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Everything posted by STARWULPH

  1. That is kinda the sentiment behind adding movement... But... It seems the consensus of the peeps who voted/commented is tha CLAW should remain as is.
  2. Dude Bluestacks is an android SIM, it only runs with google play. Forget that crap and just get the desktop app. https://supermechs.com/desktop/Super Mechs Setup.exe
  3. The whole clan war thing is not just bugged, it's broken. Win or lose it gives two commons. The last few clan wars I have played in have had results screens with numbers over 100%.
  4. Give Claw a movement rate of 1 The Claw has fallen out of favor a bit, and not surprising since new things shine more and Claw got nerfed and re-nerfed. Making the Claw move would turn it into actual legs instead of a stump. it would still be unique as no others have such low movement. Turning the Claw into a slow moving but still mobile fortress instead of a turret. giving more tactical options, and in no way 'breaking the game' Feel free to have your own opinions, respectfully.
  5. This happens to peeps on the desktop version sometimes. Try going on mobile app and watch an ad there, then they should come back on desktop.
  6. Yes, need to ban the cheaters... but I think the real work is going on behind the curtains, trying to patch whatever hole is allowing the cheats to happen in the first place.
  7. If you bought the "Lumberjack" preconstructed mech, those parts come pre-painted.
  8. Ascension relics are to transform a level 50 Mythic to Divine. The white ones are for ascending ones that start at common, like Iron boots. The blue ones are for ascending the ones that start at rare, like Corrupt light. The purple ones are for ascending the ones that start at epic, like Hysteria. The gold ones are for ascending ones that start at legendary, like Seraphblade. (currently there is no way to paint an Item that is ready to be transformed)
  9. So it seems that this has actually become the new standard for rewards, staggered by difficulty. (no recognition or credit for idea? ....) And now it also seems that we have a meta-level to the gold portals, There is a "easy" portal which any player can beat, there is a "hard" portal which is ...harder but has more rewards, and a "insane" portal that advanced players have a challenge with but provide huge rewards. In the thread @Alexander has closed there was mention of some goals set for the Insane gold portal which I think were accomplished well. And I think going forward continuing to rotate between meta-levels is the right way to go. Each portal appeals to a different part of the player base, and that's a good plan.
  10. You are actually making my point here. As soon as you hit rank 5 you face a wall of smurfs from rank 1-2 who have 900 divine premiums, and your stuck in smurftown for the rest of the week. After 40 losses in a row, can't get yer daily's at all how do you feel? too bad yer stuck. just because you can reach R5 does not mean you can compete at R5. Those smurfs would not be affected by the change, but all the players who suffer from this problem would get beaten back to rank 6 by the smurfs and be able to actually play naturally.
  11. To change your forum name = Go to the upper right and click on your name, on the popup menu click on account settings, then you see your name and the 'change' button.
  12. The rank 5 lock needs a revision I suggest that it be changed to once you reach rank 4 then you cannot fall below rank 5
  13. Instructions on how to do that are not universal. It depends on your system or mobile device, and what browser/app your using.
  14. Clear cache and refresh/reload
  15. I have said it before Spend arena coins to buy or upgrade divine relics
  16. Try lifting the ban on the legacy healing drone and see how it works out...
  17. Shoulda put a poll... Go for the legs first, more HP
  18. Old gold portals = 15 for regular, 15 for hard, 15 for insane, 45 altogether. my farming mech ripped all 3 like wrapping paper. New gold portal = 50 for regular (better than old portal already, new players can beat it) 60 for hard (my farming mech still beats on autopilot) midrange players get this reward. 120 for insane (minus however many revives you need), had to build/mod my mech and play manually to beat it, adds excitement back into portals and gives big reward to advanced players. I personally love the shift to a better system of gold portals.
  19. Murmur is not about resist drain It is about cooling and heat, it should do more heat...
  20. Totally agree. This has always been the problem with frantics, lack of tactics just rolling dice.
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