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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. yes. It is good Including I guess was the 3/27
  2. Looks like you have a bit of understanding. You are starting and takes time to get the right parts. Focus in just one mech for now to make it strong according to current inventory. Mixed mechs are common when start the game. We try to make one full element mech meaning full mech as physical mech, energy mech or heat mech. Those are the 3 basic elements to make robots apart of mixed mechs that are weaker by default. Everyone will tell you to start with one of the elements and will depend on your current inventory of what they can see even that does not mean it is the right one and need to have in mind that at early stage, every week can be a different opinion after getting a possible new part and all can change. Try to minimize to make parts without sense. When someone provide to you an idea, just think about it how you would like to play according to some videos around and your reality. You do not have to do it and can find better way for you from that input provided to you. In the end, you are the one that will have to spend the time making that possible. 1- Let's hold back on developing current leg. Why? a- In your case can be few considerations but not all will be mentioned. Let's take few options as ideas to think. Your current leg, it is easier leg to get in the game. It is powerful leg, but current game changed style making the option less suitable. Looking at your picture inventory which it is not in full, I can see another pair of leg. Your current leg "Iron Boot" it is in the Legendary status L1. Not bad to start and reduce some cost to make it as Myth part. Now, there are few differences to understand. As you can see in the white circular color, my account same part it is in divined status which it is the maximum in the game. The other colors around are showing that this part can be obtained from common the lowest possible grant in the game and can go to the maximum in the game. Not all parts start equally but they have a start point by default. The Hit Point it is at 491 which will grant a higher status and win because does help in the life of the mech to survive attracts. The weight it is 138 and damage can be some 219 even that number is just basic and can be more or less depending on the condition of your opponent. Now, let's compare with the leg in the picture below. It is in the divined status. The weight it is less at 132, it does do the same function in movement, but it does provide more damage plus can help break shields of your opponent. In other words, it is a better leg and help reduce weight and can do better building up with extra weight availability and better overall damage to the opponent. Sure, your leg it is in the normal grant at EPIC status. I will rather invest in the stone feet than your current leg set up. In contrast using massive stone feet it does grant you more for your gold. Sure, you do not have to change part. In the long run you might. Your current set up it is ok according of what I can see and figure out. I think for now it is a decent set up for your inventory. Good job. Focus on your modules instead of power. Increasing power leveling up weapons, the energy/heat use will increase and will harm you more. So, be focus on modules and stay a bit in lower rank. Do not add more level to your torso because will encounter more powerful foes as you increase HP. Don't have to follow my opinion. Just think around what is best for you. Just a look using stone feet Sorry, I do not have a nightmare developed. Also, resistance will reflect premium part, but you can use the basic one and max that to L30. The other factor is that my account it is L250. Your account will reflect less numbers till you max account in the arena shop. Have fun
  3. Eso no es una discusion sobre clanes.
  4. nice color for your type of mech and hat. good to see you still around making videos.
  5. fun set. so many 2900+ at that rank. cool fights
  6. No, my friend. I do not have social media accounts generally speaking even this is a forum considered one. I only use the forum and very rare the game chat. You can PM me any time and when I have time I will respond. I work all the time. When I make a comment, normally I am resting at work a bit due to physical work positions fixing high tech machines or in my breaks. The other is back at home depending. Sure, there are many days during the week I do not look at it been too busy then one day I connect and respond many comments around as fun. If is about joining a clan, I am not a pvp player. Just my kids play by mood. Sometimes never play in a week or few days just fooling around never serios like me. Just playing stupid to see players moves and laugh about it and collect info about their sets as fun and wins normally are low. I am a solo player by default from start and as a temporary member of top clans to help them and help my accounts with relics which my accounts need but played just a year or a bit more and the rest so far as solo. I am a former member of CANDELA INC and RF. If I were to join a clan, generally speaking, I would like to see CANDELA back and RF pushing to top 10 and will ask my kids to join again but so far, they did not join back when the clans were active. Now one is gone, and the other fall members retired when can be top 5 or play for top 3 clan position. I asked my kids to join Thunderdome with BumBum. He is a cool guy and always been good to me. Also, Jasper Unleash Hell him been also another cool guy or Deos Eclipticae with Warrmachine. Sure, I do not like leaders kicking people to add me. Not fair things to do unless they do not follow the basic of the clan but also to look in loyalty. They in reality do not want to join clans no wanting attachments and play as please when please in the way please because please themself. They have their own R1 accounts and are former R1 in their own merits all seasons close in power to O.D.FARM and their accounts are solo accounts. They played in different clans, but people do not know them related to me to ensure people do not associate us. Some people hate me like happens to all players and they started 7-9 years old so better be off in tell who they are as family decision with my wife who is also a R1 in her own. Also, I do not like to join any clan with members doing illegal activities as I can see till today. I only join a clean clan. I will like the administration to look close to clans properly.
  7. used to have the same effect in my account with terror cry. both weapons are similar. Terror cry was one of my original weapons developed and happens to me too and had the same reaction looking a chicken flying. depending on your move, the opponent can attack with the chicken telling you are chicken out.
  8. oh, so Serbians eat cigarette? Ah, Turkish coffee. Had them before in Turkey and in some others eastern Europe.
  9. Welcome back my friend
  10. maybe you can show inventory and they can help so you can do auto farm in 1v1 OD6 insane. Also, is the best to help in HP to level up your account and cost 7 fuel. very efficient.
  11. Yes, she is from Serbia as far I know. Hmm, avocado it has been taking worldwide stage. Avocado was not in use in many countries and was more like Latin area thing and USA just new world. It has been taking a good export and prices started to skyrocket. Looks like the Mexican is giving a good taste if good stuff. Just wonder before America not having potatoes, avocados and ton of others stuff. Hmm, I forgot that my dad owns some land with avocado trees. How come I forgot about that? Yes, my dad has some land that got when I was a kid thinking to retire there and never did. I will ask for the land. Those are big. I will sell some or use it to practice baseball.
  12. Hmm, well, in reality there are good top players pure free to play and stayed as top for long or still. Not all are pay to win. Also, there are some idiots like me that pay just to farm not trying to win.
  13. She has to add her essay from Serbia. It is cool to know cultures differences from people living actually there. I hate avocado. My mother used to prepare Gazpacho Salad. One of the main ingredients is avocado. So, I hate the damn thing. I had to always ask for Gazpacho without avocado. Does not make sense to call a Gazpacho without maybe the main ingredient. Sure, this is what we used to get nearby so small fresh from the trees in the local market. Now, compare this what it is in the local supermarkets here in Oregon Thx God, I do not eat them because holy crab it is pure trash. I have just fake food around. I wish to have some tropical fruits not genetically manipulated. I should move to some other place to eat something fresh. I want to pick the fruits out of the trees etc as I used to do back on those places without issues not like here that can take you to the jail.
  14. Living outside of USA when young in Asia, Europe and Latin America I can say breakfast are way different for sure. Typical breakfast in Asia places was rice with some other stuff with soups and vegetables etc like I consider for dinner. I never like it. Sure, at lunch or dinner like it. In Europe even some similarities depending on the country, I had hard time to eat them too. Actually, a lot of dinner I had issues too and in USA does have a lot of that style that I do not like either for dinner. In Latin America, to be more specific, Panama does have a lot of similar breakfast in the city but the menu for breakfast there is huge. Tons of choices for every culture to get close from home cooking. In the Caribbean is more like USA due to cultural values been close and local trade. I had hard time during breakfast outside USA. I am picky with the food, so my mother used to cook special stuff just for me. By the time I was 5 years old, I used to prepare my own in my days off. Sure, in the base was the same USA stuff but outside sometimes was hard to get basic food that I was able to eat in the morning. I like Asian and Latin food a lot. My wife is purely American style. My kids confuse me all the time. Can be a pop tarts of Kellogg or American breakfast or Mexican or Chinese or else. I am confused with them. I will understand in my case because living outside USA but not them. Weird kids.
  15. Well, weird to flex this but because I am not playing and my kids don't care that much to play my accounts having their games to play with friends, my kid is at home sick, and I just realize he was playing fool about what I saw in his videos and decided to go to R3 slowly. WOW, I have not seen an R3 in ages and even less 55 fooling around wins. Maybe watching what it is there at higher ground. Just adding OD.FARM. I decided to play 5 wins because my kids were not planning to play and to have both at same rank I chose to play daily. OK. Back to normal to have both at same rank as always like.
  16. I think was with Electrolyte but also remember with Anguish and face. Can't remember well. Sure, I remember some tops with it at top and was a default later for mid road. Was a great mech and very good looking. Sure, UPC was the top draining fast with runner and dual snipers.
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