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These players in this clan need to be banned or arena fixed



Ok so I was rank 14 and now I’m rank 20 from fighting so many of these people all in the same clan with almost full divines while I only have 4 mythicals out of all my items and this is getting impossible to play. Also can some one tell me who this clan is and why they all use insane items at low ranks?64933013-73FC-49DA-AEB0-2B274ADBA729.thumb.png.3e0537a76d0ec3a4ec2ab085e9eabf5c.png4F1D8778-0BFB-4C37-B951-48EEA0337976.thumb.png.bceb39df18f948b191b96dec757f9fb7.pngB7E68F82-6A8C-4B56-B931-167735F6EE64.thumb.png.9e91940f098195b28315e3e59b44d41e.pngC6CE0212-5132-474D-9F2E-252382FB1713.thumb.png.00734843f5769e2944aa1245178cf13c.png86C00174-AAAE-4202-BC58-3457DB4F5109.thumb.png.67c590eb0b500ef27ff2a8c87900d21c.png2394BF65-AA97-44FA-896B-91E78957A35D.thumb.png.d09ab7a1f6db05bfb6fe96d9f711adf2.pngD34E3110-3296-4145-B749-AD323705D638.thumb.png.b66da514d61350f8385782a319f5e7a5.png562F980B-7DED-4F17-A1A2-295D31C10F71.thumb.png.bd14234afab5b059122a030af30aa321.png

I guess Luis guy is in different clan but he’s doing the same thing


Edited by boomboomsticks (see edit history)
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honestly, i think this is a problem in game design. not entirely on the smurfers (how do you spell it?)

the game made it too easy to drop ranks. ranks are supposed to show your placement/percentile in the game. and high rank is well respected (and for toxic P2W), mid rank is for the average play, and lower ranks are for people who are just starting and need help. 

and the origin of all this imo is matchmaking. so far, as far as i can see, matchmaking is based mostly, if not all, on rank. that is only useful when you only go up (losing doesn't lose rank). if losing loses rank, then matchmaking should be just based on rank because you can just drop on purpose. —— which defeats of purpose of actually finding a match. 

you see how clan war works, ... each mech gets a rating based on mech parts and how upgraded they are. that imo is how matchmaking should be done. (not entirely tho). we should also look at max rank because that tells us each player's limits so no matter how low you drop, you can still find an opponent with similar mech builds and ratings. 

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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12 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

each mech gets a rating based on mech parts and how upgraded they are

So far, when I ran a study on matchmaking, it seems to try to match you with someone who is close to your rank, maybe 1 star above you.  I don't think match making is the problem.

I like your idea though!

I think the dropping ranks thing is the problem.  I proposed a rank 10 limit (sort of like rank 5) so that those who want to smurf would need to wait 1-2 seasons to do so (i.e. if you're rank 5 and you want to smurf, you'd need to fall below 5 at the first season reset, then fall some more and wait at 10 for the next season reset).  Though some people on the former mod team endorsed the idea, others didn't.

I can see what you're saying about a rating system, but that rating system seems, to me, to be based on the clan war defense team you built, not on your actual inventory.

I would say instead (see my other thread I accidentally started) that it should be based on your total inventory.  Most players who have 45 myths or more should be at least rank 10.  Therefore I think if you have 45 myths or more (or a different number, we can decide that later) it shouldn't let you go below rank 10.

That way if you try to smurf, it should be PAINFUL to do so, i.e. you'd have to food myths.

Could people still smurf with 44 (or whatever number we decide, minus 1) myths?  Sure.  But they would be sacrificing their ability to ever get into top ranks, so that should harm them.

Again, the number can be something other than 45, but I'm just saying there are other ways to run this game logic.

It would require, however, code to be added to the game for this.  I don't know if Alex is interested in doing that.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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On 6/20/2022 at 4:17 AM, BananaananaB said:

I personally don’t enjoy getting trolled, but my advise is for you to either 

1. Get a good enough mech to beat them 

2. Ask for wins in Spanish 💀💀💀

3. There might be a time where you manages to get rank 15 so try and keep it

He could also join the guys 🤣

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On 6/23/2022 at 8:42 AM, SawzAll said:

I think the dropping ranks thing is the problem.  I proposed a rank 10 limit (sort of like rank 5) so that those who want to smurf would need to wait 1-2 seasons to do so (i.e. if you're rank 5 and you want to smurf, you'd need to fall below 5 at the first season reset, then fall some more and wait at 10 for the next season reset).  Though some people on the former mod team endorsed the idea, others didn't.

dropping ranks is definitely a little too easy in this game. 

from this other game that i play, ranking up is really hard, but you don't drop rank after each season. that's good for encouraging people to keep going up and to prevent people from quitting because ranking up is too hard. 

i spend a lot of time last week getting from R11 to R7. and now i'm R9 after the reset. getting to R7 took a lot of time for me and also a lot of head-banging-on-table. now i'm even falling off of R9 because i lost to a R10 dude who was R3 last week. 

people who drop from R7 or even R6 to R9 is reasonable for me, but people who drop from R3 or R4 to R9 is not. especially when i'm put with them. —— that is another reason why i brought up max-rank thing up above. 

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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I am referencing ideas from different apps and games for this plan.

How about we limit the number of quits per day? 

Let's say we limit the number of quits per day to 2 

Assuming that the average time taken to complete a pvp match is a minute and 30 seconds. 

Let's also assume that the person smurfing would have to reduce around 15 stars from his/her current rank. 

Time taken = 90 seconds X 13 matches/ stars ( reducing 2 quits from the assumed 15 stars) 

= 19.5 minutes

Note that the time can significantly increase in 2v2/ 3v3 seasons. 

Now after limiting the number of quits per day we also put penalty for anyone that goes afk during the match. Penalty would be an short ban from pvp.

Implementation of this plan would increase the time taken to smurf so much that it would become a pain in the ass for many. 😄

This process can't guarantee you a smurf free arena but this can drastically reduce the number of smurfs.

Lemme know what you think about this idea. 😉



tldr : limit number of quits per day , penalty for any afk during pvp (2 turns). 



Edited by Sushi (see edit history)
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The reason why I dropped it to Rank 15, to put it simply, it's related to the clan. For the clan reward, you can get "Tokens" for free, "10 tokens" for 200 wins, "50 tokens" for 1000 wins, "100 tokens" for 5000 wins, and "160 tokens" for a total.

If you win once in the arena, you will get a box (you will get it if you win 5 times). This is because it can be difficult to get a box easily, so some people think that it can be easily obtained with 1VS1 and dropped the rank.


I've seen several troll mechas, and the troll mecha is trying to kill you instantly using MAX things such as weapons, drones and feet. I can't win with a low mecha. In that case, please run away from the match immediately.

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8 hours ago, Sushi said:

How about we limit the number of quits per day? 


People can just close the app.

8 hours ago, Sushi said:

we also put penalty for anyone that goes afk during the match

You'd end up penalizing people whose internet sucks and/or had to shut off their phone for school or for their parents.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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On 6/24/2022 at 10:34 PM, Sushi said:

How about we limit the number of quits per day? 

Let's say we limit the number of quits per day to 2 

Limiting seems a little too stiff. especially when there's only 2 per day. 

for me, i usually quit in battle when i see people trolling. so i quit so i don't need to feel the frustration trying to win an impossible match. for people who farm arena like 8 hours a day, that kind of situation could happen pretty often. 2 quits is definitely not enough. 


That bring me to my suggestion. 

Purchasable quits. 

you get 2 free quits per day. does not stack. resets everyday (the same way events do). 

for most people who do not farm arena and only go for 5 wins (to get 5 boxes), 2 free quits should be enough. 

if you want more, 5 tokens each. yes that's 5 tokens each

it's not a heavy price considering that warriors back in the ancient days get their heads (or something) chopped if they quit a match. (don't quote me. i didn't take any AP history classes 😅). (if it's not chopping, it's some other kind of horrible punishment. you get the point). 

also, if you buy quits, you go to use them in the day. otherwise they'll reset to 2 (free) quits the next day. 

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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On 6/25/2022 at 7:35 PM, SawzAll said:

People can just close the app.

That's why the penalty was applied. 😅



On 6/25/2022 at 7:35 PM, SawzAll said:

You'd end up penalizing people whose internet sucks and/or had to shut off their phone for school or for their parents.

Disagree with the internet issue. 
Normally if you lag , you'd usually lose a turn. If you do end up losing 2 turns , you'd not be playing arena after you know that you are lagging , would you? So the penalty applied to them would not matter much. 
Plus the penalty time isn't something like an hour , it would probably start with 5 minutes and then stack up per afk. 

As for the parental and school problem , i suggest them to focus on their studies during study time. 🙂


I can also suggest another idea for those whose internet suck. 

The devs could add something like protection point (limited) per day if the algorithm detects that you lost a match due to lags. 

Also , No pain No gain . Like c'mon , something needs to be sacrificed to gain something. 

1 hour ago, AftoKrator said:

That bring me to my suggestion. 

Purchasable quits. 

Yup , i like your idea. 

Edited by Sushi (see edit history)
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