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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. that it is a great part. do not food it is hard to get
  2. People are forgetting to add the offers here every week. I hope the forum keeps this alive because is good for the community. Please do so as soon get offers. Thx. I will add another for gotten. Please add if you have it the 3 drain offer and any other offer missing.
  3. Nice. I know well about school. Terrible. Too many girls there. Lots of distraction. I hope like the current game state. As question to the community. Some of the old school still around watching in the side line till a new controversy appear to show up and say something. In mean time some others still around helpful people. Enjoy, have fun and progress but do not forget about school books because those can help to lift a bit your pc for better eyes vision.
  4. oh, Triumph. Welcome back to the game. Is time to kill.
  5. I do not talk about top clans or top players. This is a general thing that occur at different levels of the game "if happen". Like I said before, it is not good to finger point in a direction or accuse without prove but what it is important it is to play your game and progress and not get irritated "if that is happening at any level of the game" with players or ranks. Focus on your own progress and you will see yourself at the top no matter what others players do.
  6. COOL. You are welcome to the forum. Lots of nice people around of all play level from new to pro. Ask questions around. They will help you out and sometimes will make funny comments about it. Just go with the flow because always it is been like this. Have fun, add ideas no matter if sound not that good but go and do it and figure out about more of the game in that way with comments. Learn reading old and new comments. Help out to those less stronger to make them better. They might be your future peers and clans best buds.
  7. That do not resolve the issue if people think on it. On first play they will know that and they can fake the win and loss. Easy to do showing fights and oops wrong attack tactic. They can have 8 attacks but already planned to get the particular win. Hmm, I do not care in the end. When I am in the mood to kill so I kill no matter what. When I play like today no time and I do not care what I do so I take losses not been focus.
  8. Hi, welcome to the forum.
  9. Boosting acc is simple. Some people let others wins to the same person. For example, I have OKI DOKI and O.D. FARM accounts. If I want to go for medal I can open both accounts and play at the same time and when my OKI DOKI encounter O.D FARM I can let OKI DOKI or O.D FARM win quitting the fight. Now, if both mechs are at the same AP the gain and lose is more average but let say if you are an AP 250 and win against me been an AP 140 it is not that much gain but add a few points not hat much but if the player with AP 250 lose against me and it is in a position let say 3, it gets a hammer down in position out of 10 position and will be harder to move up position unless win all the time in particular to similar or higher position. When clans want to boost and have people with alt accounts and let them win by default and plus search for what particular hour and mechs are in use they set them self to attack in group to get wins one after another with weaker possibilities players around. The general AP of the clan move up and retain or increase clan position or for a solo medal. There are some strategy on it coordinated and that harm the rest of players playing in let say legal ways. Now, you cannot finger point all the time to them because on first place the game it is an strategic game to attack as clan but the concern came about single player boosting for solo medals with others helps not been fair in this case. Generally speaking, you can talk good or bad of those who do it and keep the politics like politicians in the game to justify and finger point to each other but in the end many are in the wagon. It is wrong or it is right? It is up to you to interpreter your point of view with decency and logic in the thinking as outsider of such activities. In my case I do not care if do or not as clan or player. "STRATEGY GAME" is clear said in the game. As solo player can be judged in some ways to keep ranks or even medals gains in an unfair ways and as clan can be strategy as group which is part of the game. My point is depend of what it is your desire or goals in the game. My goal is not to get medals so I give an "F" a bout it because my focus is to make a strong accounts and you can see it in my development nothing to be jealous of any player around with my hard legal and honest work I put in my acc's developments. No rush but I will be strong and no doubts on it. Prove it already with or without capabilities. Focus on your game development and the rest will be peachy in the short and long run according your goals in the game. Do not distract of what you will become. You will be STRONG no matter what and best of all, play as make you happy in the game because is your account to enjoy on your ways and feelings and dedication you put on it.
  10. Sup. it is been a while not seen you around.
  11. Hi Pilots How the killings are going? I hope goes well for you. A short drop for my other acc Sr. FARM. Finally I was able to recover some gold back after a few. Next goal still the same. I will craft more power kits like I did with OKI DOKI around 2K power kits and then max some parts around then start to save again. As OKI DOKI, I have no time to ply recently and now play solo for few weeks in my own solo clan Anyway, lets see what the cook is cooking. Gold increased to 83 millions and tokens dropped a bit due to I got the 20 boxes offer. Current BASE status is idle. I will crank up all factories. Ok. All factories crafting now. It will take 6 days to get 2k power kits. Will have to wait a bit. War Box-Makes me happy with those gold relics. I need them. Rank box- Happy Not a lot of mix boxes and I need enough to max some parts. Next week I might max some. CHEERS
  12. Hi Pilots How are you. I have no much time but I am updating this short progress. Current gold stash dropped a lot post making 2k power kits. Now I am moving up to save some gold. I was able to max out few items around but will take a long process to get the rest I have around to max. To prevent the gold drop too much I decided to stop and recover some gold. In a side not, I have been too busy and my gold collection is been a lot slower and barely making a pvp and keeping lower rank. I am now playing solo for few weeks or rather say I can't play but stepped out of my clan for few weeks unable to do basics for the clan during this time. I will return to the can and to basics post this messy weeks are gone. Anyway, let see what is going on.... Gold down to 71 millions but also I decided to get few extra tokens. Old parts maxed out. Rank box. A bit happy since I am not getting gold relics and I need them. Last war box CHEERS
  13. Hi pilots. I have been under lot of work and training and I will be out of forum for few weeks if you wonder not seen me around. I left my clan for few weeks to not take advantage. Sure I am coming back. I created just for the few weeks my old clan solo clan and name. Have fun. Enjoy. OKI
  14. sorry. you won't. I will be out for few weeks on training.
  15. Nice. Still a decent torso for some set up.
  16. Hard to tell. All mentioned I still need them to complete or to make another full mech.
  17. very rare in Tier 4 I am this up. Oh well, will drop but fun to see it.
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