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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 2 steaks with hot sauce, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, tomatoes, corn, carrot, rice, beans Caribbean style and 2 beer one cooking and one with the dinner ice cold like a bride white dress. Yes, I can cook.
  2. It is all depend in the way you play and what kind of player you are like a pay to win or free to play and grinding. I will say the BASE it does have a bit of benefit on gold but also cost a bit more to get parts according to options as factory order. Also, if you are a great farmer then it is use because you can make parts with possibilities of legend option of all kinds of weapons when factories are in level 20. Sure, it is hard to set up full base and will take 6 months in full discipline. Sure, you no need to have the base in full. I am an example not having BASE in full and progressing with the BASE but been an excellent farmer. Using BASE in the long run can pay off. In the short term, you need to be an aggressive farmer because cost a lot to enhance the BASE. Like I said, it is about personal play ways that will feel better to your personal ways of play. My O.D.FARM account it is a BASE account and my progress was comparable to my OKI DOKI account which is originally a silver box account like yours till changed to BASE.
  3. O.D FARM no rush. Just simple farming. I drained too much mix boxes but got done nice and easy. Lets get back to 800. Haven't seen the acc mix boxes at that level since my early days playing. CHEERS
  4. When is the portal coming? nice bad ass excellent k new collection
  5. Sorry, I forgot the problem. I had the issue multiple times trying to claim and needed to reduce or remove something related to storage or boxes. Yes, clan war it is a bit bugged for years. Time to time the reward it is not right at any clan war position.

    Low fps

    Sorry, I do not have the phone. I still use my old one
  7. I will say nothing. Some accounts recover fast and can get the commercials every day and accounts work fine. Some accounts can do it one day full then commercials stop for some period of time. Some others do not show up. Some commercials appear when get an offer and stay for some time around. Weird. In all my accounts I have diversity on commercial thing.
  8. Gringo aqui hablando y para mi las dos opciones no estan mal.
  9. WOW, you are a gold digger 557.000.000 That it is a serious number. 10yrs. Long time. Thx. In reality has been myself farming but recently I have my kids doing pvp. Sadly, I had the accounts dead for months then my kids started to do just a few pvp and no farming till did it for a month and I had to take over for farming to keep accounts alive. I retired before because work and now again for the same thing. I will keep farming as much I can every day but not playing. I do not know when the emojis started to work properly but it is recent.
  10. Well, when I joined to play this game with a family member, I had no clue about this game. As basic, I focused on farming till I was timing my person and fuel cap before cap every single day without missing a day for close to 3 years and I mean 7 days farming on average 5 times a day full fuel for free. More recently I slowed down due to changes at work so my progress it is now just 25% of what it was. The current status is maxing parts just with only mix parts farmed without the BASE. Even I do not play pvp since by the end of last year, I started recently to farm again but the gold it does increase faster because not really developing parts as I was doing using base and draining plus balancing gold usage. In the beginning gold was kept around to 1 million to 1.5 million because maxing parts really fast. When I got stronger, I switched to increase gold maybe around January or February 2021 from just few million. Since then, I decided to increase gold by stages and staying on that amount of gold for a period of time and I still doing that. So, OKI DOKI birthday it is 10/03/19.
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