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Everything posted by epicspeedster

  1. maybe 2 of the L-M dissolvers if they were in WU. I feel like this works better then what you currently run
  2. I mean this is kind of a counter, and you only have 1 range 1 weapon
  3. I don't have cracked plasma cannon, also you sure a backfire drone is better?
  4. So I have my current setups, and other options that I think are valid, tell me which ones you think are better 1st mech current setup other setup 2nd mech current setup 1st alternate setup 2nd alternate setup
  5. desert snake, swoop, and falcon on both my accounts, must be a coincidence
  6. arena rank 12 gives more legendaries then r10 boxes
  7. you were the guy that commented that right?
  8. now you need myth night eagle and frantic, also damn thats a lot of premiums you have
  9. stop bullying Really don't know why you didn't know that claw couldn't move sawz
  10. Maybe something like this? Ofc you've played longer then me so you probably should know better. On a side note, .:vibes:. is kind of dead, shadow barracuda let r13s in, a few people left, I'm considering leaving and joining immortal blades like sparks did
  11. Luckily I use a unlimited range drone, so my mech does fine
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