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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. In 3 months, you can progress a lot if farm enough. I would like to start another one to feel how it was back then when I started at the end of 2019. Well, will be the number 11. I not even can play one.

    Boa noite

    sup mano Welcome to the game
  3. I did not play during that time, and I have no clue what it is but sounds cool.
  4. Hmm, Devouring Paws legs are not that super bad. All have a place by weapons grants and the possibility of their combinations. For example 1- This one was my second leg maxed. I wanted because 2 knock back instead to make a Devouring back then. Over 3 years back those were acceptable legs. This is at Legend L1 2- Devouring vs Dynamite is more about weight. The HP can be compensated, and it does create more damage than Dynamite. The problem in the arena it is that the new released parts family of Lava foot types create damage to the resistance. Their weight is decent when compared to the others making practically the rest of the legs obsolete. So, to answer your question, that family makes the rest of the legs look bad including against the Premium parts. It is more about the way the configuration works according to parts available. Top players that use cash can play on different ways because can combine different structures. I have seen recently Devouring Paws playing against my son and won without issue been already an R2 player. Sure, in the long run for now as basic because the parts are not premium, the Lava feet family are better to play the game now in the way people can make configurations with the new modules. If you have maxed one, keep using the leg till you can make different later on. Do not dish what do you have if still functional till accumulate gold and new parts around.
  5. OKI  Finally I finished the torso waiting for 2,5yers at L25 I am taking my time to max parts saving gold. It will take me around 3-4 months to finish to max in OKI and for O.D.FARM the rest of the year. It is all depend on when I can reach 400million then I can max parts faster as normally I like. O.D.FARM
  6. keep all of them. Even Face Shocker it is weak in the arena now, it can help a bit starting the game. Just careful not eating all progressing your account. Save something that you can't replenish fast on regular grinding. If you will use many premium boxes, sure, go ahead, you will get some back soon but regular farming not necessarily. Some weapons are granted often in some accounts and some others not regardless the power level or premium packs opened. For example, I have this but I do not have even one Valiant the energy version in this account. The same for other weapons etc.
  7. How do I get more points on a raid? It is hard to say but it is related to the current inventory you do possess. A mech for Raid not necessarily will be a mech for arena combat. For Raid people prepare mechs or particular parts for it when get them. In the beginning, normally the people use the first mech to try to win the raid. That takes time. Even they show you their ways, right now you will have to figure out that testing different combos. OK, because you are new according to what I can see, it will a bit difficult not to progress. Now, I am surprised about your relics. T=Trash, S.G= Some way ok G= Good Let check this. All parts do have a starting point on powerbase as COMMON, RARE, EPIC, LEGEND, MYTH then Divine with relic. Not all parts start at the same power level and reach the same status. As example below, all those circulars' colors are defined from left to right starting as common ending in divine. In the example, you can see the purple color been filled. That means the part it is currently at EPIC status. Understanding this basic, that will help to select weapons for now or for later use. In a basic way, the transform Range below, is belong to a part that can start on common grant and if you work the part leveling up all stages on transformation, it will reach divine status. To select a part and to progress in the game, you need to pick the parts that can go to Divine status. The rest of the parts we consider then like meat to be eaten to level up parts or to help transform parts according to the status quo of the part like this one on EPIC. To transform a part, it will require other parts of the current status available not in need and eat them to help move your part with interest to the next power stage and in this case becoming A Legend. The Range levels are COMMON L1-L10 When reach L10, then can be transform to RARE with others common parts not in need the same for the rest of them. RARE L1-L20 It won't start as common L1 but the L1 of a rare part. You need RARE parts to transform at L20 EPIC L1-L30 As you can see, to max those levels it does get harder needing more gold and parts not in need to do so. Legend L1-L40 You will need Legend parts to transform at L40 MYTH L1-50. The game does not provide a part on MYTH status. Those are rare parts on sales. DIVINE To divine a part you will need the part generally speaking on L50 and to have the RELICS related to that part transformation. Not all parts will use the same relics because are related to the power level and how are grants. Examples of parts. This part below it is a part that the game can grant you as COMMON L1or even as RARE L1 but won't be a part to be use for real combat. Sure, the RARE combat maybe at Rank 25-24 then eat. 1- This part can reach the EPIC status then die generally speaking. It is a leg that can be use regardless EPIC for some configurations that few Tops use but attack wise it is just trashed to be eaten. Also, can be a choice to be EPIC L1 and the use it to transform EPICS to those can move to Legend. This one will not reach Legend status as you can see. 2- This one start as RARE and reach EPIC and no more. 3- This one start on EPC and can move to DIVINE 4- This is what the people call PREMIUM part because start in Legend no lower than that. 5- This is a MYTH part transformed and enhanced to L50 Myth but it is granted normally at Legend L1. 6- This is a Legend part transformed till reached Divine status maximum in the game status. No more enhancement can be done to the part. 7- Transformation. To transform a part, the part needs to be at it full level of current status and to have relics like you have few of them Few examples to divine Select the part and then the arrow Then it will pop ASCEND and will have to click there. You will need to have some gold for it because depending on the part status it will be the cost to be charge and of course you need to have the relics saved. Then hit on TRANSFORM and will charge 500,000 gold and will eat 4 EPIC relics available then will be come a DIVINED part. Ok, knowing this now, you need to think properly about part to develop reason why you need to be careful because you will invest your gold in something that will be a waste in the long run but maybe functional now. To avoid this, you need to look for those that can reach divine even are in the low common status. Some of the basic recommendations if your start in the game it is pure trash like was for me, let's get few parts around and talk about yours. 1- Your torso it is just trash. Looks cool but it is just meat. You will not progress using that. If you do not have good torsos, you can use other torsos granted with just farm right on the spot. Some examples to use Granted in COMMON or RARE. I transformed this one to EPIC test. I will recommend this one been a part that can reach DIVINE and it is in use on TOP tier players R3-R1. You can get that as free almost in every grind you do or even PVP. The same version for Physical and Energy can be use but I recommend just this one and can make 3 of them. and will work for energy, phys and heat mechs. This is called NIGHTMARE. This one is the energy version and then the phys version given as common but can go up to divine. Weapons at your level can be easy to be obtain with farming or pvp Both are easy to get and are in use at all ranks. No need to pay. Also, the inverse parts of those also are in use at all ranks. Those are the basic to progress in the game and won't be a waste of time, or gold in the long run. Legs are not the best now but easy to get and to progress with those torso and weapons and the phys version of the 3 in the bottom. Modules as come and go. that it is another history. I hope this can help you why some said you maxed parts wrongly but not have to be 100% true not having idea what to do like me when I started. It is basic things we learn step by step.

    Second mech

    Well, normally the top players do not use Hardened Vest because harder to set up and less HP and phys resist vs the others Vest. Sure, it is premium torso, but people will use better Windigo instead to use that one. The pictures above are in the Legend status L1. Same issue happens with the monkey version Hollow Sure, you can use it but if have too.
  9. WOW, you have a great account. You need to max few items around. Yes, few missing modules but can work out some old fashion modules wise for good mechs. To make 3V3 it is dependent of your rank desire to not lose hopes or else. You have power enough for the 3 seasons. you have decent mech set ups. With that set and depending on match maker and time to play focus you can reach R3+. Can't help right now. too busy .
  10. I know well about it. That was the reason for my fun test instead to get different. There is no reason to change torso in the sense of personal choices. In my case, everyone used to tell me to change my mix mechs when I was having my own fun and preferences knowing I will get stuck, and my niece loved to play like that the account. Well, I do not have a max out mech like yours, but this is what I can do to simulate. Not sure if you use those modules. Changing the plating for premium mix ene/heat changing the single energy and heat module for a mix. The no premium part it is a little less but not that far so will have close energy and heat cap. The weight will be a tiny different. Might be close to 1000 or 1000. Basic change to premium parts using same leg etc. J ust module changes giving ideas. Not good set up just ideas of what will happen using same weapons. there are few more combos, but I hope this help a bit on ideas to use.
  11. Oh, Charity to keep the game functioning? Nothing right now. Sure, I gave a good chunk on that. This is USA every day to get groceries.
  12. maybe someone can help. Might need what program base do you use, pc, VPN, antivirus set up, memory etc
  13. I am confused again. Are the Socol real players or just some meat? or are glamorous girl?
  14. 1- you can get it when reach level 200 in your account or 250. I forgot. a- Fortune boxes b- Premium box monthly grant c-- Buy packs. d- Titan coins getting a pack. 2- Well, it is not wrong to enhance energy and heat attributes. Your biggest problem it is the torso. The torso was my second torso that I developed for my first 2 mechs. It was brand new release back then and I wanted to test the torso. Now, I knew that will be a bad idea due to lack of modules to support the torso. I did it because the energy and heat caps. Why it is bad for you even for me back then? lack of cooling and energy regeneration are virtually nothing. To use the torso, you need to have good modules. Regardless of you max your current modules, it will not help that much. It is even harder because your mech use a lot of energy with flaminator and the mech it is a heat mech that will overheat you all the time. well, it can be your choice to go for it. sure, just it is hard with that mech to enhance cooling and regen.
  15. OKI DOKI


    wow, that it is bad
  16. annihilation can be use. Now, all depend on your inventory and if you are rushing to fast eating whatever comes. You need to be careful to not eat parts that can be useful at some ranks. Annihilation it is a free energy part that might be good in some ways, but you can sacrifice that one if have to. I do not recommend eating parts useful in some ways and hard to get. It is good to preserve some. You can make parts like This one goes to legend status and easy to get in common and rare and sometimes in epic. You can eat because no useful on ranks. This one can be set to epic then eat. This one goes to legend but then it is just meat You can use this one at any rank and divine. Easy to get in rare and common and can be enhanced for meat on epic or converted to legend meat. to epic and meat to epic and meat There are many others that can be used to progress making legends instead to eat functional parts just to progress in a no sustainable way and losing parts that might need. Hot flash can be use because can get easy back farming. Hot flash also it is for energy mech that you are making. I always preserve what I can't come up fast. The leg you want to transform it is a good leg. just be careful using parts. Me making parts. Some epics at disposition to make hammer for meat because I had on reserve other hammer not in need. Making enough parts to make legends for meat. I level up parts to L30 that can pass to Legend not in need and wait for more epics or make them from rare parts and can progress easy because making L20 and L30 parts it is easy farming. It is hard to do L1-L50 Myth part. Do not rush shooting yourself.
  17. Hi, first you need to show your full inventory. It will help also your rank. People can't help in the way you are asking.
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