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Happy Easter!

Hello Pilots! Gato wishes you happy Easter! We hope you will have a pleasant day with your families.  A present from us, an easter box, will be in mobile notifications. Dont worry if you dont get it immediately, some might be simply delayed. The ones who log in on desktop or Puffin ( https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall ) will also be getting one, for the next few days. Make sure you share the information with your clanmates and friends so they get it as well. 


Marija in Events

Special Gold Portal Event

Hey Pilots, Today, we're excited to announce we'll be doing another special gold portal event! And, to celebrate, we've made fortune boxes (if you’re lucky enough to get one) a lot more rewarding. In fact, they're the most rewarding (and rarest) fortune boxes we've ever made! Most rewarding of all are the first-finish boxes, so try to finish all of the difficulties at least once. A word, though: harder difficulties have much higher drops but are also much harder than anything we've don


Fluffeh in Events

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