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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Oh I remember the time bestplayeroftheworld got overtook by Clevername and they were incredibly salty for weeks haha. Idk, don't think Lord Gorgon is that active nowadays to. dominate the number 1 spot consistently. Good chance for new people to step up and take that spot imo.
  2. Yes, only phys weapons and heat bomb/EMP are not allowed.
  3. Is the 4 weapons, 2 heat and 2 energy the hard cap or just minimum requirements and you can use more as long as they aren't physical?
  4. Something like this could do, use the mods you have mine was just an example.
  5. What rank are you hoping to achieve with these? You’ll need at least 2 res drainers to survive in top ranks. None of these are good. If you post your inventory I’ll make you some better ones.
  6. Oh absolutely, 2v2 season has been broken like this since forever. If the game struggles to find you an opponent to match you up with you can end up facing people several ranks higher/lower than you even if that shouldn’t be the case given your equipment level. Oh, the claw. I remember when it used to be meta, good old days..
  7. Deimos


    Make it a physical or heat, you don’t have items good enough for an energy mech.
  8. How old is that screenshot? This must be ancient, neither of your builds are rank 1 material nowadays. Range control means nothing, that’s what burning shower, charge and hook are for. The bane of builds like that are huggers, not pushers.
  9. Doesn’t help much, it only has 1 use.
  10. Wanna give me a couple? I’m lacking in the dual modules department since I ditched the game at the same time they started being released. Didn’t know some people were just drowning in them at this point haha
  11. I'm more impressed you did that with an energy build.
  12. Oooo valiant, I'm jealous. Still need an extra one to complete an energy mech.
  13. EFA is still the best choice for any build that doesn't use energy. Now even more so that energy builds in the top ranks are scarce. S tier, only thing keeping it from the top is lack of versatility.
  14. You can still craft power unit kits, those are way more efficient than silver boxes.
  15. Max those cooling boosters and replace the storage unit with a heat engine. Space invader instead of burning shower and add an abomination to get rid of that blindspot. Replace some of the dissolvers for backfire version if you the weight limit doesn't allow it and you should be good to go.
  16. I'm a veteran, of course I know what it means. This is still out of left field though since I was talking about legendaries not E-Ms.
  17. Ah, that one has better stats than the other two. Yeah then it's a A tier.
  18. Nah that's stupid. If people could pick what they get the progression would be too fast. Making it limited to a category such as drones would be good though.
  19. 300 and above is ideal. Idk what rank you are but any decent boiler would absolutely destroy you with cooling that low. Also some use weapons that decrease cooling so that's why it's important to have a surplus.
  20. I still don't understand what you're trying to say. So 1.5mil for a random legendary?
  21. You can also watch ads daily for an additional 50 so that means 350 a week.
  22. The only accurate tierlist, feel free to ask me about my reasoning of specific placement choices.
  23. I don't see how that would help the newbies making it 3mil lmao, you can farm 4 mil within a couple of days without buying refills and still have enough to upgrade and progress.
  24. Yeah, either a slight buff to energy drain or weight limit could make it meta again.
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