15 pvp from R7 ending on R10 but too strong to R10 and to avoid abuse I reduce or change mechs to use R10 mechs to push up in legal way then when I am a bit stronger then change to a bit stronger to get back to basic rank of the test mech step by step as normal player. This season, I started at R7 and it was crowded L50 mechs powerful enough to get R3-R2 with spartan, frantic, heat and energy mechs of all high-power levels. For example, I have to play with claw with 3k HEALTH to fight on R7. Look at this. I did not play in full way to win but the ripple effect is going down to your rank. Those mechs are belong to R5-R3 or R3 plus in some cases. My claws are belonging to R3 but energy and others push them down often. In their case, if they want wins with the power in hands, they will make more wins faster and more gold instead to be at R7. Some are trying to push up maybe reached R4 but dropped to R6 and they got a bunch of powerful mechs pushing then down to R7 forcing me to change mech because too weak to fight with test mechs belong to R7. Some stay there no moving up affecting my test when can push up. This season does not make sense to be at lower rank unless testing parts or combos with limitations. Sure, I agree with you.
  8. is loaded of snurf around. On R7-R6 there is a lot of power breakers for sure. I will say maybe a bit too much for people belong to those ranks. They can play at R5 and gain more gold and faster fights. No testers. When I play weaker the game gives too many powerful players. When I switch to more power the game gives too many lower as R10-R9 right on the switch. Crazy.
  9. I think I will have to use brutal force. Join or else.
  10. I am original Frantic user only one per account. I tested for a year before and after the adjustment. In my case, it was consistent to shot low not high. Low as 1-to 300 when others were at 600-800. About the drone, yes, it had a better drone not eating health. I decided not to use drain for the test for output power. Taking in consideration resistance plus he drained as he used, it will do more damage with the drone. Also, he had a recoil to charge if needed. The important here even I know I can win; it does show that the power at some point is high enough to derail a top player. Sure, other weapons do too from epic side. Because I do not play much at high, I do not know the game conditions with Frantic in general from R4-R1. Sure, at low ranks to R5 is loaded and hard to win even with 3K mechs. I did not use drainer. He did. With his drone the effect will be higher and faster. Frantic affect resistance. Never fail to attract forum members from the shadows to be part of the flame.
  11. yes, for top players is high HP low heat-ener with frantic-spartan- combo. Normally at 32-3400 in proper combo with another set. Yes I do not complain but SawAll it has a point as payer.
  12. Umm, I play in both side at top or low rank. At low rank it does overpower for sure but also, I win against them not at full power with 22-2300 mechs with just a maximum protector as test and some matrix only. At lower ranks like R7, it is crowded with FRANTICS, SPARTAN, recoils etc and it is hard to win with less equipment. Frantic normally discharge against me 300-500 plus and low output has been less frequent. They blast also test mechs for match making review with claws at 3k using good and regular configurations against them. They kill my mechs often. This is an example just now. I decided to use this mech with night fall without using the drain. We are evenly matched. He kicked my butt. I played as basic just to see the damage. For a top player like SawzAll it gets annoyed with reason. In my case in the past or now I do not care much about it so lower ranks can advance and go against tops etc. Now, for a payer is a thing that makes things frustrating.
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