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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. crazy intro. started to laugh just watching it. Poor of my clan peer. Ending id funny with that face. WTF. energy fortress meat intro! nice relics and few meat in fortune. I like the song. My young times . funny voices in the video. Who was that guy? A friend.
  2. go to information on the headings area and search for request for base to be disable and file the request. it will take some time since it is manual operation
  3. true. you gave a good description.
  4. Nice. well put bro. Before were not understanding Then W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T. clarified and a new robot born and then Spartan and kicked Brute hard Then everyone were happy and celebrate and cheers
  5. Jam it is in the right spot. Many do not understand that the game was created in that way. Just imagine having the same weapon or different weapons with same output power everyone and be in the USA OLD West and the first who shoot and kill win or you win if the game set you up first to shoot. Game have to be unbalanced by default and set mechs by luck generally speaking when get a part as a way of continuous progress. Balanced Team working hard. Just kidding.
  6. Just wait till a former or current legacy acc user can give you a help. There was a legacy conversion to reload and were able to advance some parts with old ones and kept few of the old that still functional. Do not a thing till they can help you out. Keep asking. This is full of former legacy players.
  7. WOW. Incredible. different style makes things cool. interesting idea
  8. Las reglas de tu clan son excelentes. Que pena que ellos no tienen el interes de poder desarollar y progresar en forma estable con un buen lider dispuesto para ayudar al mejoramiento de ellos mas haciendo un panel de desarollo publico donde se puede comunicar apropiadamente aparte del chat, o discord etc.
  9. In reality it is about preferences according parts at disposition to use with your torso. If nothing else it is available you need to keep moving forward. Now, nightmare it is a torso C-M and can be use from start to be divined. Some top players use the torso at top 10 clans as example below. Some indicate it can be the best torso in the game depending the configuration. Now, people use more now vest because less complicated to set up and resist but night it is high in resist as well. All depend what will you do with it. In my opinion you can max it but I do not recommend if you do not know what to do properly but you still need to keep progressing and later when get the item you need go ahead and switch like the majority had to do in the past including me. We do not know when we will get the item we want.
  10. Oh well, this looks like the previous forum now. I do not know what to pick so
  11. What happen at your rank in particular in 3v3 is that many top players de-rank to get easy wins as 2v2 because 3v3 takes too long. In my case I drop to play at normal rank with mechs test at those levels proper for those levels. For example, I was playing test parts mechs at R10 for few days and today I moved to top rank. Now, I was playing and many matches against my mech were out of logic. Me R10 vs R6 full R3-R2 mechs power. I will understand an R10 full L50 with weak modules and be at 2k-2,3k since was normal to be matched when I was at that rank because the game always like to match me with higher hp player but many clans players drop to your rank and you can't compete against them. I know well since I test in R5-R1 but also R10-R6 with low mechs. I was trying to move up but a beehive of top players playing in full power at R6 of below it was impossible to test properly and I had to switch few times to stronger mechs to hunt them down then later move up rank to top properly.
  12. I do not know you, but I get kill often with them. Just saying
  13. no, there are future things in mind. first working with what GATO inherit of game issues. Few basics has been on the way step by step then will re-focus in others later on. People do not understand that GATO took over some months back in full from Tactic. This takes long plus organize employee, direction, market analysis, ideas, cost, time, laws and lots of other things to work on it and start sacrifices with losses etc etc etc. new parts will come along, small changes in the game, prices adjustment, tokens, gold and others.
  14. I do not have the answer since I am not part of the rebalance team. Now, what they did was to counter the Monkey in some was. Monkey energy and heat wise are opposite mirror to each other between energy torso and heat torso. For Vest, they are identical to monkey if not wrong but monkey have more life and more weight but not resist. Regardless, they decided to balance Vest against monkey health points with the resist. Vest have less weight but a lot less health points but calculated between added resist and torso will be similar to monkey on health point making the torso harder to get destroyed like reducing life of the monkey at equivalent way. Now, they counter the issue with heat and energy plus phys on resist according the mech attribute to compensate the balance so energy compensate heat a bit and heat compensate energy a bit and both compensate a lot on phys. I really do not know what they did recently but I think was something similar to that. Just guessing... Now, I will say even Vest was adjusted to emulate monkey on power, became better because resist is high enough to make it really hard to reduce and in contrast the monkey resist drop fast and easier to kill and with modules divined then the issue gets even more complicated increasing to 180 in resist as combo.
  15. I though I had no more parts around but I was wrong, I had some at base. Cool...Now I was able to finish this CHEERS
  16. yo diria que si. es lo que el clan habia decidido hace tiempo antes de yo ingresar al clan. Ahora, muchos se unen y se van porque quieren medallas y nosotros no vamos por ellas pero si por los premios. Se nos fueron unos por busca de medallas pues no los culpo pero usan el clan de cama elastica para brincar a ellos despues que mejoran un poco. En mi caso no tengo razon porque irme del clan. Los beneficios son buenos y flexibilidad de hacer muchas cosas y no ser sacado por bajo rango pero hacer lo basico es necesario. como va el clan?
  17. Well, had some spare parts around so why not. Now I do not have parts so lets keep saving gold and save mix boxes. CHEERS
  18. In this case all use energy monkey. By the time was created protector drone came up to the game but using old modules for energy, heat and shield. I no longer play the set since it is too weak for current game environment but it is ok to play R5-R4 if someone need easy set till later can make modifications with resist damage, sacrificed, spartan or else when get parts.
  19. It is more easy. I will always recommend to go phys as first mech build to balance power for next mechs in mind. That was one of the reason I used because cost, low amount of parts to use, power and rank stability. Not mean is better but best to start in the game. I know, I started as mix mech because can't use anything else in full. My old team post mix mechs
  20. That it is the idea. Losing give you ideas of changes to know what to do later or to understand better the parts combination functionality. In my case I expose my self for damage in many ways for different weapons and position to start and get average. Normally I do not build mechs instead parts groups for future usage. I am not focus in mechs builds.
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