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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 2 hours ago, LittleFox said:

    it should normally take  between 6 months and a year to get that much tokens without spending it or just a bit. but i think i read a message from him saying he spends money on this game, not completely sure though.

    "I can buy because I am an adult over 50 years old who work 6-7 days a week and make a decent amount of money as Eng. not a hell a lot but above American salaries and I do save money since age of 5 and never wasted but controlled even play video games since the 70's" yea probably pay to win

    Yes I do. I have purchased tokens and not been 13,000 as max at one time. Check the old progress and will see over 30,000 but if I combine both accounts those days I will have 80,000 🤫🤔

    5 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Yes I do. I have purchased tokens and not been 13,000 as max at one time. Check the old progress and will see over 30,000 but if I combine both accounts those days I will have 80,000 🤫🤔

    I was free to play first 6 months with my mix boxes and first phys hugger plus 2 more in reserve all fortune boxes. Later then last summer I got some sale items in the forum and then got some items and some pack offers like yesterday and accumulated 60pack  and opened. Sadly bad drops. I have in Oki 77 packs and 60 in od farm in this moment. There is no need to open since no gold and parts enough to l50 parts in the storage and will take very long because I do not buy gold instead I grind every day and do not use tokens to buy energy. All energy is granted keeping bars low all the time. 🙃

  2. 5 hours ago, Hauer Horatio said:

    Would you buy this offer? I found it good and I bought it, please fully explain why you bought it or why you didn't buy it. thanks


    I will say according to the regular price as starting point it is a good offer. If the person need to gamble a bit in the search of a particular part or maybe parts not in the storage and can be useful, then buy. For people with lack of money depending from parents been a minor that it is another matter. I can buy because I am an adult over 50 years old who work 6-7 days a week and make a decent amount of money as Eng. not a hell a lot but above American salaries and I do save money since age of 5 and never wasted but controlled even play video games since the 70's. I pay my own way for university with my own money accumulated since child not by parents plus some student loans due to the high cost of university.  I use some money from stash money from grants given through years doing good job so in reality I do not use my own salary money for it. I have all pay off in my life. I have house paid for etc no debts like car payments etc etc etc.  

    My experience with 4 of those same offers I got in OKI DOKI the result were not good.  I was able to accumulate over 60 boxes and It is just a gamble in reality. I got the offer in O.D FARM for the future not now. I do not need the offer since I have already parts in the storage not in use not developed and no enough gold reserve or mix box accumulated. I have 3k power kit in reserve and cost a lot of gold to L50 parts been myth L1 and takes long to be able to do it. I have a high inventory in epics to make legend parts for meat  but many are reserve for future use consuming them if I get more of the same. It is cyclical grants of parts and sometimes takes long to get same part and I do not meat all because I test using them for combination.

    I do not have the gold to max them hoping to move to 30mill this time and I test at L1 whatever the part original state grant.  The boxes in OD.  won't be open now because no storage space and I do not have many epics at L30 to use epics from opening boxes to make legends from there plus not in need because I have too many and can't use them.  I have now 60 premium in reserve. The best for me is to wait and save for items offer that I want but not luck with premium.

    I might meat epics as they are because I am getting focus to accumulate some gold to L50 parts in test mechs. The mechs are just and assembly of parts not mind set of the mech but I need to max some parts because need for raid, Titan and help to combine. I do not have energy mech developed so far and only one heat hugger. In other words I am fully limited to the basic mechs I use at this point regardless I do have a decent inventory at this point if compare with others of my longevity playing the game. 

    Another factor that influence a lot of my current status is because I do not play to rank up. That it is a big factor to make a mech for combat and fight properly with the intension to win thing I do not have because I play for fun and make parts only.  It does not make sense to invest to do things as I do with the parts because are not oriented to win and can be seen as a waste but it is my own fun and that is what does matter. 

    If the person is having a lack of resources in this case money been a minor or else I will rather say do not spend money and save for real future needs in life to be ready for high education or a car etc. and focus in pvp and grinding. Normally that won't function because people wants things right now in this moment without thinking straight about it. 

    Sorry, I do not have like available to grant now. Have to wait. 😔

  3. Hmm, since I am relativy new in the game this is my in take. 

    The game morphed or evolved from the previous version. There was an old player conversion of course affecting the old players money invested etc. 

    Some players decided to continue and others not or later passing a year or bit longer it changed a lot.

    Those who stayed and transfered they move along the change and quickly they move back or recreated former clans with many former and mew members.

    Those old players by logic had an advantage against new players since they converted parts and moved fast or just kept been r1 in full clans. 

    Those R1 starting reloaded were crappy if compare now 3-4years later but they stayed been practically r1 in clan recreating power fast enough to walk over the newbies. 

    By the time I joined 1 year and 4 months ago they were way ahead of me at all levels. Remember, they transfered old stuff, move back together fast and stay on top from start making the gold, relics etc since then.

    To advance now and compete against them it is practically a joke because the arsenal with divine status it is been growing since then plus new items one after another and maxing them out fast.

    Any new player to reach r1 now it is difficult investing or not investing money due to power accumulated from old players whom stayed playing without stop. No one can make them guilty because they play that long and gained power that in my case I do not possess developed . 

    Yes, grinding it does takes forever to advance. I know maybe better than any player in this game how long take grinding to move to L250 since I developed 2 accounts one in 8 months and one in 10 months to get that level way ahead of those old players since I was one of the first to reach that level last year.

    Now, the years of those old players in r1 where get a lot of gold per pvp, relics, boxes, raid, titan etc it is way ahead of me so by default and logic they will overpower me unless become CLEVER. 

    That not mean can make it. I reached R2 full stars in 2v2 with mix mechs in 6 months because on those days counters were the rule and many had no idea how to make it properly and dealing against mix mechs like mine well I rolled over them easy breasy. 

    My accounts also were not granting much till a period of time like a month or 2 when the game decided to give me good stuff one after another in fortune boxes.

    Anyway, years are passing and the entire ways to do things it is changing so nothing stay the same. Believe me, from playing ping pong with atari console using vhs back in the 70's or playing in arcade starting ways till now we are going to have hard time to become permanent r1 but need to use logic in the play. They look the way how to over smart you and plan their mechs many of them and they know what they are looking for.

    I do test all the time and I found the way to destroy metas using my same mechs. I take the losses to learn on purpose. Now they come with many of them and I crash them. 

    I will find the way always in disadvantage. That it is my fun and making parts step by step not rushing things. 

    Sure I can make some of those but it is not my way. I like to experiment with all kind of parts reason why I keep many epics around doing crazy things. 

    Sure I get your frustration and I know when many tops are hunting checking whY it is there then set to attack but I call that strategy meaning they are playing the game as should. 

    Well, old players like you have lots of ideas since has seen many things and can give some old ideas to implement them if possible. 

    In my case I will say that the most important factor here it is the low amount of gold at low ranks to develope and became worse with base.  Gold need to be enhanced so development can progress and people can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Sure, drop rate have to improve a bit more on premium packs etc but more gold it is a need and I will say it is the primary factor to move ahead regardless parts availability.



  4. 5 hours ago, Melanös said:

    I played legacy between early 2016 and late 2017, and I liked it a lot more than reloaded, and basically quit when that was released, however recently (in the last 4 months or so) I've gotten back into SM, and I've been playing it a lot more. Also, I think that reloaded has grown from the smoking pile of garbage it was in when it was released in late 2017 (at least in my opinion) and is now more or less on par to how I remember legacy being (also, just my opinion). However I would really love to be able to play legacy again, on separate servers to reloaded, anyone could play one or the other, whenever they wanted. Please give your honest opinion on this idea, if you love it or hate it, I just wanna see everyone's point of view on this topic.

    Hmm, I really do not know what to say. I think the older players can give opinion about it. I do not have base for opinion in this case. Now, I tested one time due to someone added a link. I think was madao, or someone else and I tried the game for a day or 2. 

    I like the current look than before. Now looks more advanced. 🤔

  5. 2 hours ago, Melanös said:

    idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but i kinda like the idea of having a small tight knit community, where everyone knows everyone. Don't get me wrong, im not opposed to new players in any way, however im not too fussed if the forum community stays small.

    Nothing wrong with that. 👍

    2 hours ago, Manolis109 said:

    sure it is. I also have to say that i preferred the old forum. This one is complicated.

    1) Navigation is difficult. Also old topics with new replies on them appear on top of new content instead of new topics. 

    2) You don't have privacy, most of your actions are exposed to others like what profile you are watching where you are at and more. I don't like this.

    and there's more I can't come up with atm



    I agree with both. Now, in the first item I will say I am getting better. I compare with the pc and phone. I have more hard time with the phone. 

  6. Let see🧐🤓😒😏😶

    Currently cleaning a bit and increasing gold stash. I have been making some epic to L30 for future legend meat. 

    I made few torsos to meat later with epics granted and some from R3 box.

    My S box with few legend relic was nice. Forgot to screen capture but I got 3 epics and one GOLEM legend for meat with my R3 box.

    I will keep increasing gold. Yesterday extra gold and extra farming few days ago it helped a lot. I am shy to 20mill.




    Super Mechs_2021-03-02-03-19-23.jpg

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    Super Mechs_2021-03-02-03-22-29.jpg

    Super Mechs_2021-03-02-03-25-37.jpg

    Super Mechs_2021-03-02-03-25-45.jpg

  7. Just now, Melanös said:

    yea well i still got flexed on by your lvl 1 myth mechs, and i played in 2016

    hmm, in my case the progress it is been due to farming. Sure after 6 months of free play I got some items not in use except 3 of them and got some premium boxes granting epics but at list got some parts around from the sale during last summer in the forum and others in the regular sale plus some from those packs. I advanced when the game started to grant me many legends with fortune boxes then stopped. 

  8. On 2/27/2021 at 5:40 AM, DarkColorSlapper said:

    @ MEGABOT No forum tens de speak in ingles, é a lingua mais falada aqui, e os devs também são ingleses, portanto agredicia que pudesses escrever em ingles usando talvez o google tradutor como eu algumas vezes lol... E ai eles vão conseguir te compreender e te poderão ajudar.


    On 2/28/2021 at 2:21 PM, MEGABOT said:

    In the other account I have tokens that I bought I really wasn't afraid to invest in the old account

    cool, so ready to kill bots. 👌

  9. On 12/21/2020 at 7:07 AM, Purific said:

    My new energy mech using the newest weapon Overloaded EMP. The biggest weakness of this mech is another energy. Enjoy!


    like the intro picture.  like the fights. hmm will like to have the opinion of your new part back then in the video. 

    On 12/22/2020 at 2:19 AM, Purific said:

    Evil Titan returned to destroy the Earth?



    cool intro. he wiped you too easy. 🤭 just kidding but that last shot was too much. 

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