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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by S_k

  1. I agree , but we can't do anything about it.
  2. S_k


    a shame 、 it must be annoying。
  3. We cannot use legacy shields in Arena battles, and sometimes a bug occurs that prevents you from advancing in campaign, basically legacy shields only make your mech look cooler.
  4. Block World (Windows 8)...............
  5. still exists '' for me '' It could also exist in your inventory if you had it and didn't use the '' legacy converter ''
  6. Long ago I created a post that has almost 1200 views and I think 9 likes, so I'm used to...
  7. 87 are the number of visits in the post, there are no 87 people
  8. S_k

    F2P Players

    the probability is quite high. I never spent money on this game and got to rank 1, but since I stopped playing SM long ago now I look like the '' smurf ''? that eats rank 5 players.
  9. It was a long time ago, when I was a noob
  10. I don't know if you can get original SM sounds but you could look for similar sounds on ''Freesound''
  11. thanks for the support guys, I'm glad you like it since it took me a long time to do it
  12. Same. Ultramechs is not the only project we are working on. New Trailer! with some bugs
  13. And shoots violet fire from the mouth. He is the final boss if you ask me
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