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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. There is not a right answer. It is up to the player take their risks.
  2. welcome to the forum and the game
  3. it is the old repulser from SM Legacy game version before this one Reloaded. Some items, players decided to keep them and remained usable allowed in the game. Sure, others not. The administration gave the option to convert their items with the new ones with lucky boxes but in reality, for those who played paying it was a bad deal starting again but they converted and moved along, and some others quit the game. Many of the TOP players with lots of medals etc, those are people from that era keeping their accounts till today. Sure, many at lower ranks also are Legacy account players that returned later, or some just play less and has been progressing in a slow motion since the conversion. There are few items around like that one and not many have the items and even dual hook and few others but limited and limited players.
  4. Deso was fundamental for my second mech when started. I still have only one. Sure, there were many people using the item.
  5. yup. I have seen some stuff around.
  6. So sad to see at this point on the TOP 10 positions and still able to see R2 spots. So many top players barely playing and in low ranks without desire to play. I do not see competition in long time. Players need some motivation. They are missing OKI DOKI and OD.FARM as serious accounts breaking their back and make them cry and force them to become serious players again just trying to kill the best clan. Almost ready to teach lessons for free. If they do not want to improve and play for real, I might have to get in and to re-create the best clan ever existed in the game SM reloaded and give some life motivations. You know well in what you can get into so get back to play now. Also, it is getting boring seen all people in just a few clans. It's this a competition? Thanks GOD I am not a medal goer, I will be bored to death. MECH CHUNKS
  7. I use the torso in different configurations, and I have 3 of them. The heat version it is a bit better in the sense to make few extra configurations, but heat and energy are equal respective heat status and energy status per version. You can compensate in the opposite way generally speaking. Phys element does not change or weight. Also, try to not eat every epic if you do not have spares for it. You might have hard time sometimes in the freeway to get some back. The way I did was farming and creating parts even was harder but saved to make some epics for later and workout in the way but farming and doing a lot of pvp it is a slavery condition to be impose to our self. I see it as fun to do it but the majority hate that. You can take a look of my progress in my OKI DOKI progress or O.D FARM progress little by little pages. Not easy things to do farming and require daily approach. Later then I purchase boxes just for fun but not for real desire to be a top player. I like fun games not to be serious on any. Just enjoy the ride without worries or any rush unless you are a competitive player getting frustrated because the slow advancement. I know players here free to play not advancing and took some time and now are R1 solid players fully free. I was free by the time I became a top doing farming as fast was possible then got the parts to try for fun and see luck and complains of the people about bad luck. Some accounts are lucky, and some are not. My accounts are worse in luck and my free accounts given to family had granted good stuff. Some accounts are set on PVP to be in the worse conditions on fight and matches like my own accounts. When I played some others, people account to compare at the same time I got easy R1 and hard on my accounts to reach the same level. Like it or not, some are less hard than others in grants and pvp and I did tons of testing. Just play for fun and will see step by step the progress.
  8. I play for fun if I can and join the forum for the same reason, just fun missing the forum top players war drama. Sadly, there is no more drama
  9. OKI don't lose not even one.
  10. Sure, unless you do not need some parts. The torso is a good torso.
  11. There are too many R1 players at R16. Have see them too many times
  12. Nightmare it is a common torso part so if the part you got it as rare, sure it should be common relic. What can alter the status it is the color code as showed. Nightmare normally show in common, but the game can drop the item as rare. Don't recall as epic. Some epics the gage give then as Legend. This Item it is an epic part but the game gave part as Legendary. Now, the part start as epic so it will require epic relic. I have the item in mythical L50 not divined So, if I want to divine, I will need epic relic as show regardless I got item as legend. Nightmare it is common part designed to start in that way but can grant rare. If you get the part as rare, no matter what it will be common relic to divine the part.
  13. Old accounts before 1/25/2020 were or are what we call silver box accounts. Those still around like my OKIDOKI account. I just changed to use BASE so silver box option was removed. Sure, the owner is willing to change back some accounts time to time or for new players might do it too. Now, yes you can still get silver boxes during some days in the month plus daily. In your free item box, you get silver then a fortune box every 10 silver boxes. Looking to the part circulated, in about 4 hrs I will get a silver box or get silver boxes grinding or fighting. Also you get silver boxes in some days of the week counting 31 days in the month and grant some others like energy, tokens, premium boxes etc. When refer to silver box account without change, you need to farm and save gold then buy silver boxes with the gold till you dry your gold as please. In the case of BASE, you need to grind for gold or fight arena as well then go to base and select the option you want to be order to the factory and the cost of it per options available.
  14. If I am not wrong understanding, you are thinking that per every stage will require ascension relics. The answer it is no. You will use the relics when it is max out to the particular max level allow a particular part. For example, Iron boot it is a leg that start as common but actually can reach Mythical status. If you see carefully, it does have the option with a circular white ring. To be able to divine part, you need to max out myth status at level 50 like picture below from my first mech first leg used in the game. I never divined part reason you see the orange solid circular next to the white ring circulated in red. If you look at the rings, this part start as common then rare then epic then legendary then mythical then divine. The only time I will use relic will be when last stage it is maxed and it is mythical at level 50 then will allow me to use relic specific for that particular part allowed. Some parts start at common and others start as rare and others start as epic and others start as legendary and others as mythical. Not all parts will allow you to use relic specific due to part was not designed to use relic post maxing the last level. In this case, a common part can reach divine status from mythical L50. To ascend part to mythical, I need just common relics two of them and 100.000gold In this other case Lava feet and similar leg version, start as epic part so will require to use epic relics Now, this example below, it is an item that won't be able to use relic because no option to be divined but, in the case, will be able to do so, will use common relic because start as common relic. Jumping from common to rare won't need relic because it is in the last stage all maxed and having the option to be able to be divined.
  15. The same way. A common part needs to be maxed out. The difference is that you need to look for parts that reach to a certain level and for common need a particular part that reach only common level.
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