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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I do not have sorrow. Maybe someone can help a bit here. to our Bigbro
  2. Yes. All my request to my helps in need were resolved by TS or GATO. I can't talk bad about it. Of course, I can't talk about others different issues with other players. All have their own circumstances with what it is going inside the company and the level of difficulty and the time that takes to resolve the request. Having few guys only in the company to do many requests that it is hard and sure they can add few their stuff to make it easier for the customer but require some programming and focus on it. Many requests are because the players own mistakes and irresponsibility's. The game was in bad shape when GATO took over and patching and trying to fix the issues and not having those original programmers all the way around that started the game, it is hard for sure to keep up and been a small game company with not much around, it is a tuff task to do. It does require analysis to implement a patch programing and security measures and even so, hackers happen to the USA Pentagon, healthcare systems, governor offices, Microsoft, Google and everyone else with good pay to prevent that and fail. Also, it is a worldwide online game that have to follow local's regulations and tax etc. It is easy to say simplistic things when it is really hard to sustain any business small mid or large. They need to dedicate a lot of time in the administrative area and having a guy or two around, that is really hard to do. I started to work in a business at the age of 5 and did about all to understand what it is to have a business from taxes, purchases and laws and regulations regardless I was in different parts of the world with my father. I studied and worked to earn my own money always not asking my dad. You need to understand some issues on small companies with the lack of resources but to comply with all regulations and complications as online game getting purchases and payments from commercials and sustain the game etc. Small business sometimes is slow to get many things done. Again, I can tell there is a bit of lack on response from them and that it is not good for a business. Do not take it with a player like anyone else here. If you have issues, do something for us and help GATO because you are hook to the game. I have my own work to do and get pay for it to sustain my family. Also, I do work with high tech and real robots. I work fixing things. Hmm, have you tried to open the game away from it directly to the SM download? Just verify if the account still working away from flash fox. Just check that and see if flash fox is creating the issue.
  3. I am a serious person on serious things as family, work, friends and others. This is a game for entertainment. About to be a clown, I cannot copy our AssClown friendly player. He is the one and only one. I am a goofier Thank you for noticing me and have fun with me.
  4. No diplomat. There are real factors here. Regardless that there is some irresponsibility on lack of communication to the community from the administration, there are real basic things to understand about any game around and old as this one. About to get noticed, not in reality. I like fun time to time if I have time as entertainment reason it is a game, entertainment. To solve problems in the game, you have to be part of the company let say one of the programmers. How the hell I will fix something I do not work on neither I am part on any way from the company simply a player like anyone else around. It is silly to say a none sense comment. If you want to fix the problem, buy the company or part of the company and help give direction and what need to get focus as priority. Become friend of Alex and provide good imputes for him on Discord with common sense. From the viewpoint of a player does not involve in the company just to entertainment itself like me, what they do or not do in the company to keep players around, it is their own business and the only I can say is my experience I have in the game as simple goofier player to grind and maxing parts not much a part of that and whatever comment and Gif I add to have fun and everyone can do the same. If the game fall apart, well... I am not the owner or CEO etc. Money invested in the game, it is for entertainment knowing it will be lost because it is not my own copy of the game that can play in my own console at home with a memory chip or cartridge or cassette or else as my property. This is an online game with old structure which currently with the industry changes it is obsolete and will require to start the game from zero with new codes use in 2023 and will take some years just to have something basic made with new codes. When I am in the forum, I am here just to have fun on my own way. If people read or not, it is up to them and their choices. I read about anyone here for fun and give likes till no more available and I look forward that many others can join and have fun too and make their comments as silly can be about anything. I do not offend or like to criticize anyone around and just try to help if have time even I know for me it is impossible having limited time of connection by the moment unable to pvp due to my work nature related to set ups or else asked in the private. You need to canalize your energy instead to look for someone else resolve the problem for you, get together with Alexander and have a beer with him and join his pack and do some. I am just a SM OD6 farmer leveling up parts currently working on this that will take months to get it done because I grind less and do not play and making some farm before going to sleep because I have work in few hours. Farm and be happy. Extra mix boxes and gold. Yummy. Have fun bro and chill out.

    Guide me

    Hmm, the issue you have it is set up of course with limitations. Above picture is showing that regen is very low and cooling is terrible. 1- Energy mechs consume energy per attack draining energy for the use of energy heavier than heat and phys mech. Having so low energy recovery you will kill yourself plus side weapon one use heat to generate energy which will heat up your mech and will be hard to cool down not having a good cooling set up. 2- Lack of shield will kill you every phys mech really fast including the others. We understand that you are new, and it is normal this condition when anyone start. 3- When new, everyone has the tendency to add a lot of weapons to compensate the lack of modules. It is normal even me I did it. All the parts are useful even in the long run Histeria will lose the luster but still been in use when no valiant is available. The weight is perfect but bad in set up for modules to sustain your mech. 4- Do not spread all resources and focus to try to make one stronger for rank stability. 5- The mech intention it is understandable but module wise will change configuration on what you want. There are more conditions, but this is just an intro not the best, but I have not much time. Using what I can see in current use but adding one part you can be like this with 5 weights more because used a premium part 5 less. Not using charge because the damage will be nothing just a push in your case. The weight will be 996. It can change things around a bit more but just a guidance of possibilities with drone, teleportal with limitations to damage enough the opponent but decent in the sense of basic for rank stability. Sadly, the number of players around with high energy and heat caps is getting worse. The side weapon is premium but the one does you have weight the same and is close on power divined. Many players use less the energy resistance and can be good or bad with different configuration. This weapon attacks the energy base but not resistance This one does affect resistance Plus, drainer removing resistance. This one attack energy You need to know what works for what and possibilities. For example, as free player if luck and if go for resistance attack you can go in this way too without many changes, you can harm enough the opponent. Because a premium combine in use for illustration the weight will be in 1001 with the backfire drainers if go like that. The one below will be 1009 and will lose HP so won't be good unless with one old drainer. Those are simple ideas. It can make different with current parts under development. If you go Phys then maybe with same set up. The hook it is energy hook for weight control and to have the function if want. It is about choice with teleporter, weight wise, risk taken and current limitations. The regen still low and energy mechs love heat mechs but it does have some basic energy set and enough to play against heat mechs the biggest number of players around. Do not forget it does weight 5more in your set up because I do not have epic version on heat/ener combine module. If go with the set up you have right now will be bad maxed. In that case as you see when maxed, the energy and heat cap it is large and the cooling and regen are too low. The cooling and energy regen will be too low to compensate for the vast amount of cap and will kill you fast even modules maxed. Regardless, you are doing good job trying to set up as fit to compensate power. What you have maxed or working on it is not a waste but will have to look the way you want to play with comfort of personal taste. Like I mentioned, just ideas in short not having time but others can give you guidance for better sets and preferences.
  6. That is the game owner that need to fix the server issues. Needs some more programing but they have limitations with programmers that can stay and know those codes. With new programmers will have to study and deal with and takes longtime to do so and hopping stay for long. You know, people work for money.
  7. You have few options around for now. Sorry, I do not have Nightmare maxed just Epic so numbers will change to higher plus my account is maxed and your will give a bit less on energy, heat and resistance. I will say that Frantic will help advance to some degree. It does have more room as you get other parts. It does need future modifications. In the current condition, you can still add weapons as preference. At lower ranks, there are many people with high energy and heat caps. In this case, it can be modified but all depend on the strategy you want to play for. The cooling and regen will increase more with a maxed Nightmare. The problem is that you can't hurt that much resistance and you try to make a boiler. Your set up was not including a drone having limitations with and is not a good drone because eat life but you need one to complete heat effect. You have repulser to force with savagery and Supreme attacks and heat bomb as overheating if need. There are limitations at this point. Maybe with lower caps and a bit of faster recovery might help a bit for now. There is no charge even can help to push but won't hurt the opponent on phys attract because no damage to the resistance. The hook it is energy hook to help on weight set up, but it is a double edge vs energy mech but ok for heat and phys because will not generate heat to keep overheating your own mech. The EPIC phys resistance you need to include that one because will suffer really fast against phys mechs with their high resistance. It is not much but can help a bit so max and use for now. THE WEIGHT WILL CHANGE AROUND 5 MORE instead of 996 will be 1001 if not wrong because the combine heat/ener is premium that weight 5 less than regular you are using. It can change more but I do not have time to keep going. I am at work break. You have few around if no others. Just modifications can be made according to how you will prefer to play.
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