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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 20 hours ago, Deimos said:

    Don't do that. Keep it for raid and titan.

    i know, i don't usually food l-ms, except backfire snipers. fooded 4 in my lifetime. 

    i also really rarely food torsos .... other than the avenger i used for a blue vest and a zark i'm saving for a future red rain. 

  2. 20 hours ago, Electro said:

    Not very understand this question, it is us who must rate on a scale of 1 in 10 ? In any case i have not heat torso .

    well, my initial thought of this question was how useful is it to only have heat torsos, but i guess rating each individual torso also works. 

  3. just a few Qs to see how far behind i am compared to yall peeps. 

    1. what exp level are you?
    2. how many inv slot do you have?
    3. have you purchased any inv slots before?
    4. (intentional white space)
    5. 1-10 scale (1 being worst): having 5 maxed heat torsos (zark, windi, monkey, vest, and nightmare) and no torsos of any other type....... (blue vest coming soon)

    that'll be it for now. ...... nvm 

    one more

    1. wouldn't it be nice if there are more perk slots? like shrinking pumpkin santa or goat shooting snowball....
  4. 9 hours ago, Deimos said:

    That's not even worth 5k, add like 30 packs and then it makes sense

    add a few terror blades and swoops. and add like 50 more maxed powerkits. 

    ..... what else is super hard to get......

    oh. and add some snipers. 

    ..... hmm .... how much would one copy of every mythable item cost altogether?

  5. tbh, i wouldn't even call it a bug. it's more of a glitch. 

    look at super mario speedrunners. they get those seemingly impossible run times by hitting specific pixels that allows them to basically run and jump through walls. would you way that's a bug? no. that's just making use of a glitch. 

    bugs occur due to specific coding errors, but glitches can happen any time to anyone. that said, even if you do use it, the devs can't really say anything about it. 

  6. to hell with blazing legs. that thing is trash. get some legs that can divine.

    take off 3 plates and replace with cooling booster or heat engine or energy engine. max the one plate. 

    distance controller is not good. switch it with a recoiler/shotgun or hammer. 

    try to find a better heat weapon than delerium since delerium pretty trash and it's energy type. 

    max your torso first. find new legs. 

    dawnblaze is good for dmg. flaminator is a good boiler but if you don't have like a lot of energy (around 500 i'd say is pretty good), use corrupt light instead. 

    no need to upgrade resistance module. in fact, you probably won't even need it if you myth you torso. use that extra room for some heat or energy engine. 

    get all modules to legendary... for those that can. 

    stop upgrading vandal since you'll only see it's real use when fully maxed. legendary is probably good enough for now. 

    btw, armor destroyer is practically useless for your build. get a heat type resistance drainer or use the weight for the other stuff i mentioned above. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Now 14 years old need to be focus more on education and girlas. 🙃 Too many girlfriends to attend. 👍

    tbh, as a 16 year old, SM and this forum is on my top 5 things i care about in my daily life. probably 4th place actually. 

    number 1 is school/grades/health obviously. number 2 is avoiding my mom's temper (very complicated... and hard). number 3 is anime. 4 is SM. and 5 is my friends on discord. 



    also, what clan are you in? like the most recent one. 

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