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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice. Welcome to the SM YouTube channel. Cool. Nice inventory. A lot of power potential. You can make miracles with that acc. Grind. Nice to see you around doing this too. You are a legend in this game. Hey, I was part of the clan. Tell my homies to rank up a bit and stop the laziness. They can be at top 10 if want with little to nothing effort. They are top super-Dupper R1 players. Use the whip if have too
  2. cool entrance and nice opening. Nice music for the open. I get just blank bullets with gold relics.


    nice. instead of individual pages. create you progress thread and follow your own history progress then look back what it was. keep records for fun it does gives motivation to look forward the next chapter. Nice advance. About the base, sure you want to make parts but remember that you can advance the BASE just until can make the 4 mines. Do not go beyond L2 in factories. You no need a 4 factory because low gold reserves. Having low amount of gold and mix parts around to level up parts, it is not wise to make parts due to cost. Do not put a rope on your neck. when get the 4 mines then focus to level up them in full and stop everything else in the BASE. If you are crafting parts is a sign that farming is low or progressing really fast eating all in front of you. I am a fast part maker and good grinder. Just balance. Focus to make strong best mech and that is ensuring modules. If have to balance for 2 mechs I will understand if crossed to use 2 mechs rank. Even so, use best for best set at this point. Careful in making parts just to make parts. You can transform parts to myth making your own legends for food if have too. Be wise using the epics granted and reserve some for the other mech as shields and plates regardless are the lower grants but weight is the same and will give your ideas what can be in the future. Use proper meat epic parts for it. Some examples, this is me making epic parts to make them legends then use those legends as meat to transform to myth the parts interested. The two circulated, are real trash to eat and can be converted to legend then to be eaten. The others are decent weapons for combat at some ranks so for you will be to decide what can be with them. You will have to get more epics trash to make the legends and help your L40. You need to have strategy. Just be wise. To do this, you need to grind to have gold and mix parts. I used some already some and I was 500 early this week.
  4. Sorry. I do not play but I did few at my kid current rank. Accounts were not played maybe like a day or so. Rank reflect they do not play much, and rank drop every next season. I played for you few so you can have an idea. I built again that mech. I played my other account with energy and heat test mechs. Account was too low in rank. but I moved up to represent the real rank7 is belong too. You can see the heat mech is weak but if play as combo and think about positions, you can still close a gap of less power vs opponents. The energy mech was set to combat in middle ground abuses so does help to contain the account goes down on rank and harm the other players. Normally it was bult for two heat mechs as combo with limitations on purpose for analysis data collection a thing I do for long and create charts.
  5. mom and dad credit card.
  6. awesome Banshee and Kraken At least Falcon is a top great weapon.
  7. cool start Ha ha. funny face. Nice special extra must show fight.
  8. Nice. Sad to see gold go away but that is the way. Now is time to farm and slow a bit progress so can increase some gold reserve. Account is now L220.
  9. I do not play pvp. My kids time to time play some but not much and sometimes just fooling around. Sure, I tested long ago as test mech and used in arena for few hours and got R2. Just play. Also, can change with other weapons around that you possess. Too busy right now to play. Bedtime
  10. This is an example to set one as best as possible. Just example. The configuration can change for your taste and can observe some similar mechs without scope and using sacrifice. Using sacrifice can be good but this one also does the job. It is about the pilot and setting up a second mech to support the first and vice versa. I play for fun to lose all the time creating limitations on purpose to my mechs for testing and have fun trying to see what will happen. You need to test configurations as single and as partnership. This can give you as start as solo. I see the parts ready unless double picture around taking the screen captures. It can compete at any rank if know how to play it. Test and play to find yourself cornered and looks for the weaknesses. It does have weaknesses but strong for even R3-R1 if play well helping to increase balanced power with the second. Also, please developed the other Molten torso. You need that one and use also the energy version. Your heat mech I do understand why you use that one for heat. Test that one. Analyze the effect with remaining parts for the heat mech and send us a picture of your work. That can give you some ideas observing this one. Also, as I mentioned, configuration can change as you prefer in your rank fight but test a lot in the chat room or arena. No worry for losses, the important thing is to learn how to use it. With this one, you can achieve top rank in combo with a weaker one R5-R3. The rest is up to you as pilot. Just another simple tip so you can think about configurations and usage with minimal changes. OR All change with other parts I does not see there or some around.
  11. just careful making that torso if do not have proper weapons. It is a torso based on weapons not requiring energy. If your intent to use it with energy weapons, it will need a lot of energy support. Heat cooling and cap it is decent including HP. Old shields modules also work fine there. Used to be the highest shields use. No other torso had best shields on those days. before new shields. Some players still use it with sorrow or magma as used to be and still reach R1 harder than before but still fully divined parts
  12. what are you aiming for on rank? What usual rank you play? You should be no less than an R3. at least in 1V1 and 2V2. Your account is pretty good. Nice parts around to develop. I will not make one now too busy bedtime but sure you are making too many parts around. Focus to make one with best possibilities. at 1V1 arena and for sure you have to be R3 already every 1v1 even 2v2. Maybe higher in 1V1. I will check maybe tomorrow if no one help.
  13. in some way lucky. you do not have to waste gold and epic parts to transform that useful part. Do not advance more that torso. Bad torso for the future at higher ground. Careful maxing parts
  14. Well, the rocket top weapon, doe have a function, but it is heavy. The heat bomb is decent, but you have limitations on heat recovery and that hurt you to combat. Also, the energy is very low in regen. Ok versus heat mechs and phys mechs for now. You have some room at modules. That room is to enhance energy recovery or if risk in the game against energy mechs, so it is best to use a cooling module. or cooling/heat module. You can drop the bomb because as mentioned, hurt you more for now. Too many heat mechs around. Sure, you can use the other 2 weapons if need but you need to think in the range. If you use VANDAL, you need to be carful because can take your mech out of range for corrupt even top rocket can harm for range unless saving your mech versus opponent range. well, normally when player start or in lower development, they lack on modules of all kinds, sometimes and extra weapon help to start. Savagery and his drone can complement a distance range against some opponents. Sometimes can play save and inflict some damage at distance without been touched. Sure, with modules around, will be different but can help in some ways even vandal for low weight. This is my first mech. A lot of weapons not having modules to play. First with L50 parts and the coolest in the entire game. I really like my first mech and had fun with it with my niece. I used to love how to see players getting confused. I pee myself laughing. If you look carefully, it does have a purpose. Now check the second Both mech worked as combo and reached R2 because too many counters in those days so I was killing them but are mare R10 for those days. All weapons have functionality according account status.
  15. Welcome to the game. There are people can help sometimes. The forum it is not as used to be with many players supporting each other's. As free player, you will require to grind for gold every day 7 days a week and that it is totally real specially till reach Level 250. Mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. Just talking about your comment. Do not level up passing L40 more the battery and reserve that one as second when play for 2v2 as temp torso later on without transform till get better torso. Focus on your Nightmare that it is a good option to start, and it is easy for free at common and rare option to be acquired farming. Your legs are good and can be maxed but balance power with modules but if go for power it is ok to do so having in mind that power increase it is equivalent to consummation of modules and HP depending on weapons attributes. Let see. 1- Do not spend tokens trying to pass a campaign stage. IF cannot be beaten on first round, hold back and preserve fuel for a lower stage till get stronger. 2- Use parts that are set to move to DIVINE STATUS. Not all start at the same state or possess the same full status rank to start. Some start in gray, some in blue, some in purple, some in gold and some in orange. From gray to gold, it is normal for the game, but orange will be a sale. Some start at gray and stay in blue, some start in gray and stay in purple, some start in gray and stay in gold and some start in gray and can go to white. The same principle apply for one status above having some rare starting as blue but stay in purple, some start in blue and can go to white or not. The same apply to Epic purple and can move to white or just gold or orange not white. Parts that can be transformed to divine are those that can reach white color. This is meat to level up parts. This is a torso that started as gray but can reach divine status To divine a weapon or torso or legs or modules etc, it will require specific RELICS for the lower status presented in the circles. The lowest color, it will be the relic type to be use. Some won't be able to be divined. To get the relics, that happen one time per week if luck according to your rank box possibilities and playing in a clan that fight WAR then will be the second possibility in a week to get them if luck. 3- As beginner, please do not be in shame and call your mech trash. We started like that and took time and dedication even years to be honest. Take pride of your time dedicated and forget about bad mouths around. Focus on your progress. 4- As the game part granted as base in luck percentage, you may or not get a decent part fast or will take very long. Your nerves will get in your way getting frustrated. Just have fun. Trust me on that. 5- Based in luck, what we call trash or meat parts depending on the account progress, all parts do have a function to the progress. Will discuss ahead this topic. 6- BASE 1- AD advance HQ till can get the 4 MINES that produce gold and max them. a- Do not advance more than L2 the factories. That it is good enough to simulate silver accounts that the people talk about and have to remember that making parts cost gold and require to be a real grinder for gold. b- players will talk about to L15 for power kits, don't do that for now. You do not have gold and that is no logic. Go for gold provider and are the mines and you need that more than L15. The L15 is when you are more developed. Build the 4 gold mines and level them up. Forget factories and HQ advancement. 7- Try to complete the Achievements quests. Read carefully and look for those you can accomplish fast to get extra TOKENS. 8- At arena shop, all depend on your personal desire to play. No matter what everyone says, it is choice. Sure, people advice with logic to focus on shields and caps according to your type of mech to be develop as first option but that change often when start and will require at least to push to L4 some of them and later to focus on those to advance just to cover the spectrum of enhancement to work on. You can ask about it, but I will tell what my priority was starting. I enhanced first FUEL attributes because I knew I will become a real grinder best in class in the game and keep it my words and still a real good one. The reason of this was simple, gold and account level up. With more fuel and faster regeneration, I will grind more, and the account will level up faster and gold will growth faster. No rocket science. If I take loses in pvp who cares, gold and extras will come handy better, and I was right. Sure, if you want to be more stable in combat, you need then the shields and that max 350 that it is HP and heat, phys or energy attributes according to your mech. The 350 it is extra 350 in HP. That means, if the part at divine status torso and leg is 1000, then you eill have with your account advancement 1350 and can be better at pvp fights. 9- Weapons normally work as an orchestra The type of weapon and attributes, should be combined, Sure, starting we use mix parts and not the best combinations, but it is nature of game progress. It is not bad in reality for starting and parts available. 10- The picture with the current torso, you have too much weight in use with top weapon. You need to remove that and use modules to work. I am showing an idea with my modules. Sorry, I do not have now the lower-class modules around, but the weight will be the same except 5 weights less in my account with nightmare. Sure, things will change fast when starting and can keep asking. Max those similar parts in your account as presented as idea but need to max them even won't be enough for now but can help you out now in some way. a- do not enhance the teleporter. Because you are limited in energy resources, as you advance the weapon it will eat more from your reserve to be use. Keep it for the function only for now just to scape or attack with the weapons. b- you need shield. I use the shield of 3 because even you have phys and will grant a bit more, the other is energy no heat. Normally will have more phys and heat players against you plus need space for heat and energy support. Sure, it can change but just tips. No worry about the current weight illustration, later can get another suitable weapon or module to make more room or use current room weight wise. 11- Understanding attributes, it is important. Let's check a simple example. a- Heat recoil the word it is clear, will recoil and will heat the opponent. 1- When use recoil, it will push the opponent 1 step but also will pushback your mech one step. That it is true when some space not close to game arena wall then it will push you back alone. careful to use weapon at front against opponents at wall. a- using the weapon will generate heat. as heat cost. That means, the weapon will help to overheat the opponent but also will generate heat on your mech using it. No just will create heat on your mech, but if the attacker is a heat mech, then will create more heat and can overheat you reason of modules presented to you as idea with nightmare. b- When use the weapon against the other player, it can break 10 on enemy shield. So, it is a weapon that can be use not just to heat up enemy but also to break shield and penetrate faster to attack the HP. That mean, you can make a combo of shield breakers parts or look to overheat parts. It is important to understand that when make a build. c- You need energy to operate the weapon. No energy, you are screw if too far and can't use legs. d- only can be use 3 times. you need ti be smart to save attacks for best choices at combat or will lose them and lose the fight. e- the damage f what can do at opponent heat. The combo will amplify that. So, observe well the parts to combine them. No worry if at the beginning can't do such thing, just think careful with your current limitations. 12- Basic to advance is to farm 4 times a day full cap. One time a day will be hate and love. Be real that will take very long to progress farming and to do so, you need to be consistent if you rush to become a pro. If is for entertainment time to time. all is fine. 13- Fuel days are a must to do as many ful cap can get. Gold days it is a must to do at least 4 times. XP days, those days help to advance your account level and get extra space in the garage, more fuel cap and few extra premium weapons that are important specially for free to play players. Hope this help a bit. Good luck and stay around blogging time to time with the forum peers.
  16. Well, as far I remember, maybe the account was overwritten. Meaning, the previous account was erased. When I was new and tried to play the game as guest which the program allowed, the account used to remain around for a week or so. I logged back as new guess again and overwrote the account. That happens when log in with password etc and sadly was gone. The I created OKI and registered. I know you has been for long around.
  17. no. never been as far I know not even the previous forum but sounds attractive.
  18. all depend on what type of progress you do. Your account at level 62. For that level, if you are new, then can help those 2000 silver coins, gold and packs. Now, you have to understand that the 14 packs are gamble. If you have money to get tokens, sure why not. IF you are free to play, I will recommend getting one offer with shields or duel ener/heat caps or rege/cool in order you can use better module space. Maybe the offer will give you that and more but maybe just blank bullet. The gold can be farmed in a week if want and making parts at the same time. It is your choice. If we talk about regular prices vs the offers, all offers variate from 25%--60% discount depending on the offer. All offers are good depending of what are you doing in your account and the purpose of it. Analize carefully your habits in the game. Do not rush to rush. Think properly and check pro and against toward that.
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