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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. there I said it. Though, won't be able to hear me say it, but I said it.
  2. I'm surprised no one posted this. I decided to, since I have time.... Not to my liking, even if playing. Twenty Thousand tokens and the three goodies would have been better.
  3. I knew of windows 11 for a while. Forgot about it. So, yesterday I look on my bottom right corner screen, the windows update, has a green circle. I check upgrade, and there in the upgrade is the FREE ready to upgrade to Windows 11? Anyone already upgrade the 11 or not? What is your opinion? Any advice.
  4. So, here is and update on this. I decided to pledge $375. I want to do something not many do. Get ahead of getting stuff. Some may not be available, or may cost more. This is another anime I have not seen, and decided what the hey. Twenty hours left to be a part of this.
  5. In reality, all the torsos and legs need to be buff, with the major damage some weapons do it crazy. It use to be that a battle took more than 10 turns to end a battle. Now, you finish a battle in 2 to 3 tries.
  6. My honest truth, is that only do it if you have 50million gold saved. You will want to have extra to be Building up the Base at the same crafting. Once you activate base, you will need to time it with upping mines, and factories. Upping at some point takes longer.
  7. If you want to open those premium packs, you better have the space. I say more than 1k inventory slots, would barely help. Otherwise, you will never be able to open them. The number of pp will just keep rising.
  8. Been happening, Ever since clan wars existed. That has never stopped. It's been a non-stop issue.
  9. Since I stop playing full and just do special events and portals, this is the outcome. I started with 150mill when stop playing. That is 30mil from Mining....
  10. JamAnime

    how tf

    And Here is the evidence
  11. I will reply this once again. It is different for each person. Sometime it works, or they have to do it a certain way. It is just too much to waist time on it.
  12. I am looking for the thread that I replied, "One Question: How old are you?" Did alex delete it. lol Enjoy this: Something I did a long time ago, when I was active. New idea, who wants to steal it..... It is a new idea for the Arena shop. More to spend. If not, my brain will forget it...
  13. I don't know, but that kind of strange of getting nothing but common two times in a row. I would say that it is base. But, I was also thinking silver.
  14. The Extra Chances, is basically a Glitch. Something that does apply. I had bought 10 boxes, Multiple times, for a Legendary-Myth item that I didn't get. Plus, those Epic-Myth, are more likely to appear in the Premium, anyway. Try it with a Legendary-Myth. Something that you don't have inventory. That is something else. I have it also on my main acct, yet not on my 2nd.
  15. You should not waist on common items. Do what @adc recommended. Also, just farm OD6 insane for Boxes. That would be your food to up kits.
  16. Heads up. I am a buyer of anime. I shop mostly on rightstufanime, and other sites. Advertising on it and help funding is to get Dirty Pair Dubbed, on blu-ray. I clicked on it, and it took me to a website called kickstarter (Knew nothing about it). It is a site in helping others to fund a project. Getting involved ends in 10 days, for Dirty Pair. Started in the beginning of this month. Pledging is the main aspect of the site. You can pledge $1 to whatever." You also get rewards when pledging. I have not seen Dirty Pair. It has been on my list to watch for the longest time. The more you pledge, the more you get. Something like this, I have never done. I thought, this sounds cool. So, I took a risk. Just giving info out, if you have known anything about it. I have bought a few anime that I have not seen, and I like them. So, I'm taking a risk. To Find out how much I pledge check it out. "Lovely Angel"
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