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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. you need to show all your parts in order someone can help. About the mech As starter those parts are ok except the sword. Maybe you need that one for now, but the others are ok to max. At this point, you should get focus into grind or farm for gold and will help you to get parts doing so. Play 5 days a week to collect arena coins to enhance account for extras.
  2. Hmm, I never have been a materialistic person. I was not a kid asking to my parents for stuff and still the same so far and they are still alive very old. When someone ask me what I want, I always say nothing and if I need something I work for it, and it is a real need. I work since the age of 5 and was weird kid on those things. Well, I still weird. I get what is basic for me. Food and a roof over my head and clothing. As American, I am very informal in my dress code. Well, what code, I am American, and we do not have one except comfort. Typical American girl dress and attitude Typical Christmas season in USA. Bunch of animals Typical OKI DOKI. I buy when there is a real need. Sadly, things changed a lot by the time I was young. The Christmas was for those religious activities for Cristians, and we used to go to church and do some charity and get together with family and go to the towns and see the decorations. Sure, I spend tons of years out of the country, but I used to travel back home on those days. Now is about shopping and greed. When the towns around where vibrant towns before the massive shopping centers arrived at every corner in the nation, people use to know each other, there were invitations to go to visit to each other's and cordiality. Then when I was a young man, new law passed to allow more corporations to take all and started to extend time of sale for few more hours than requested to 24hrs the to not even respect those holydays and keep selling and then work on those days and then internet and few others. Now those days are days of who can get the offer before anyone else before no item is around and greed came to a problem like Wal-Mart the literally people step over people and people die. Enjoy family, enjoy a bit of the old tradition and do not get focus in a new phone or bigger TV.
  3. I was out of the country for some time and no connection. Santa was unable to reach the place.
  4. in some ways will be nice.
  5. playing war when suffer disconnection so far, I know, we have the loss and that includes the titan.
  6. 1. You can max the leg. At some point will be important because it is one use for energy mechs with the pro. Just max parts to certain level like Legendary L40 and balance. 2- Replace the torso. That torso does not work. Do not invest on it. Use those circulated according to what you have. 3- Weapon above the sword, you can max too. it is good to some top levels. 4- Grind for gold a lot. 5- Use weapons that can go to Divine status. The picture below is for illustration. It can be using too but better the 3 types you have now in your picture. All the version for those legs is the best around. The gray circular color, indicate that the weapon can be obtained to the lower transformation level where any part can start but not all start at the same level. The part can be granted as common part but in this picture was granted as RARE from start as you can see the blue circular filled. This part can be evolved from RARE to DIVINE making a good part in some ways. In the past was decent. Picture below another example of weapon starting at different transformation level. The part only starts at RARE status, but the torso was granted as EPIC purple color. It was a decent part in the past but still in use to some mid ranks. Still decent in some ways but needs modules to increase Healp Points. Just illustration. Another example. This sword starts as COMMON the lowest possible and was granted as COMMON. The maximum on transformations will reach to EPIC level and will stay like that making the part not suitable to progress in the short or long term. Sure, when all we start, we use any weapon at disposal for few days or few weeks then get better and change or develop depending on the conditions. 6- Every weapon does have a power level that can be enhanced to certain level. Some are good and some are not that good, and some will become food to help level up the good ones. There are two types of weapons named in some ways, Premium parts and Free to play parts. Premium parts can be obtained as free player or as a purchase by lucky boxes. Your mech is based in free to play parts for now. but you have a premium part in your arsenal. This one can gives you better stat with those legs. Just maxed can give you 2497 HP. It gives you some Energy cap and regeneration too. Also includes heat cap and some cooling. It was the go to torso to few years ago but still been in use in some top mechs set ups making the mech not a waste. Sure, it is weak in the sense that does not possess resistance against attacks and will have to use modules to help some. Your current torso needs to go away as food. Do not waste more on it. This torso also is good on top ranks even is granted as lower but it is granted in RARE normally and can be acquired at any time grinding for gold. 7- There are many parts to be used to make a mech to function and part of them are the modules. In the beginning maybe you will get just trash but will have to use them for the time been till get something else and can take time or can be fast. Trash example but when no more we have to use them and later will be a waste, but it is a necessary waste at start. 8- You need to play 5 wins every day. It is very important to advance the account level. I mean, ACCOUNT not weapons. The 5 wins will grant extra status to your mechs making them better with the extras. Playing 5 wins will get ARENA COINS and will be able to enhance your account with them. The grant is very low when start but it is a very important thing to do. If you click in fight will take you to fight against someone else. If you click in SHOP, it will be the place to enhance your account with your daily 5 wins. As you can see in my account, that single page is maxed out. It does takes long time to max them reason is very important to play 7 days a week 5 wins and to grind for gold a lot like today grate to collect gold and parts to level up parts in need. There is a ton of other things to learn. Just ask step by step. Also, if you want help, you need to share your entire arsenal so they can help set up according to your current inventory. That does not mean will change in a week or day getting a new part but the best at that particular moment. Watch this video from an old player. Hope this help you a bit. Have fun.
  7. sometimes takes like a day for some delay reasons. Happens to me too. Just need to give a time. If you do not get for what you paid already, talk to administration and provide the receipt you got from the purchase and your account mech ID if not wrong. They will help you. I had the same issue and provided evidence and they gave to me the items.
  8. Just saying, that any build made for monkey it is identical. Those mechs are just different look but same stats as Monkey. So, if you want to have a build with them, use all those monkeys set around. http://www.puresimplicity.net/~oneeyedcat/misc/supermechs.html CHECK THIS ONE BELOW
  9. a mech standing or a person standing?
  10. GG means GATO GAME GG normally means like to say good game. Is like when you pvp and won or lose having real fun with the other player or winning for just 1 or trashed badly having a bad mech but not offending you just had fun with you and the fight. It is use in many games as jargon
  11. Not them. Sure, I do remember the song back in the early 70's but was much older before I was born. Yes, I do have the Disturbed version in CD. They played well. Tho, I like the original version and singers as I heard for first time with them.
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