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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Dual spartan or valiant + 30 prem packs for 6k tokens would be nice
  2. They are nice, many people however have all of them already. We should get some L-M weapon/torso offers
  3. I miss the old offers. They were oversaturated but at least there was diversity, now we get the the same dual mods/fortresses every time.
  4. Don't have a VPN but it works now. Thanks for the advice though.
  5. Probably because this offer was too expensive for the majority of people so nobody even considered it. All in all it's pretty decent though, almost 6k tokens worth of goodies which would normally be double the cost + some arena coins.
  6. Yeah workshop is glitched with the battles, the drones work only some of the time so it's not accurate
  7. Fortune box coming in clutch. Now I can finalize my energy free phys mech.
  8. Dual deso builds don't work with claw. People can just camp range 3 after you exhaust your magma.
  9. I'm mildly infuriated seeing as I'm missing 2 parts for my perfect mech for this tournament. Hopefully a good offer rolls through until monday so I'll have a reason to spend tokens and get them through prem packs.
  10. How do I get the game to work on PC? When I log in it doesn’t do anything, I tried deleting cache/cookies and even switching my default browser but still nothing
  11. You are always limited by the lack of premium items in the top ranks sadly, but you can make a decent build with epics that can get rank 5. Posting your inventory would help.
  12. It does, you can buy fuel refills to grind continuously. Still manageable by f2p though, I've never spent tokens on fuel refills outside of item portals and still got almost to the cap.
  13. It's not about beating a specific mech controlled by AI, it's about making a mech that can consistently crush the competition. I can take one look at it and already know this one is not it.
  14. To be fair, I'm at like 240 after playing the game for 2(?) years and then taking a break until now. I wasn't even targeting XP while grinding. It would be hard but doable.
  15. I remember playing the grandfather of this game, the single player only version when I was a kid. Fun times.
  17. Clicking affects nothing, just because it sometimes happens to slow down at the same time when you click doesn't mean it's related.
  18. You get booted a couple ranks down at the end of each season regardless.
  19. You are the main character, that's some crazy luck!
  20. I wish you the best of luck, now it's 3v3 season so hope you've got a decent third mech
  21. No idea, there will probably be a santa hat portal on the 24th-25th.
  22. Firefly is banned and the drainers on epic level 1 aren't imbalanced anyways so it should be fine.
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