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Posts posted by S_k

  1. 4 minutes ago, Spam said:

    Tbh if I didn't do it then I would be trying to find more yt videos to watch and not have anything to do, but now I also do the fanarts at my own pace so I don't get bored.

    Sad. Btw I have some knowledge in video game development so ... I think I could at least make a mini supermechs with some of your fanart so you can see it in action. It would be a video game available for all supermech artists who make fanart, I know it is not something original but at least it would be fun to play with new items.

  2. 1 hour ago, Spam said:

    I wonder why no one other than we and sometimes master chief post fanart here... Even if the fan art is bad it's better than nothing.

    Because I honestly think I would waste my time making fan art for supermechs considering that the game developers don't even bother to look at the balance changes we make to nerf or buff items in the game.


  3. 3 hours ago, rc said:

    But we’re discussing our appreciation for our respective companies.

    SawzAll wants to get into the finer points, which I’m happy to oblige him.

    If you don’t want to read any of it, you’re welcome to ignore it. Please do.

    Well, in this case you know that I appreciate Tacticsoft , But that doesn't mean that I hate Gato 

    btw Gato means cat ,in Spanish

  4. 2 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    How is it rude to be real?  Alex saved the game 🙂    Isn't that something to be thankful for?

    Alex didn't save anything because Legacy was already good and without Tactictsoft there would be no Supermechs, Alex now has a different new version of the same game.

    Personally, I liked legacy more. And you like the new version, and I respect your opinion. 🙂

  5. I think it would be a bad idea, and a good idea to break the game more, that is, I could intentionally lose 5 times in a row with the same opponent that I want so that every day he gets more coins and thus farm and if we are all good people , we could all have free premium packs every month depending on the price.

    6 hours ago, Spam said:

    Maybe an arena upgrade to decrease the cost of premium packs.

    I think that's the best option.

  6. 15 hours ago, Raul said:

    Sales costing 2-3x times more but we get about 10x more free tokens from events now.

    "Gato doesn't care about f2p"

    "Before was better"


    But you forget the minuscule detail that now the premium box/pack drops more epic trash than useful legendary then in summary:

    more rewards like you said 🙂

    spend tokens for more trash like I said 😞

    result (same)

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