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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FLAME ​​​​​​​THREAD :: Warning: **Snowflakes Beware: Do NOT Enter**

A Happy F4ce

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🔥 LETS MAKE THE FORUM TOXIC AGAIN (But only in the safe and happy confinds of this thread ☺️ ) 🔥



  • No: directly personal attacks (E.g. "you're a piece of *CENSORED*")
  • No: Excessive unmodified profanity 
  • No: Racism, sexism whatever 
  • Do: get hyper on coffee or mildly tipsy before posting to ensure your post is aggressive
  • Do: Try to make your posts funny, interesting or have a point to them 
  • Do: Drag confrontations longer than needed in the CONFINDS of this thread  


The reason I am creating this thread is because since flame wars were extinguished this forum has become mind numbingly dull. However, I also recognise that a large amount of people like the forum to be boring. Therefore, A-ha! a solution: we who liked the forum when it wasnt boring can come here meanwhile the rest of the forum can stay boring for all the people who preffer that. My hope is that we can re-live some of the glory days of FLAME WARS 🔥 here without ruining the precious mondanity of the forum as a whole. Moreover, I encourage moderators to embrace this compromise within reasonable limits. 

I know that this thread will probably be burried and noone will post here. 

And yet, a man can dream. 




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11 minutes ago, White Star said:

Whoever days Kraken is a bad torso needs to  F U C K   T H E M S E L V E S


**This is a flame response, Snoflakes, vacate.**

Dear genius, 

Did you happen to catch rule number two, I explicitly stated no unmodified profanity, your bird-like attention span has brought the eyes of the moderators upon us. Further to the point, Kraken is a miserable wretched torso with nowhere near enough HP. I put it to you that the far superior Avenger torso is the clear winner. you heard me right, this is supermech's best kept secret


while noobs fool around with their beloved Krakens, us OG pros keep winning with avengers. hello? Earth to Captain Kraken, this torso has BETTER HP, it has BETTER upgrade range, but ABOVE ALL the Avernger is CLUTCH. 

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10 minutes ago, Fidelio said:

**This is a flame response, Snoflakes, vacate.**

Dear genius, 

Did you happen to catch rule number two, I explicitly stated no unmodified profanity, your bird-like attention span has brought the eyes of the moderators upon us. Further to the point, Kraken is a miserable wretched torso with nowhere near enough HP. I put it to you that the far superior Avenger torso is the clear winner. you heard me right, this is supermech's best kept secret


while noobs fool around with their beloved Krakens, us OG pros keep winning with avengers. hello? Earth to Captain Kraken, this torso has BETTER HP, it has BETTER upgrade range, but ABOVE ALL the Avernger is CLUTCH. 

Avenger is for loaded diaper babies, Kraken is still SUPERIOR!!! UNMATCHED!!! THE BEST TORSO IN THE GAME... Cry about it!



PS: Waitaminute... seriously now... Who the hell upgrades Avenger to level 50 mythical... 🤡 bruh!

Edited by White Star (see edit history)


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