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Everything posted by OKI DOKI


    F2P Players

    it is up to the luck to be honest with games granting some parts. Some players move really fast then slow down with then less luck and others catch up to them. I was able to make 8 accounts f2p R5 or R5+ in all seasons in 1 year or less. Now I just play 2 accounts and the others have been given to family and I do not know much about those accounts but I can tell are top and still free. The key to progress regardless terrible parts grants it is farming. I was able to reach from L0 to L250 in 9 months and 3 weeks OKI DOKI and O.D. FARM in just 8 months flat and that was the the key to move up fast because gold and mix boxes collection. You can blame the game for lack of decent grants but the rest it is on you to make it possible. How hard it is, well it is hard and require dedication and not just dedication but logical to maximize the leveling up properly using fuel and when to change level calculated according your rank percentage rate at the moment and no lose the full grants of full re-fueling when do the level change. You have to be smart in the grinding not just click and presto when still leveling up. I know some others players that moved close at my speed and we started same month and year and they still free to play and are top players in full. In my case after I reached in OKI DOKI R2 full stars with R10 mechs during the massive wave of counters early in 2020 I saw the trending and kept waiting then my niece asked me to buy a weapon then I got the weapon and later I got more tokens and got some weapons that summer but never developed because no combo killer parts available but recently I developed some in use some not in use for now. People blame the game but it is designed to grind to progress and like it or not you need to do the basic unless pay to play. The biggest issue is that many people do not have 2 computers and a phone and are at school and some work terrible schedules etc and get really hard to progress and I really understand that me been too busy at work and family but depending your work area etc or school with a phone you can keep grinding even can't pvp. Now, some parents will let children to play that much either so it is hard for many to progress because the process it is very slow and frustrating to be honest and in the other hands when reach top position then the game gets boring and need to do something more interesting to find to play the game and for me is to level up parts farming not ranking. Find the way to have fun without looking the others players ranks and progress and granted parts. If you do you will be frustrated and will give up but you do not know for how long they are been in the game trying and trying to be there. I know many with twice of my time and I am way ahead of them. Play for fun developing but if is too hard then it is not a game for you because it does require a lot of time to progress in this game and even so you can see how slow it is for me to advance making parts. Takes weeks to collect gold then make parts are my farming rate but for those farming less it is even harder. sometimes are really great and sometimes terrible. My former clan leader it is or maybe can say was till few weeks ago or a month ago always free to play and R1 on first or second day playing in all seasons but took him a lot of time.
  2. Forget about getting legendary. If you do not get them focus making them as I did. It does require to grind a lot but can be done. Get rank stability and that grants you gold that you will know will get in a stable way. Max those parts in an even way. If you max them one at the time to reach max level will be hard to stabilize. Get 10 levels at the time per modules at epic level then another 10 then 5 and another 5. When your set is max on L30 then focus into make legends from epics not in need but careful to meat possible good weapons. Focus in one mech at the time. Focus to fight single and dual not 3v3. I guess maybe you are in a clan doing war so that will be different. If is about pvp then focus 1v1 and 2v2 for now maxing those parts one mech at the time. You won't regret.
  3. Hi First of all you need to indicate some of the basics things to understand your play ways 1- How much you can farm everyday? If your grinding it is very low the development will be really terrible. Trust me on that. 2- You have an advantage over me when I was under development and I had not decent modules or better say no epics modules to myth them. Regardless those are the old ones like the cooling, booster and energy and heat modules apart of the others, you need to grind really fast to max them up. 3- Do not meat the epics parts given to max out parts. Those are your legends future parts for transformation. 4- Focus into max Cooling booster, energy booster, heat engine and energy engine. That will give you rank stability and will survive countless fights with current mech power. 5- Do not waste gold increasing power for now. Max to Myth level the modules. Now, careful to max too many since you can get a new modules and having too many of the old ones can become a waste but for current stability you need to go for it. The reason why they kill you fast is because you do not have cooling, heat, regen energy enough to survive. You have an average of 150 in cooling and energy regeneration and lack of enough reserve. When you use your mech weapons those weapons also consume energy and heat forcing your mech to overheat and drain your energy regardless the physical attack against your mechs. Not just you overheat and lose energy using your own weapons rending you but your opponent will kill you in 2-3 shots. Get those fast to myth level and you will see the change. First those 4 below. Focus on this. , You can do some of this too but careful because those do not help in cooling or energy recovery as I can see in your set up.
  4. that used fire magic to heat up
  5. I am a young and hot cheerleader
  6. looks cool and the name I like too. we need some names like that.
  7. Nice Heron- TOP WEAPON Swoop-TOP WEAPON You will need those 2 weapons as combo. I wish to have a drop like that.
  8. some people play to take advantage against lower rankers. When I test my mechs weapons not developed on L1 epics or L1 legends I am matched against full myth mechs at full power all the time. I know you have the issue. No all are p2w but yeas can be all players developing on a free way but ahead of you. Now some are ahead but with lack of modules and is hard for them to cross ranks or play at 3v3 forced to play as 2v2 due to limitations. Some are unfair but many still have problems to cross.


    Welcome to the forum. You are been around for awhile. You are advance
  10. just few names back in the old forum. Sadly I deleted a file by mistake having a ton of screen captures from old forum members I collected before was shut down.
  11. You are not there because you still here and make comments and connect maybe everyday. Now, Sure you are one of the oldies and top gunner of the game till recently. Fyre still play but slowed down. Dark is gone. Yeah, Deimos I remember him.
  12. Hi Pilots It is me again with interesting news. The progress still slow and costly. It is a pain to try to max part farming. Today it is a short update like every week or every other week. I was able to increase gold reserves from 75 to 81millions. I decided to craft some 1k power kits because too much gold to spend and hard to recover at list for now not playing that much and lower farming. I am doing ok finishing enough of the old stuff in myth status for very long or for some recent. Today I decided to do few of more recent parts around and few older under test parts of mech test at low rank. Factories still working for those 1k but I will let the rest of cards to be finished and have them for emergency. I used the rest to do the recent max out and transformation. Gold reserves dropped to 72millions and I will be increasing gold for 2 weeks I think then start to craft a few power kits. Lets see what I got for this week. Parts maxed or transformed. CHEERS Adding this from 1V1 before I forget
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