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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I was accused too. You are not the only one even I was free to play and reached top rank as free to play and as soon I got some items then I was a cheater.
  2. that happen at the fish market
  3. People are not happy and just looks others to blame. In a side note I want you to be my dad.
  4. Repulser are fine as they are. They have range and help to scope range for scopes owners. Scope mechs generally speaking can be weak in particular those depending or basic repulser. There is balance and not abused in the game.
  5. Not easy with so many tuff and smart players around kicking my butt but OKI-FARM wants to be close as always. Ok, time for farming.
  6. Oh, Interesting "Way Too Many Posts" . How this know?
  7. hmm, poor guys. I do not even can deal with my mom. Not easy to have an harem. No thx. Better eat a pizza and drink a beer . Best to keep one.
  8. and as free smart player you make miracle and R1 in all seasons in the current environment and that it is not easy. Luck is coming to you.
  9. not easy to be honest. some are lucky getting parts and tokens on raid etc.
  10. Hmm, it is not to be inspired but to me it is interesting to see his pro with the kind of build. Sure have difficulties and sustaining his top rank with current changes in the arena and to keep up. He also it is updating his mechs making them more robust. How many players can make good builds if not with top dollars? Just pure luck with fortune and base L craft not always pay to get items. Even are common builds it is about his capabilities as good player in my opinion. Also, the current arena suffer a lot with the lack of power players with retired, semi-retired, some no longer paying with deceptions, limited of players to pull or add to clans and then having same players matching one after another with builds impossible hard to beat because no variation in AI in matches. The loop it is too heavy to play. Lack of gold to help develop the new comers it is frustrating and even me who likes to farm can say there is no hope but to farm everyday and hard to save for improvements. I will say then it is interesting to have a player messing around with everyone nerves
  11. I agree. With his builds lacking in power he is great. In a side note, you are really good player too and you beat me almost all the time with any build I have. It is about the build and player behind. You have power and good player.
  12. He play well. We can kill with some mechs since I can but if I change to others he will make my life miserable. I like his style. Not expensive build and kil kill kill and again do not make a mistake or kill you
  13. OWESOME. BETTER BOX. In the beginning what parts to pick Then was born Started to play Then to walk and try to bend the others Grew up but with difficulties Then he was re-assembled for improvement He tried his best and made friends He tried all kind of weapons available and tested Some weapons worked and some not He set a goal and no one will stop him or tell him what Then reached his goal and ready to move to next one. He was congratulated. Now, he walk with confidence and ready to whatever comes and if you do not like
  14. use a regular heat hugger with claw or snipe him. No issues to kill him. Now, his builds are fun and he do a nice job with them. only one mistake and you are doom
  15. True Next person don't play video games
  16. possible the bank is thinking it is not an usual transaction and have to work with the bank. Maybe your credit card or debit card has been blocked and need to released calling and confirming the transaction
  17. sometimes some parts for some accounts even epics are not granted then suddenly I bunch of them. Those are my second legs used in my OKI. First was Iron boot switched to my second mech and needed to push back to use weapons available. Depending your set can be ok legs but now current game environment might not be too good. Focus in modules unless you have something in mind.
  18. cool, that mean you went against top players at those de-ranked
  19. was out of range using mercy
  20. solar energy mech bad build
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