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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi Pilots How are you and your farming? I am fine generally speaking with my normal daily pain here and pain there getting older and older as days passing by. My wife nieces are almost ready to go back to their home this week. I will have a bit of more piece but at the same time I will miss them having fun with my children doing their cousin things like I did with my own a bit but limited because moving from places according to my father military assignments. I hope all is going well to you all. About OKI DOKI update, there is not much to add this time. I have been focusing just on farming but limited and leveling up parts and time to time I do the Titan and sometimes if I noticed the misses of Raid I try to go for it but because I do not pay attention there are always misses. At least I can collect few tokens now and then. Daily wins are barely to nothing passing days and or a week without plays. I am not playing been retired just my kids, but they are busy with their cousins and other games and traveling together to see and to enjoy the STATE and the attractions. Yesterday I played few for test making some modules test changes for the kids and data collection. I saw few people around and they kicked my butt. Lucky I was having just fun. Anyway, been focus just on grinding it does help to increase gold reserves and limiting my fast level ups that I like to do has been cut having already 300 parts around. I am currently finishing to max out those 300 parts, but I made more to open some storage space to level up parts in an easier way. My current goal is to increase the gold reserve to 400 million and to finish the remaining Myth parts not at L50. Maybe later, I will get focus into Divine some parts but that require a lot of gold and I will have to increase the reserve for it. I will be holding to make parts for the rest of the year even might have to do few to control the mix boxes accumulation maybe around November. Ok, let see the inventory, shall we... My kids went crazy with their cousin and opened premium boxes that was ok by me, but they created a real mess in the account and without my permission they got some offers. My kid's cousin just wanted to do it for fun, but I was a bit upset because I told everyone not to use my TOKENS, but they did reason I have few offers around not in need. Increased gold to 369.5 million. Not that bad. Closing to 400. The base has been inactive since last year. I do not know for how long, but I am guessing for an entire year already trying to increase gold reserve. At some point, I will L20 the factories and will use all the gold in reserve. Mix boxes still decent. I was able to increase back to 800's but I decided to cut back and enhance some parts. Yes, I still play the Titan time to time maybe every other week or weekly depending on tickets requirements. If is too high, I no longer go for it. The clan coins still growing limited but growing I have now MYTH=308 including divined Legend= 168 EPICS= 87- I am surprised to see that number so low because running out of room. I am eating those no longer in need with complete set that are important like recoils. CHEERS Don't forget to farm
  2. well, we can't get all for sure unless invest $30k or so. In mean time, some EPICS will do the trick in some ways. They're very decent EPIC parts that are primary part for a META Mech. It is part of the natural development and not all accounts work in the same way. I created 10and developed 8 to top and 2 never did. I used to farm 5 at the time. Yes, 5 of them. I opened my computers, pads and phone simultaneously all different and there was one or two more people around in the game that did the same and they have many accounts advanced farming. just farming for fun. There are few people around that actually like to farm and the rest don't. Those that farm, they have better accounts than me been long time players with more gold and myth parts.
  3. players will do better with their money at some point no matter what. in the end, a sale now will do better than hope to stay around. I am 100% sure that sales dropped a lot because top ones are retiring, tried to hope for a weapon never got after investing tons of money. I am an example of player for free or buyer for fun not for win. I do not care about ranks, medals etc but I like to farm and to progress parts and get parts just because no reason at all to spend the money that I can use in my fav games or in a dinner with my friends or to get items for my kid's other games. I look at the entertainment moment but controlled. Let say as an example O.D.FARM. Ton of money invested. Apart of the old few offers from TS when I was new players post playing for free that I got some offers for my niece who played my account, but an example of no grants with the money on the table gone getting premium packs so far even maybe I have a weapon of but was those few old sales back in the 2020-Early 2021. 1- No Valiant 2- No Bonker 3- No Sorrow 4- No Damage Armor "Shield drain Phys" 5- No Swoop Those are just top in my head but there are more. Sure, the game has giving ton of modules and repeated many weapons that I still eating them. But those are just examples that not even ton of money with ton of packs can get a simple weapon. Just in the last few months I got the first Eject and the first Abomination post 3 years because my kids decided to open 300 boxes and basically, they made a mess in my account, but they got mad because they got only 3 weapons in need they wanted to get in the account. Do you think it is a joke about opening those? now and was more because they got few offers of 24 and eat them. this is a small example of them in sequence. I have some thousand files in sequence. Sad looking at this. Anyway, knowing that this is a gamble I do not blame the game because it was my choice to do so. Sure, it is not that healthy way for the game because discourage people to get items with money. My account it has been like that always, very little to nothing items in need generally speaking. Even Clevername that spent a lot said that some items were almost impossible to get opening 1k boxes on the road and he opened thousands and thousands. I do not complain, just as player and a person observing without trying to criticize the game because it is my choice to play the game, I just made a comment nothing else. Few things can be improved without a real investment in the game. In mean time, I just farm to get strong and look good regardless sometimes opening packs Then back to
  4. sound interesting your idea. there used to be few others offers like that but were mere for lower ranks or even a part not available for some in the freeway hard to get. This is one of the TS sales. For top players it was a miserable offer, but some got the benefit of one weapon around like the last word that was and still a great weapon. For low rankers was a decent way to get that one or EMP because when play for free trying to get EPIC weapons sometimes it is hard to get them, and I was one of them hard to get some including regular modules. Dual items sales were good too for tokens or for money. Weapon sales were the norm by the time I started to play the game till GATO took over and stopped selling and the remaining 6 months TS sales set up ended. Sure, modules sales were important and still important, but they should return to some weapons sales. I will love to have gold relics 100 pack for $50 or $75 bucks. The offer can be limited to 2 times a year so can help the solo players a bit to get some because out of clans due to can't be on one been limited on time etc. it should be a general sale so everyone can try to get it. does not matter that the stronger players get the stuff too, but it will help a bit alleviate those limited. The sale can be on dollars etc or tokens wise. 4K tokens can be a good incentive. Lower ranks can improve a bit and can help curve a bit the lack of players and the weaker been punished by margins with terrible matches. Other games sell the relics for weapons to the general players as packages with many of them. My kids play many games, and they asked me about it. In the end, the game owner will profit. So, it should not be a brainer. What the players who buy packs do when get a weapon around normally, if they do not have a full set and pack are not lucky on them, they end up buying and will keep trying luck for others. If the owner decided not to make corrections to the percentage of grant possibility to certain weapons and packs does not work, at some point they will stop and will send to hell the game. Time to time a good will to keep incentive and a bit happy a player can lead to profit and keep them around.
  5. long old trick, maybe the last one around. got into him very long ago
  6. thank you very much. I appreciate your kind. Nice. Any record to go for? I had 10-12k power kits before. I think some others have or had more. That it is a good farming to get the 1k. Keep going Someone in the forum few months back, put 300million gold in the base for lucky parts grants.
  7. Senoras y Senores. Ladies and Gentlemen: I am very happy to announce another OKI DOKI now retired player new record holder. OKI DOKI alternate account O.D. FARM has reached the goal set to achieve 300 MYTH PARTS in 3years joining his older brother OKI DOKI in this amazing farming journey achieving 300 MYTH PARTS, 300millions plus in GOLD in 3YEARS. Congratulations O.D. FARM I will post them in O.D. FARM thread update by the end of the month. CHEERS
  8. cool history. Nice mechs. Good luck at university education. Some old players still around. Old SM community used to be like this. So young and handsome. Now they are grown up. and still complaining about it Welcome back and start a new account just for fun. Make new friends at university and introduce them to the game. Make them grind hard.
  9. you need to show to the administrator your game ID and in game name using your own e-mail address related to the account. Show evidence of the payment. I had the issue before and was fixed after they review the information and got the items. As side note, rarely but it does happen, a purchase can be delayed for some reason sometimes like a day. It happens to me too.
  10. Good luck building the new clan. You know how to do it been here for very long time.
  11. hope they can help ayuda mean help
  12. too strong for 2v2 reason passed. time to play at major league
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