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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I think has been some changes, but I can't remember. I really do not know if the old bosses were better. I am just a reloaded player can't compare.
  2. is decent. the part it does affect a bit it is the lack of one drainer to help better on damage due to very high phys resistance in the game.
  3. Getting close the magic egg
  4. you have very decent mechs. First mech looks solid. Second mech looks nice too just the lack of HP. Nice job. Good to see you back.
  5. sad when people are not around. I try my best but is limited time. Already passed days unable to connect been to busy
  6. funny. Just when I can I say something that confuse mire the player.
  7. Oh... Sad with the loss of your legacy inventory. I know older players suffered a lot. It will happen maybe in the future again. Who knows... Good to know you are doing nice now. Yes, energy break harm a lot starting the game but will keep going till rank 6 a lot. Passing to R5 it does change a bit, but you will be more developed. Heat will be a huge issue as you advance. Normally the tops build more to counter physicals and heat mechs and take a loss against energy. There will be many physicals too reason you need good shields. They kill fast.
  8. nothing new. there are few more around. You should summit the info to the proper channel. Not just I do not care about rank, but that makes the game even less attractive or pointless to even think to try to rank up. I do not even try for from 2021 summer. Never wanted buy even less now.
  9. looks cool design. I guess he kill you. Also, your mech is looking nice.
  10. Sad to know you lost the other account. It is nice to see you still playing on and off and happy to play. That is what I do when I can. I play for fun not for ranks. Mech is looking ok but need to add resistance. you have 2 premium resistances. The cooling and regeneration also are low but seems you like to play with high energy/heat caps and limited protection. Anyway, keep having fun like I do.
  11. smurf guys are players choosing to abuse players less developed. What they do is use a powerful weapon with the rest in low status and they force them self to go to lower ranks to get wins and the rewards of the wins as team or solo but normally as team or better say clan. Players that are belong to higher ground and play at lower ground sometimes at full power. It is not your fault. The smurf issue it does happen even in rank 5. There is a long way to deal with the issues. Just focus into advance your mech in a steady way regardless the loses. About your mech, you are doing a decent work. Just the torso it is bad in the long run. Use that one for now because has been developed and focus to max your modules in full. The other part is that your cooling and regeneration are very low. Also, careful with the drone under development, because your HP is 1644, that drone eat HP when attack.
  12. Just try. You can keep asking questions. Sometimes I am not around and will take time to respond. Other can help so do not be shy to always ask questions. Many here or maybe the majority are older than me in this game.
  13. This is with current developing or developed parts in your arsenal. That it is the last attack in OD6 INSANE. Little to no damage to the mech. You can use current parts and kill easy. Some fights at some areas will be harder to reach OD6 but good enough to get there easy and easy even not developed. You can advance fast. Level up modules. You have a nice inventory to work something around but require farming a lot to get it done.
  14. Well, you better use NIGHTMARE easy to get just farming. Also, you should develop stone feet. The legs in use push opponent 2 spaces but you have energy recoil. This torso but the red one easy to get every day. For now, use what you have developed. Also, because you have energy mech, your energy regeneration is very poor at 152. The cooling also is bad. Both needs to be 300 or more especially when you have to use an energy bomb. Do not feel bad. For now, work with it and then develop nightmare if no other good torso show. Nightmare is for every rank. Your torso will stay at mid rank. NAGA is good and vest is harder to be kill than naga because better resistance attribute.
  15. Ok, lets identify your current first mech issue. Sure, was a cool mech even with issues back then. 1- Resistance it is very low. The resistance it is accomplished through the arena shop enhancements, torso and shield modules. In your case you have some issues: a- Maybe not account fully developed at arena shop. b- The resistance shield it is the epic one but good in use. c- The torso it is bad thinking in resistance. The HP is great but because lack of resistance, the attackers can cut through the mech easy. Is like aluminum foil vs and steel wall. Shure is giving you HP and help in energy but also the weight is heavy and ZERO resistance. For counter mechs having high HP 3200-4000 is good torso specially for physical set up. d- The cooling and regeneration are a disgrace. The basic minimal is 300 for both and even that still bad. Just in case for your mech without make you feel bad, how to play energy mech without enough energy recovery against energy mechs? Sure, good enough to fight against heat and physical just in energy based in your mech. e- Already mentioned resistance using the module but it is terrible amount at 19 because using that torso. Let's show this basic difference using different torso with the same shield in this case premium option and fully developed account so you can see how bad is now when I use the new. Using this one. This torso used to be the best using the single old resistance That means, even using terrible torsos to advance, those possess more resistance to fight better unless have very high HP. You can see also how change the energy and heat caps per torso. So, the regeneration and cooling are very low reason you need to max your modules for now and resistance will need development if have any. That it is just the beginning if the mech issue. Few other considerations to take. The second mech in this case the physical, it is not bad in the sense of build according to what you have in the storage. Sure, it is not the best because no recoil, using roller, shields and modules caps. In basic for now. Focus into max the modules. and improve cooling and regeneration even resistance will be bad. Because you already developed some torsos, keep them as it is for now till enhance modules. Also, your gold is very low. Focus into increase gold reserve. Do not desperate to level up parts. Grind as much you can per day. Just do daily max of 15 parts and collect 20 and let mix boxes growth for now together with gold.
  16. Well, the game morphed into resistance-based game. New energy/heat modules introduced, and shields modules added as part of the last parts developed some years back and started to be released by the second part of 2020. Those modules now are essential. The old ways making parts to combat today it is different and harder. Also due to the new modules improve energy and heat caps, the old modules consume more weight than the new ones and help a little less. Before people used to play with L40 those modules but without the new ones, you need to max them out to L50 and divine if have relics. I can see you are an old player with the old energy mech that was decent and used to crush me often. Now is a lot helpless if compare what used to be. I can see you do not have the old good buddy rock recoiler that is good to work with your physical developed parts. The other part is that even in rank 10, there are powerful mechs with high HP and some players also are smurf's abusing to get wins for rewards. Ranks 8-6 is loaded of powerful R1 mechs pushing down the rest and getting killed. I do not know your former rank, but I can see you used to be around R7-R5. That my friend is different now. This is the basic now in resistance way op if compare the old time Basic torso to use is Basic legs to use is this type the 3 elements that help in weight and resistance. Knowing basic now, just analyze what rank you can be. Yes, you will get killed even with new modules. This is an example in R5 with mech belong to R7. MY kid was testing for his fun. The one in the left. dead using new modules. with good cap. That is a reflection of what it is going on in the floor at your current rank. Just max those modules to L50. Also, develop this leg and any type of them. if get 3 of heat, develop all of them. If you are going to play physical, make few of this Show your current sets and personal builds. Maybe they can help if you give your current set ups.
  17. OKI DOKI- Just making slow progress making collection parts. I started to divine some epics parts around one per week. I keep progressing in gold accumulation. Slow progress but decent. I made just one part because balancing divining parts. O.D.FARM- I keep maximizing myth parts accumulated at L1 getting them into L50. Just few around to complete my kid's mess then will focus into make parts and divine some epics. One more month and all will be at L50. Progress through mix boxes not base. Just 4 parts. CHEERS
  18. Well, when we start, we all are weak. Just luck in getting parts. Picking parts to max it is messy sometimes. We build mechs according to we are getting parts, and we change them time to time as arrive and our set ups change. According to what I can see, you lack modules that sustain your mech to attack and to stand against your opponent. Those modules are the energy and heat modules as basic. You need to basically start to make parts again to enhance power. Now, you can do it in the side and use a single mech for now till enhance those parts. Let explain. In the picture below, the first torso to the left, it is a torso considered as meat. You do not max that. It is a loss of gold and parts farmed. The second mech, it is also a no to go mech even can be used to certain rank let say R10 generally speaking. The weapon at far right, it is ok weapon to some rank. It can be use even in R5 or more depending on build so for that one in particular for now it is not a loss of investment and time. Do not max the torso in the middle. Just use that for now as it is. You have few parts that can be carry on to Rank1, but it is all depend on when can be used properly. So, do not eat those because are important in the future or now. Let's talk about some other parts. The picture below, the module with number 8, it is a combined energy/heat reserve for your mech. Having limited parts right now, you need to develop that one. It will carry you far so go for it now. The one with number 16, it is a plate that will add some extra life or better say HP. Depending for now, you can use that and develop till reach max L30. Max these two for now. The one with number 19 it is a heat reserve but also help to cool down your mech a bit. The one with number 21 it is a shield protector for the mech attributes as energy, heat and physical protection but it is a epic part and need to go to L30 as max but it is very important for now. Below picture, far left weapon work at any rank in the game. The 3er from left to right can work to some ranks depending on configurations let say Rank 3 generally speaking. In the past was R1 but still can do the job on any rank. I can't see any drone developed. One good reason to lose the fight. The drone in picture below, never has been the best but can do a decent job to some ranks. It can be use even rank3 as energy drone. The drone below can be use as physical but for low ranks if no other choice. For torso, you can get torsos easy and are good to take you to any rank. This one is nightmare torso. It does appear very often farming. Get 2 of them because your torsos for now are a waste. Sure, keep them for now till you developed the one mentioned. This top weapon number 22 it is decent till some ranks. Can be R5 even other can be R3 as configuration change but lost the luster as used to be a go to part for decent ranks in the past. Still a good maybe R3. The leg at 30 it is ok in some ways for some ranks but better the one I mentioned first. This top weapon can help in some ways depending on built but not as top. The one below can help in some mechs around R3 or less. So, why are you weak? 1- Bad choices or depend on the time when were granted but common parts like nightmare should be defaulted to use. Wasted 2 torsos when can have 2 good ones. 2- Your current leg, keep it for now but do not enhance more. Develop this one one of the best around. Let see what it is going on. Eh...! I have no clue what the heck you are doing. Not offense. We are here to learn and to help. Your mech parts are dispersed. The number 1 issue that you do have, it is the lack of modules. When we start, normally we get the trash modules or better say the meat modules but in the beginning are essential to build a mech. Try to build one mech not 2 for now. The important is to make it as strong you can with current limitations. Due to the lack of modules, hold back a bit in the enhancing weapons and work with some modules to support weapons and be able to survive some attacks. For now, will be not good. As you can see below, the cooling and regeneration are terrible. That kill your mech when get attacked and when use your weapons you heat up your mech and consume maybe all the energy to attack. Those numbers in the picture are even from few maxed parts. Stop to make parts from left to right. Focus to add modules easy to get in the farming. I can see you are a buyer with those power kits. Using them, you need to understand that you need to have gold. The other part it is the use of weapons due to limitations. I am giving you just idea, but it is for you to think what to do. That it is using your current parts. Look for the logic of it and restrain to make parts just to make them. Think a bit. There are options but the lack of modules, it won't sustain enough. We can use sometimes things like this when we start. Just crazy in some ways but we can try what can work for now with a bit of sense. As last tip, physical mech consume less energy but very dependable from and can go against heat and physical as best but also physical parts generate heat. Some weapons as the one in the side, eat HP when use in the second picture. Look around, do crazy with logic. Sure, max the modules spots to support the rest.
  19. yes. it is fun. I might make a mech with terror just for fun.
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