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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. by the way. those old players are cool to watch and to play with and I am fan of them.
  2. Hmm, sadly it is the portal. The sad part is that we do not have portals as we used to have every 3 weeks or so and can get stuff from there like parts, relics or tokens. It is very rare now. The other way is to complete the achievements. The other is to do 5 PVP wins a day to get 10 tokens. Seems my kids played today. Another it is the daily rewards from the day you start will be the sequence from top left to the right then start all over when days are completed The raid. Complete as higher you can go, and more tokens will get. Commercials. Go to the shop Tokens area and watch the commercial Try to complete campaigns During the weeks Some daily grants also provide 100 tokens but need to kill 50 or 100 enemies or structures. Like 2 different options. You need to have fuel for it to get it done. This token sale option, it was very appealing to the players. Evry month they renewed. Sure, cost money. Gives 25 tokens per day for the entire 30 days for $5. Maybe I am missing something.
  3. Hard to tell. There is the offer of 25% discount of the $99.99 tokens sales into your own account offers. You get 6,500 tokens for $75. There are some sales with half tokens for $50 plus some other goodies. Like this one. Few perks and tokens. Even so, still some like a 60% of original price but decent enough related to regular prices.
  4. No. You can spend the time better doing thing in the real life. For old guys like me, my generation used to do all in real life with friends not internet and cartoons and anime post school was one of the basic things to do like bread and butter and looking to not miss a chapter because maybe never again will see it in life. So, many likes new stuff and remakes that makes sense not some that are terrible remakes plus watch old continues chapters for old Anime that still on motion like ONE PIECE or others. Some love video games, some like sports, some likes to chat, some like ANIME and cartoons between others. I like Anime because relax me. I play video games for relax time and I used to compete for prices in real life when young. I like ANIME just in Japanese. The voices are very cool. English voices are annoying. Sure, English cartoons like South Park, The Simpson, American Dad, Futurama, Gargoyles and may old and current ones have to be using English by default.
  5. yes but still can be very attractive if administration due a basic and people stop the constant complain especially public. People can summit request to the adm not just talk or post. Direct approach is better regardless but in reality, there are not that many that summit complains. Yes, chats talks and some post sure all the time, but you know, normally the administration will get more angrier in that way. Some administrations work properly, and some others sometimes are just going farther in the wrong direction. Make good arguments. Especially those old players that really know how this game started and have been there around and actually some of those old players are actually those working in the company. They know each other well. In my case I am a new guy who does not know much about it just some comments and I do not know those guys and I started the game in the basically current ways of the game. I just focus on my grinding as was my beginning and choice in the game just for fun, grind and make parts not to be a super player hero like the old ones that everyone wants to see them to play been famous in ways people like to see them playing and making videos against each other loyal clans' membership with normal rivalry. Let's be honest, when I started there still rivalry, but some famous guys barely left the game back in the 2019 and early 2020 and a lot of those guys still playing in full. Was cool to see that rivalry with those tops from long time and every newbie wanted to talk to them and to try to appear in their videos and to try to have a 1v1 in the chats. Everyone had a favorite clan been fan off and a super-duper player to look after to be like him or her and to copy and to make mechs like them because those guys were cool. Looks what happen when those old guys connect and say something in the forum, suddenly the forum and members connect and start to make tons of comments so many. They attract people because they are friends between them and still some rivalry and plus, they are cool to the eyes of many players. Who the hell wants to see or read about OKI. That is a joke. It is cool to see Besty, Lord Gorgon , Nefty, Misfit, Warmachine, Monster, Happypopper, Mechzilla, Grosbite, the amazing Bobson making the impossible, Burn Baby Born and so many others cool players to watch and to try to kill them for your own record that finally you can knock down one of your favorite players and be proud you did it only one time or watch A.T.R. insulting Crash or vice versa in the chats etc . Sure, things change a bit because many were very young, and life changed plus personal interest. It is true that the game structure changed for them, and they got upset and the change from Legacy to current version hurt them very badly and with reason they have that feeling on been angry with so much time and money invested. You know, you are a great player, and all your set up suddenly became trash and can't use in the new version of the game. Sure, you will get piss up. That affected the game and thousands of people left because the game change even the game in the current state it is a far superior to the previous one. People will argument against me about it. I tested the Legacy game for some time when I started this game at the same time due to, I found the game and enter to play it. I like this game a lot better. I like the look of the mechs and their functions. Sure, few parts from the old game are not around that should be add to this one and keep the original function as I played in that way and should not be a brainiac to add them to this game enhanced. Refusing to add them it is stupid. really stupid. Other games are getting way expensive too as a norm of the game's developers. Tons of games I played before now are pay to play or to get parts that I used to get as normal and actually are boring static games too. The cost of the offers for the general players has become standard in the industry way too high for parents and insane for just kids around. Offers should be less expensive about tokens and money wise as it is. Also, single players suffer a lot for not been in clans like a punishment. Now, I am a busy man in real life, and this it is a game for my relaxing time like should be any game and I have no intention to be a super player. Try to be constructive and give good advice to administration and get a proper channel between you the complainers and when you are ready and set, summit a proposition as any business to business should be. Get real folks. Don't do things like little kids. If you want changes, act like a grown person or stay like a little kid. Grow up guys. In mean time, I will remain a farmer and making parts for fun and a forum goofier for my relaxing time. Now OKI does have 306 MYTH and will keep growing plus the gold at 357million moving up up up then someday the game will change and will erase all because it is an online game, and my time will be wasted and the money as well, but I know that it is basic been online thing. I have been through that many times since games became online. Be real. Stop to give bad reputation to the game. Sure, make some fun of things time to time about stuff.
  6. in my time it was 4 digits very constant then the old players started to talk bad of the game dreaming of the old days and the ridiculous buff to the Frantic and the energy mechs displacement to far from the other two plus the tokens, shields and game bugs because lack of support to the servers back on TS. WOW, 5 digits will be cool to see that in this game and match maker will work properly. If the players stop to talk bad of the game and the administration takes action to do some simple things to add numbers and be a bit more logic with some more common sense of reality, this game have the necessary punch to attract people.
  7. nice mech. Congrats and happy you are back to be a killer machine. Now you can kill the tops like slicing butter. Now you can say again "TAKE THAT LOSER"
  8. That it is true about my constant achievement during my past play time. Those are my kids' recent achievements.
  9. I do not know why the competition it is so weak. There are no longer top players around. Oh well, I will have to conform and get always all the rewards. I just want to share them. CHEERS
  10. it is not 194, it is 194million Ok. it is time to kill the top gunners because will hunt the low rankers due to the match maker will be looking for match's and will do the match's regardless ranks. be ready to knock them down.
  11. First of all, you should not provide information of your account here in the forum where people can see. Please remove the information and edit content deleting that part. Moderators can help to give you direction. They are around often checking to help. Right now connected
  12. Scary, if that mech chase me, I quit the fight. better lose than to say I was brutally killed. Cool
  13. it is all depend on the risk and reward according of your current need. No one can tell you about offers in reality because all apply to personal desires and goal in the game plus current status. I will say that if a player it is in the early stages on progress and need silver coins to enhance account in the ARENA SHOP, lazy farmer or limited time to farm to get gold and using14 premium packs to obtain in need of any kind of weapons possibility from legend but also limited in EPIC parts in needs like recoils, torsos, legs and few others it is ok. For a developed account unless want to risk with boxes to get premium parts not obtained so far, I will say it can pass and get more boxes with the 4k. Just think according been a pay to win and free to play ways. If is a free to play, how fast you can get tokens back to get at current tokens on hands. If the player, it is in a search to get a guaranty let say module it can pass to get modules offers and comes with packs as well. Sometimes we make jokes about offers but all offers are very important to the respective player status if want to spend tokens to advance in some ways a bit faster. For example, before we used to have the 500 tokens offers, those offers came with one energy and one heat basic module and maybe a few fuels and that was my first offer I got as free player from my achievement's tokens obtained completing those tasks and without it, I had no epic modules in my first mech and was a pain. Just be careful during development and do not think rushing to show off costing you making mistakes as many including me have done before learning the game.
  14. it is like do actually what you are doing and get some tokens or so for design ideas maybe for promotion or game itself future parts development, but the applicant will get explanation about it. I do not know the deal behind. Just apply and see what happen. Cool design above.
  15. next step. Another juicy offer.
  16. actually, looks super-duper weapons and match with your avatar. Maybe should apply here and get something.
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