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Balance Update 03-01-2020

Hi Pilots,  We've prepared a balance update that will go live a bit over 2 hours from time of writing with the following changes: Torsos Windigo Epic base HP 309 -> 329 Legendary base HP 480 -> 580 Mythical base HP 694 -> 825 phys Res 22 -> 30 Naga Epic base HP 309 -> 329 Legendary base HP 480 -> 580 Mythical base HP 694 -> 825 phys Res 22 -> 30 Molten Platinum Vest Legendary base HP 480 -> 580 Mythical


Alexander in Balance

Upcoming Balance Changes

Hi Pilots,   Even in the holidays we'll be hard at work fixing problems and cheating but there's also something else in the closet - balance.  We'd like to start doing semi-regular (at first we'll ramp it up to once per 2 weeks or so, we'll slow it down again over time as the game gets more balanced) balance changes to both, improve the game balance and keep the meta from getting stale, with the first being the sole priority for the next few months when it comes to balance. F


Alexander in Balance

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