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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Oh gee, almost as if you read the second paragraph you'd know what I was actually trying to say.
  2. Nice, now you don't have to waste tokens on today's offer ??? This is from a mix box, not a fortune box. Not sure what are the chances of getting 2 epics from it but it definitely belongs here.
  3. *Laughs in Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox* If you keep adding good changes then it can, problem is that most changes added by TS killed the playerbase instead of boosting it since it pretty much made you start from scratch.
  4. Quite possibly the worst offer we've had in a long time. Monkey torsos are no longer META and any offer with E-M items is just laughable. Even the pack amount is bad, save your tokens for something better folks, the only good thing about this offer is that it is a sign of other items being offered instead of just fortresses and dual modules again.
  5. LPV is. definitely ideal but I don't have enough relics to divine it so I'm using Naga for now. which is definitely better than Windigo for an energy build since your energy stats need to be high enough to be able to beat other energy.
  6. 1 more item that needs maxing for my completed energy mech and another fortune box drop
  7. Remove reckless beam, terrible weapon and also completely useless on this build. Use the spare weight for more energy modules instead.
  8. I've also got 3 heat fortresses, only one I'm lacking is the phys one.
  9. The game needs to stop giving me energy fortresses, I now have 4 of them but still 0 platinum ones.
  10. The game is already dead, it's bleeding players faster than new ones can join. There was no new content for ages so it won't get any better either.
  11. Just got this drop, now I have 3 energy monkeys. Too bad they're not META anymore.
  12. Alexander is a dev, he does not care about forum issues. I guess it really is true that if you want something done you need to do it yourself because everyone else is utterly incompetent.
  13. It's the same person that made the "META" builds thread that was completely wrong. This isn't any more reliable.
  14. This was multiple people pooling in their drop data and no, they're once again spreading misinformation about things they don't know anything about.
  15. Common is around 1-1,5% and legendary 2-2,5% then rare 55% and epic 41%. At least that was the data from the old forum with a bit of possible alteration from my foggy memory.
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