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Mything Rolling Beasts


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Here is my mech so far. Utilities are backstabbing protector, teleport, and epic heat hook. Should I myth my rolling beasts as they are level 40 legendary or should I just stick with devouring paws. I also have massive lava feet but they only add 7 more hp than rolling, mine is only at epic level 1, and I kind of like the extra mobility of the beasts.


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23 minutes ago, Luckyluchs said:

I also have massive lava feet but they only add 7 more hp than rolling, mine is only at epic level 1

The massive was the best legs, is lightest and give resist and so good hp for the weight .

See the comparison :




The only good thing with rolling beats is the better movement but is depend on your build, at first see i didn't think is a build of rollers .

But if you like play rollers myth roller, is your account after all .

Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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I like the Massive Feet of every type.  Good HP, they do resist drain as well as decent damage, and they add resist too.  Plus you can use jumping weapons. What's not to like, I say.  But the wheels do give more ability to move around.  Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

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use massive lava feet. 7 more hp is better than 0 more. plus, it gives res and does res drain. 

also, your mech right now is at 999/1000 kg with devouring paws that only weigh 119 (i think). rollers weigh 134. you'll go overweight. 

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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