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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Well, it is just taking some time and discipling. Anyone in the game can do it. Sadly, not many people will farm like this. Now, I know some guys with a lot more. Sure, they play longer than me but also my progress has been maxing parts simultaneously making everything harder. In that case, for sure just a few might have 300 Myth and 300 million. Sure, some have more myth parts and some more gold. Very rare to know players with 2 accounts at this level as same owner built and no cheating. Sure, there are some top players that are farmers. You can see my progress here on my threads since May 2020. I was playing for 7 months by the time I joined the old forum then was closed months later but I added some captures from the old and you were there.
  2. Aveces es dificil. Tanpoco me salia. Despues salieron muchos.
  3. Oh, Kendall is around. It has been a long time. Ace, I am not longer playing PVP for long and my kids rarely play my accounts. This is how my accounts look. I will join your clan or CANDELA or Kendall with OKI and O.D. FARM with R.F. but my kids play on and off skipping weeks or play 2-3 days a week for a few wins of fun nothing else. They are not even playing their own R1 accounts. I wish I can help you guys. I just connect to the forum and just farm some when I can.
  4. no real updates in the recent year. still good to play
  5. No real updates in the last year.
  6. wow, congrats guys. all participants did a great work art. Thx for the cool ideas and looks.
  7. I love that Riot picture
  8. second. go to the arena and start to kill the losers kill OKI and O.D. Farm when see them. They are my kids goofing around when connect.
  9. awesome progress. Well, farming in real life it is not that easy work and of course we have to work to eat. Some others have nothing. Nice, from level 92 to 148. That it is a good progress. Around that level you get something. I forgot. The level progression will slow down in particular from the 17O to 200. In the 190 it will be tuff to get out of there. It will require real farming and even farming 5 times a day in full, you will feel that there is not progress. Those levels will test your nerves. Reaching 200 and the goodie, the level progress will easy again not as the beginning, but I will say to your current 140 progress and slowly will get tougher again. I will say that levels from 200-220 will be decent progress but after that grinding have to be consistent. You should get some more free space soon or maybe you got something already some of 5 or 10 extra slots for the storage space. These are my accounts right now farming. My kids rarely play pvp so I do not count on gold from pvp. Using only the daily collecting the 20 parts and using 15 to level up till I get more parts accumulated then I use like 200-500 parts and save some 200-400 for emergencies. Because I am developing too many at the same time, the maxing part for individual part it is very slow not having enough mixed parts farmed. I am doing this on purpose so I can accumulate gold beyond expenses on mix parts and gold for those level up not using the base. Sure, I can do this because I have many parts developed and I do not need to advance any to do pvp but also, during my original development I had to pause often the level up to get gold and mix parts for it and avoid being bankrupt. This is my OKI DOKI. It will take maybe another 1.5-2 months to max those parts. Been at MYTH L40, the level up it is very slow because require more mix parts and gold to advance them. In about 2 weeks, I can be close to 350 million but not sure because I am not farming as before and not doing pvp at all missing tokens and gold. This is now my O.D. Farm It will take at least a month to reach 350 million but maybe 5 weeks. Keep farming, I want to see your progress like my other friends' players that did it and now are R1 tuff guys.
  10. Yes, grind. Sales is for people that wants to advance faster been lazy and project power to crush the others. For players that wants normal progress, farm it is the way. Buying items without a goal or real purpose of the purchase, it is just a waste. In my case, I had purchased in the past just because family wanted the item long ago then I got sales just for the fun knowing it is a casino way and knowing I won't get what I need unless a real sale of the items I would like to get. I was top rank already before buying anything just farming as fast possible. Buying online parts, it is not meaning you are buying the game as used to be, it is just renting the game and they can erase it anytime they want ruling their rules changing what they please. People that want to buy can do so. The rest, $50 dollars it is a lot and can buy not expensive food like rice, pork, chicken, beans and some others in real need with current world trade prices that are way ridiculous expensive. Back in June 15, we got the same sale, then in June 19 you got the 4k tokens sale. So, if you want the 4k after this sale, better to have another 800 tokens ready in four days.
  11. You have a decent account in the sense of having some myth on torsos and legs. Just lack of some shields and weapons. It is not the best set up, but it is according to what it is there and preference to play. You have a decent set up already. Some limitation to regenerate. Still some spare on weight for changes This is not best just using your own module set up and giving you an idea when all is maxed. This set up can be a trap for corners. If they pull you them been in a corner, you will not recoil to scape unless you use teleportation. Using Eagle can help on damage more than the nightfall, but it is a double edge sword because double recoil attack. Using Vest can help a bit now due to lack of resistance unless you want to jump on the Monkey torso but will cripple your modules set up due to weight. Also, you have heat recoil and heat sacrifice that can be used for changes and test. Not the best for sure.
  12. That is for sure. OKI is not a super star or that cooler just a bit hot guy. Not sure about my best hot pose. Which one you like better?
  13. funny effects. Those energy mechs gave you a run for the money Ha ha. Cool. You know, my original account I played, I never register and remained active for a week till an update in the software killed, my mech torso was that one. That was my first original guess no register account before OKI. I just remember that. I totally forgot about that guess first play time. When I was unable to open it, I created OKI and register.
  14. Buff FRANTIC Weight=25 Resist drain=80 Uses= 3 Heat Cost=0 Pys Dmg= 700-1000 Range= 1-8 Energy Cost= Free Energy Part Transform Range= L-D
  15. I do watch Anime and cartoons from baby time. No, it is not a joke. Back then used to be TV in the late 1960's till now. I love them and will die watching them because relax me. When internet show up, then I was able to get back to those days anime and cartoons and keep watching the new seasons about almost everything all kind of anime. I am really bad in names, but pictures and names added will trigger my head. All of those mentioned, I have seen them. There are few I do not like as detective conan or card anime except the original yu-gi-oh or pokemon style anime. It became boring for the new releases. Sure, I keep watching everything new that looks ok in first episode and evaluate by the second. currently watching some below of course more than that. When I have time, I watch them with the kids and break rest from work and resting post doing work at home etc if possible. I also repeat old ones when have to wait for the release of new one's new episode. I do not play other games except this one farming and lack of time to play games to focus on battles etc because can't do it at work and come late to home and to play games I fall to sleep and taking care of family and spend more time on movies and anime with them or be there for their other games to watch them play. I play video games since early 1970's but Anime is my weakness. I watch ANIME at home when I am grinding SM right now doing so drinking a coffee and ignoring my mother call. My kids stopped to play their SM accounts that are powerful R1 accounts as O.D. FARM and do not want to play much my accounts. What can I do? Well, nothing. They have their own personal interest for their own fun. Daddy time is gone now is about their time and "do not bother me DAD". Well, I will keep just farming.
  16. nice mechs and fights. Long time no see you in the arena. nice account with goodies. congrats on the 200 subs nice account. lucky you get those fortune boxes. If I try to farm them, I get none. Nice progress good mech. just fortress like you mentioned. buenos. tremendo. Hace cuanto juegas? Mas que yo de seguro. regular pero progreso.
  17. next sale excellent heavy duty legs nice strong and fast
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