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Upgrading my mech

Holy Knight


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15 hours ago, Holy Knight said:

Question: What should I improve in my robot, if you advise me, I will try to do it 😉


Imagen3.png.34e51eeaf6eb03c4a6e0c79be6502152.png --- General

Imagen4.png.a07c91752833844398b3fce22be25cf8.png --- Equipament

Imagen5.png.8afbc18883983b8c95b058b47b58477d.png --- 


Change torso to Nightmare. It is easy to get, and it's one of the best torsos. Not the same for Sith and Interceptor though, they're weak.

Change your legs to Massive Stone Feet if you get them. They are E-M and the best legs in the game.



Change your drone to Tonto. It's really good, and also easy to get.



Add Nightfall, and replace the Cannon with Rock Recoiler. Annihilation is good for now.



Upgrade them, and try to get some E-M modules, and max them out.

Also remove one of the Iron Platings.


Hope it helps you! :]

Edited by Battalion Incinerator (see edit history)

By someone, somewhere.

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Since I don't have much experience with SuperMechs, take my advice with a grain of salt.

Is your torso able to divine? I don't think you should be upgrading it if it doesn't divine (white rarity).

Try using just a common Teleporter if you don't care about the damage and/or the energy drain, since it's cheaper.

Why do you have an energy drone for your physical mech? Use a physical drone as soon as you get one (as long as it's divinable of course).

You could try putting more weapons on your mech, I think you'll run out of uses with your items fairly quick.


Edited by Flawed
I found a grammar error (very important to fix). (see edit history)

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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3 minutes ago, Flawed said:

Is your torso able to divine? I don't think you should upgrading it if it doesn't divine (white rarity).

that's avenger, and it's divineable. and yeah, it's no good, aka sucks.


Edited by Delta Hyperion-Z
typo (see edit history)

"I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you."

-probably chad mario from terminalmontage.

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19 hours ago, Delta Hyperion-Z said:

eso es vengador, y es adivinable. y sí, no es bueno, también conocido como una mierda.


1. Sorry for having this torso, it's my time studying graphic arts that makes it difficult for me


5 hours ago, Battalion Incinerator said:


Cambia el torso a Nightmare. Es fácil de conseguir, y es uno de los mejores torsos. Sin embargo, no es lo mismo para Sith e Interceptor, son débiles.

Cambia tus piernas a Massive Stone Feet si las consigues. Son EM y las mejores piernas del juego.



Cambia tu dron a Tonto. Es muy bueno, y también fácil de conseguir.



Agregue Nightfall y reemplace el Cañón con Rock Recoiler. La aniquilación es buena por ahora.



Actualícelos e intente obtener algunos módulos EM y maximícelos.

Retire también uno de los revestimientos de hierro.


¡Espero que te ayude! :]

Thank you

The successful man benefits from his mistakes and tries again in a different way

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Hmm, as people have said avenger isnt the best, can only really be used with L-m Hybrid modules, i suggest investing in either a Nightmare, Naga or Windigo, and if you happen to find a Molten/Lightning vest or Monkey torso those arnt too bad either, the Iron boot legs can work but i suggest investing the massive feet series of legs when possible

I assume you want to stay Phys for now, I suggest trying to get your hands on a Rock recoiler, frantic brute and nightfall, as those arnt bad weapons, Also i wouldent stick with unrepaired laser cannon, even at divine dosent do much damage and is hardly useful, only gimick is its low weight, i also suggest using all your possible weight to put on more weapons. as for drone try invest into either a selfish protector (E-M Backstab drone) or a Tonto (Range 2-4 Phys drone) 

For Equipment your fine, though proberbly use a common tele over a rare one as it costs less energy to use, 

and for modules i suggest trying to get your hands on Epic - Mythical or Legendary-Mythical modules as soon as possible

Long live the Dragon Emperor


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18 hours ago, Riot said:

Hmm, como la gente ha dicho que Avenger no es el mejor, solo se puede usar con módulos Lm Hybrid, sugiero invertir en Nightmare, Naga o Windigo, y si encuentras un chaleco Molten/Lightning o un torso de mono, esos tampoco. mal tampoco, las patas de las botas de hierro pueden funcionar, pero sugiero invertir la serie de patas de pies masivos cuando sea posible

Supongo que quieres quedarte con Phys por ahora, te sugiero que intentes conseguir un Rock Reiler, un bruto frenético y el anochecer, ya que esas no son malas armas. Tampoco me quedaría con un cañón láser sin reparar, incluso a dosis divinas que no hacen mucho daño y es poco útil, el único truco es su bajo peso, también sugiero usar todo tu peso posible para ponerte más armas. En cuanto al dron, intente invertir en un protector egoísta (dron EM Backstab) o en un Tonto (dron Range 2-4 Phys) 

Para el equipo, está bien, aunque probablemente use un tele común en lugar de uno raro, ya que cuesta menos energía para usar, 

y para los módulos, sugiero intentar obtener los módulos Epic - Mythical o Legendary-Mythical lo antes posible

Thank you for your suggestion

The successful man benefits from his mistakes and tries again in a different way

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