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Posts posted by MasterChief

  1. i want to beat the entire 2v2 campaign on hard, but i cant get past the heat huggers. anyone have any tips? i have a phys mech and a heat mech, both with over 220 cooling, and 460 heat.

  2. well, i cannot contact the specific person, but so far that have maxed and divined an item for me, and gotten my tonto to level 26 myth, whereas i would be completely unable to do it myself. i just want a way to contact him, and the only way i can is by naming my empty teams specific instructions.... i also cannot get discord @GeometricalTaco

  3. hey guys, its chief. i know that many of you copilot an account, and i have an idea or an easier method of communication, with that other pilot. Sticky Notes! sticky notes cost 2000 gold and you can write up to 50 words on it. when the other user pops up, that sticky note will be visible, and for them to reply, its 1000 gold.

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