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Everything posted by OKI DOKI



    please do not read my comments
  2. any update for the clan. Any requirements, position, clan direction. etc.
  3. I like that intro. Nice goodies for sure. The music is like the music used on sticks game. So many fortune boxes. Hmm, magma is a good item. Bunker also is good and both to me are in the equal level. You good 3 good items if not had them. The matrix can help in some set ups. If you do not have some fortresses matrix can help a bit. I used it and use in some configurations. Keep it for now.
  4. nice fights and cool music. I like the intro. The skulls are very funny.
  5. Well, is sad of what happen since I do care for the clans and members. I hope all can get back to normal and sometimes things happens and does have solutions. TF it is an excellent clan working hard for their position for long and they do have their on structure and personality as clan and WL a great clan that built not just one but 4 as far I know in full having 3 of them at top positions with another group of cool guys and sadly few things happens. I hope get back to stability. Atusiff is a long standing player and nice guy and been helpful to me from my early stages and we had tons of fun of pvp against each other. Stay around, be active, keep progressing the account that is been many years on the build and I do not know if still in a clan or not but I hope you are fine and move on about this and keep making videos. Is best not to add more and lets keep farming some extra gold for development to kill OKI. I am at my best disposition to be killed. I know top players and mid rankers are experts killing me and love to do it.
  6. I have no answer. I still learning from the experts like you guys. I will fail with an F.
  7. That mech together with the first max out I was able to reach R2 full stars in 2V2 due to it was the time of massive counters and new modules were not in the game but as solo it was base as R10-8 and the same for the first one. Those were mech made due to no others parts to use but also due to no modules available to make better mechs with few extra parts around. I kept using the same 2 mechs without changes not having shields and only 6 modules incomplete and were easy to be kill. Now, I made both mechs to fight in 2v2 as combo attack depending one to another to finish the attacks depending of what kind of mech like heat, energy or phys because both were mix mechs and hurt a lot the counters against them. I used those 2 mechs and added a phys hugger as my 3er to sustain an R3 position on 1V1, 2V2 and 3V3. During those days the game morphed a lot from massive counters, then to frantic type, spartan, annihilation and lots of EMP mechs at my ranks. Due to I was solo player and no much time my play time also was limited and I had no time to force my self to move up and was very hard because I had no modules developed to sustain 3 mechs. I used them till last year but the game got harder with bunkers, magma, emp, frantic, then became snipers and counters. Later frantic, spartan, heat mechs, emp, frantic, snipers and the famous 3300-4k mechs by the time I moved to use 3 phys huggers just to keep an R3 spot. It was difficult because I needed modules and the game was hard on me to get regular modules till I was able to get the basics and obtained 3 maximum protectors and 3 charge engine. By the time I got all modules and was able to transform almost all of them and level up them the frantics, spartans, snipers jumping, emp, heat hugger claw version, and 4k mechs grew a lot and my mechs were not good enough to fight them because I always play balanced never as counter but I was able to fight in a serious ways few times and reached R1 but not sustainable in the way was set because modules were max out and weight. The new modules were introduced and the game morphed again to tons of claw heat huggers and more after that due to new modules changed to game a lot every 2 months to new era of mechs. In mean time I was developing the new modules no weapons observing the game changes. I focused on modules because been a new player and the massive changes on top position having all parts ahead of me it was hard to be stable getting too many matches against them me been weak against their set up then I focused on some parts when I was able to complete few full set of modules for 2 mechs with the new modules. So yes, I guess you saw those 2 mechs for very long in my OKI DOKI as primary mechs for a year
  8. stats are decent. all torsos are a pain starting due to lack of modules. If no windigo or vest or monkey as example others are not that great on top. yes you can max for now an Avenger or a battery armor or a Zarkares, Archimode or Brutality but I mean the matter of investment to not be loss. Nightmare can carry you out to the top but right now generally speaking won't. That not mean is not possible but by default does not help much. Yes you can use Naga for some energy configurations and can help at top
  9. If you do not have Windigo or Vest or Monkey you can use Nightmare with confidence. That torso is common-myth and is normal meat to level up but it is maybe better than Vest or equal but better than Windigo. You can max that one and can be play it at top.
  10. I use the torso sometime on low rank testing some weapons not developed at proper rank as optional and yes it is not that good for heat. Better Windigo. Also some people use the torso because help on hit point and at lower rank hit point help a lot but heat and recovery is not that good.
  11. Do not use Avenger. The torso it is not good at this point. It does need some improvement. That torso was my original torso on O.D. FARM account. I never maxed beyond legend L40 when I got a Rusty and changed. The torso will work for R8 maybe more as R4 but beyond that is dead meat. The right and left mechs are the original O.D FARM first 2 mechs never maxed but few items Claw and Zarkares nothing else
  12. I am refusing go back to school unless Q girls are around
  13. Hmm, to be honest if I can give you some packs I won't mind or to give you the item since I use them for meat to make them legends for myth transformation. I like to see players progress and moving up. It does make the game more interesting.
  14. My account is back in business. Thx to administration.
  15. I do not farm fortune boxes due to take more time from me to do so and I can't. Now, you can farm F.B's in the 2V2 last boss on hard. That option help to get them. Some farm in 1v1 boss insane. Those 2 are the common to farm them
  16. it is about what you get first and for how long. Battery armor it does help on power output to your weapon. All depend what you have at the moment. The windigo recommendation apply more recently after the re-adjustment back to were was belong on power wise. In my case for OKI DOKI my second mech was Flame Battery no having others except another NAGA and that is when the Battery was introduced to the game some months after I started the game. Flame Battery helped me in heat power output and when I switched with others later was less. Now, the trade was cooling and regen and in that case is maybe the worse. Some players at top kept using the item to no long ago but tricky to set up for regen and cooling. It is nothing wrong to max items capable to reach Myth L50 when have nothing else for basic advancement. It was not stupid but basic to move on.
  17. no, every 10 boxes is granted but it does require to max arena shop as SC2A showed. Only then will get faster the F.B. The rest is normally farming for them and that does not mean will get them. All depend of people accounts might say because some get many and others very few.
  18. Hi Pilots How are you? Copy and paste from OKI. I am tired for sure due to new "another" job assignment and training due to company new leader direction and covid thing. It is getting annoying with changes at work due to I can cover different areas related to experience and some of them I need some refresh in some areas or to learn new stuff making my play time impossible for at list another month or so. I can farm a bit and do just basic like titan or war but wins is been impossible due to I work long hours per day 6-7 days a week. Those recent changes took away my play time that in reality I do not have. I might step out of the clan for this period of time till can get back in full post this new assignment can be settle. Let see. I decided to work on gold recovery for a while then I moved to craft some 1.5k power kits and switched back to recover gold. Gold reserves dropped but I recovered some and I am back to 102millions. I will save gold this week them I will max some parts around due to there are just a few remaining in myth status and I will max only those I might use in the future not now just to finish them then I will move on to make new parts. I will wait till next week to use power kits ready to use. I crafted 1.5k power kits. As I calculated the 8k parts will be in need to completed the items available to max out. All depend of farming. I decided to get yesterday offer just to increase a bit more premium boxes to be open next year due to I still have some parts to finish at MYTH level and to max some items at Legend and Epic level for future set ups then will open all of them for fun. Yes, I will be ready for the opening to max out the use of legends and epics and take the full advantage of proper parts management. Sure also is based due to the lack of account power with limited parts with current game environment but will growth. I am happy so far a bout the account regardless limitations. No matter what I have not been focus on rank been tired due to work and I play in sleepy condition or by inertia. I do not know what I do when I play and interruptions at the phone is massive when I play. I think is rank boxes I think is war box I was able to max I got this item with the free premium box but I have already 3 maxed. Now I have 3 legends of the same for meat. CHEERS and let keep farming
  19. Welcome back. Sure school it is a priority to go for. Play time is when have the time. It is good to see you around. About the discord account I will say that many use discord and have fun there. I do not use the discord not having time just mainly forum due to I can read for a moment and write something and back to work if I have the time. Thx for the top rank but I am not sure if is related to the forum rank or pvp rank. In that case thx for the rank R1 full stars and thx for the forum rank but we still not reached the top. We are Veterans not Masters. Now is time to kill again
  20. Hi Pilots How are you? I am tired for sure due to new "another" job assignment and training due to company new leader direction and covid thing. It is getting annoying with changes at work due to I can cover different areas related to experience and some of them I need some refresh in some areas or to learn new stuff making my play time impossible for at list another month or so. I can farm a bit and do just basic like titan or war but wins is been impossible due to I work long hours per day 6-7 days a week. Those recent changes took away my play time that in reality I do not have. I might step out of the clan for this period of time till can get back in full post this new assignment can be settle. In another note, I was able to recover OKI DOKI communication issue. "Happy for it". Before I had issues with the account I was able to work on few max out just to finish a mech I had for very long in development but never tried to finished and instead to save up gold as planed for this week I end up maxing parts and test in full few time just to see opponent reaction and what it does as mech. No rush with it trying to move up but just few test. Let see current status. I was able to finish those parts and gold instead to move up went down like a rock. Also, I decided to add few tokens just to have them around not having anything in special for their use at this moment. Gold dropped from 1.1millions to 92millions now I am trying to get back to 100millions or more before get into maxing 3 more parts. It will take longer due to I will miss some days of pvp and I am doing if I can the minimum for the daily not allowing me to get extra gold that I need from those pvp that I really want to do to enhance account but changes at work cut me off again and the progress it is been a lot slower than I planned for. I still have some power kit reserves for any particular goodie of priority but my plan it is not to use gold reserve. Parts maxed some from Legend L1 and some from L1 myth. Apart to max those I decided to divine few items to add a bit health due to lack of divined weapons to attack so I compensate just a bit with torso and leg. Lack of relic is a bit annoying. Now I have all the modules needed. I had this one for very long time and never max it in OKI. I decided to finished. Getting this one was in need and transformed and maxed. Why not to divine just for a bit health Maybe clan war. Sorry, I forgot. I think I forgot to screen capture rank. I decided to get the 5 box offer just because I was bored and it was helpful to max the 3 items. I got at list one goodie and meat was ok. So I call it good with the shower and I have now 3 of them. CHEERS
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