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Posts posted by JamAnime

  1. Okay here is a hard one.

    - Male Character who is weak

    - He is introduce to play the Guitar by a new friend that is in a band

    - His friend lends him a guitar which is supposedly a family guitar, that he broke, which is not that guitar

    - He becomes the main singer of the band


    Who is that character and from what anime is it?



    1 hour ago, Prismatic_Clock said:

    give up on your dream and die

    If you are asking who says that, I'm guessing "Levi." From AOT...

  2. 5 hours ago, Sparks said:

    1. She is best tsundere.
    2. She has Black hair.
    3. She also has Blue eyes.
    4. Her best friend is also her servant(hard to explain).
    5. She's 17 years old.

    Rin Toosaka

  3. 1 hour ago, ImmortalBay said:

    Ima guess Your Lie in April.

    Nope....  Not that girl.  She is good at the violin.  This girl plays it for fun, yet sucks at it.

    1 hour ago, ImmortalBay said:

    Also I am mostly not watching it due to the fact that I don't really think I can handle much after Clannad or Anohana lol.

    Think about one of those two you seen. There is hint in there.

  4. 4 hours ago, ImmortalBay said:

    Nope. Onodera, Kosaki

    Wow... I forgot about that anime "Nisekoi"  Haven't seen it since it came out, seven years ago.


    4 hours ago, ImmortalBay said:

    For future guess and check games should I give more chances on guesses? 

    Up to you.  Those were some good hints. I just don't remember that anime.



    Here is a another one.

    - This girl is the smartest in her school

    - She is not the main female character, yet there is a story of her in the anime

    - Her parents died in a plane crash

    - She plays the violin, yet sucks at it

    Who is she and from what anime?

    If you need more hints, just ask.


  5. So many of us joined SM in different ways, that of finding to word of mouth or some other way.  Most likely, most of us, old players, found it online surfing from big game sites. Then we found out it had it's own main site.  Then over time word of mouth to phone app. 


    Now not having adobe, I say there will be less and less new players joining SM.  Supermechs does not even make the "top 100" in Google plays store, especially in any category.  The only way to come across it in "play store" is with the word "Super" or "mechs."  This game will, most likely, be word of mouth now.  When people who are just surfing and come across it online, they will see it don't work, then most likely won't waste time playing it, even though there is a downloaded app.  This question "How did you Start Playing SuperMechs/come across the game?" will show an understanding  if the game needs to be access through online.



  6. 47 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    But when did you last use either the phone or Windows apps?

    I checked in to see daily task.  Two days ago was on my phone. Just 10 seconds then turned off.  I haven't played on my phone for about 6 weeks. 

    The windows I haven't played on for a long time.  I checked it the other day to see if it still work, yet only for a split second.  If I had to guess when was the last time I played a on the windows app, it be before of April last year. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    On the Windows game software, I rarely, if ever, get ads.  

    When I played on this app, the adds would pop up on every campaign run.  I haven't played on the app in a long time, so I wouldn't know if it was fixed or not.


    23 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    On the phone app, I rarely, if ever, get ads.

    Ads stopped popping up here, years ago.  You just have to watch them for tokens, then they stop popping.

  8. So what of this @Alexander?  In two days it will be over, and the only two options to play on is the Downloaded computer app and the phone app. 


    The down side of using them, the last time I played SM

    - The computer/laptop/pc app:  The down side of this is having adds pop up constantly and there is no button to close them.  That was a in Last year, when I used it. I had to reload the app over and over.  The adds just pop up after every mission.  I really never gain Tokens on that app.  It was just too much.

    - The phone app:  The game is slower on the phone then online. You can only gain 8 tokens every hour. In one day is 60. Online, you can do that in 20 minutes in the morning.

    Yea, I left the game, not really playing, just checking what is happening, yet other will suffer. 


    You will also have those who don't want to or can't download the app.  Many depend on online rather than the apps.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Zarkares said:

    - A free spin option every X days (So you better think carefully to save it for this current wheel or the next one)

    Should be an everyday thing.  But you have to earn it, like a daily task.  Like 10 arena wins to achieve it. That is the free spin.  You can save them up.


    8 minutes ago, Zarkares said:

    - Wheel rewards reset every few days, (Free spin should recharge LONGER than the reset time)

    They should be reset randomly., every time you want to spin. Should be items that go all the way yo Mythical.  Hmm... Now I thought of a better one....

    Item wheel: Side weapon wheel, Top weapon wheel, Torso wheel, Legs Wheel, Special item wheel, Module wheel, and Random items wheel.  Yet too much... lol


    Anyway lets get back...

    12 minutes ago, Zarkares said:

    - Free Spin does not reset if the rewards reset, the rule should be like above

    Nope, it should reset


    13 minutes ago, Zarkares said:

    - A token option that does not have a spin limit, (Maybe price increases every spin and the token cost resets daily? Or maybe a one time price that should be high)

    30 tokens per spin or maybe 50. Should not increase after every spin.  This actually can replace Premium Boxes.  So maybe 70 tokens.

  10. I thought to start this in the Club.  This is a game for entertainment.  Lets see how good you are.  Here how it is played:

    - Create description of the anime or character from that anime

    - Or Just ad an image from that anime or character

    - or post a saying/catchphrase from that anime, like "Nico Nico Nii"

    ask the question, What anime is that? Or what Character is that?  You can even do it about music from that anime or idol characters.  If it's music, then play a song or type the lyrics and ask a question about it. 


    I will get started with the first one:


    This anime is about a girl who starts as a freshmen in High School.

    She is kind of like an air head.

    She has to decide on a club to join

    She learns a new talent that she gained

    The anime is not fully about her, yet that is basically the intro.

    Two other girls start up the club, that one rich girl joins right away

    The airhead girl is the last to join, that freshmen year.


    What is that anime called???


  11. On 1/6/2021 at 7:10 PM, Xk73 said:

    the game add a trade option that you could trade items whift other players, imagine just trading your torso for something better, worse or equal. For the players to trade both of them need to have at least 100k coins to trade.


    3 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    @JamAnime i was about to say the same thing. also, ppl, trade WOULD be usefull, BUT i think a useful limitation is that it needs to be the same tier, for example, legy for legy, myth for myth, etz, etc.

    I'll give you an idea how bad this is.  I have two accounts nonactive.  (I stop playing, yet I know the game)  Those 2 accts can reach rank 1.  If trade were to come into the game, I would trade all my L-M items to my main.  Giving my E-M to my crappy acct.  It would also give me a reason to come back.  There is the scenario.  Think about how bad that would be, even for the owners of the game.  Yea, it sounds cool, yet not right for this game.

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