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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I created O.D. FARM as testing account for the BASE when was released. O.D FARM it is BASE account from start. I have never completed the BASE. Been a new account and BASE active, I was trying to figure out better balance on growing and developing the BASE. Not having enough gold but continuously leveling up parts due to heavy grinding, I figure out that the BASE needed to be advanced only till get the 4 mines. I level up factories till L2 then a bit more but noticed that was not worthy enough to spend gold increasing the factories level at such power level of crappie mechs. It was more basic to craft RARE part option that appear at factory L2 giving almost the same cost of having the regular OKI DOKI silver account and compared both progresses. So, factory was ideal for my O.D.FARM and the way of grinding I had. I kept advancing only the mines and forgot to advance the factories and no waste gold there having the gold mines. When I became a bit stronger with a mech or two, I started to level up the factories without rush balancing gold usage and leveling up parts. Because the cost for power kits and others are too high, I kept using the L2 RARE option a bit longer but was great for me in that way then I tested the super cheap super slow and was a hell for me to progress as I wanted. So, I push up the factories to L15 for power kits and advance with them when I wanted to push fast for fun. Power kits are great option if you farm a lot like me. If you are not a heavy grinder, power kits are good to make few to store parts having limited account storage. As you can see below, my OKI factories still at L15 Because I ended up buying some offers, L20 it has been not in need. Now, for a full free player and heavy grinder, factories at L20 to risk gold for a legend can be ok. For now, I do not need to change BASE status having some premium packs around, but Power kits might come handy if I want to push for faster parts making. You need to balance gold and grinding properly making parts or will suffer all the time. My O.D.FARM account was opened back in FEB 2020. Changing to this forum because the previous was deleted, it was 11 months old account already L250 completed just in 8 months flat out and had already 100 myth parts. Sure, parts were not all L50 but transformed already 100 to MYTH status. I was playing R3 and with low wins around 5 per day and reached R1 but not displayed or mentioned. I had only 10million, but I already changed from 1.5million on reserve to increase gold reserve mentality for the account. Back in January 2020 till now, it has been a long journey step by step stages changing gold reserve baseline and keeping the momentum. I had some delays having the accounts inactive for months and very low grinding etc but still moving forward. Just be careful when you do use the BASE crafting and use the right level on BASE to craft according to your grinding rate. Do not strangle yourself just to show off. Build up gold reserves little by little and you won't regret.
  2. Rich people can do that like Clevername but not mortal people. Now, grinding can be tuff but can make it in some ways. If they took opportunity in 50% day and the 100% fuel day they can get a ton of gold plus pvp and else around. If you see the day I posted for OKI was Jun 11 and of course that was a week ago or so. Now just farming and daily but not all dailies because my kids do not play every day my accounts, but I took the helmet again on farming and check this out. I was 310million now closing to 318million. I pushed to 1.6million on fuel day and keeping low level increase with just daily the gold grew up but parts still advancing at the low-level stages even will slow down soon at L23-25 then will be harder to advance but balancing level will be a bit less painful for me than to focus in one part and looks better to see many in progress. I like to work by batches as always have done in this game. 11 Parts level moving up and I still have mix boxes
  3. No, not really but a bit tuff. With the plating you have the power for it. With the right items in full plus 1 plating or better to have 2 around you can take it. At some point, top gunner plays a lot as counter so you can win. Trust me, If I did it been weak and no divined against the best around and I suck as player, you know better this game than me. Well, match maker sometimes it is a B.....
  4. nice. Looking forward for your monthly progress. Do not give up. Some start and then stop after few months. I slowed down because lack of progress to show every week or 2 weeks and have to back down to monthly or quarterly. I think @Burn Baby Burn one time was happy to not see my updates. You have nice goodies. I have seen the clan in my kids fights. Hmm, you have R1 power at least for 1v1 maybe 2V2 with current modules. Just missing few platinum plating.
  5. robot AI played smart. No way to win so hasta la vista babe.
  6. All depend on your current full inventory and how often you play and grind. Generally speaking, if you are new, it is normal to have whatever part in use to keep moving on. Subjections are based normally in best parts available and basic common sense of what can be done or what in the long or short run will be a waste. This does not mean is wrong set up for now. As mentioned, all depend on inventory. Generally speaking, long run bad items. Does not mean is right for now. 1- Frantic Flame Some player use the item and can pack a good deal of damage but not good for top. Sure, it can be combined and, in some ways, can be useful at any rank. Personally, I will not use it and I do not have one under development. Do not waste gold there for now. Hold back in that item. 2- You can use better this one instead of Frantic Flame. It is a decent weapon and versatile and decent on top ranks to at some degree. 3- All your side weapons are ok. Hammer item used on top. Heat weapons for now are fine till some rank. It is not a total waste to some degree. 4- Legs are not that good now. Use if nothing else but are not that good. Can be a waste depending on resources. 5- Top weapon still decent till some top rank 6- Modules are ok for now, max them to legend L40 and epic L30 then transform as priority. Enhancing weapons, legs and torso will increase HP and difficulty will be harder. Just go for the modules for now in a balanced way.
  7. yes. I would like to have few of them. uni-corn horn so corn united horn so I guess a unicorn horn might looks like I hope the horn comes with some side butter
  8. Hmm, it does. The game it does have a monthly set up for a daily progressive event on grants. Some days are gold, some are tokens, some are premium boxes, some are regular boxes, some are fortune boxes the base free gold and those have nothing to do with regular daily plays for extra stuff for the progress. Sure, if you are talking about a guarantee premium pack with guaranteed parts that it is not there but you can farm and use base at L20 and check the players post getting nice stuff without spend money just farming. Look this guy just recently or look this one and many post from them getting goodies that not even buying premium packs give. Is the offers expensive? all is based in general opinion, and many agree it is a bit expensive the offers because are other game players and compare. I will say that my kids play many and this one is expensive in the offers now those other games are getting prohibitive in the cost, and all is getting about charging too much money. Now, in my time, every play I had to pay and that was expensive in the arcades and when ended or killed, you needed to start overpaying not now having some free all the way games online. Is this game can improve on some things like portals, some grants and farming for gold and few extras around, yes, it can be a bit better to have players around and a bit happier.
  9. True Next person was able to kill your SM player nemesis.
  10. Hmm, I do not know about that. I can say I played other players accounts and they have good mix boxes on the 500 plus and I opened 9 accounts better say 10 and 8 are top and all of them can increase boxes until warning pop around 820
  11. True Next person like Kisses
  12. I like Naga. Looks cool to me. My first Torso after change the game original when start. What was the name in Legacy time?
  13. will check later your mechs. sorry, I just saw that. Good job. What rank are you now? Seems like you play around R7 or so. Mech name? You might be playing with my kids since they test and are too lazy now to play top. About gold, yes, it is correct to properly grind days like yesterday at 50% extra gold. Refueling, in the past when I started, many top players used to use tokens for refuel in particular when they used to play portals every month or every 3 weeks whatever it was. I always will say that I do not recommend use tokens for refueling in particular when tokens are limited. Just check what can do with regular regeneration. I did 4 times 95 with regular regeneration not having enough time to get more been too busy. I mean, I farmed 54-60 times to get around 900,000 just in farming for free. Sure, if you have some tokens and need gold and your farm it is limited, it might help to get some gold. It is about proper administration. My kid played 5 wins yesterday plus I farmed since he does not want to farm much. My gold keeps increasing using daily for leveling up parts. parts keeps increasing and then will use like 200 to reduce some helping to level up parts then increase again.
  14. False Next person is a Pitufo
  15. False- Tho, I do have my middle school skull ring like this one I named Eddie because I loved Eddie from Iron Maden Next person like Iron Maden music
  16. what happen to BP? retired? I really do not know what it is going on with the clans. I do not play or pay much attention to it. Too busy for it. My kids do not look at it. Back to clan Flag.
  17. to ALG? WTH CANDELA INC and WLGang the match maker used to match me against them almost every fight. The other when I used to try to push up was Reign with the top gunners to crush me then together with LLYL and HTK then TF. Ha Ha my Super Dupper OKI
  18. Maybe I am wrong, but that flag brings my combat memories of my early days with OKI DOKI one of the two nemesis. Hmm, I am wearing my original Flag Maybe I should bring some fight. Maybe I should get out of retirement just for some destruction. SUP BOSS
  19. TRUE Next person beat me in SM more than one time.
  20. I always compare Vest torso with Minbari heads. Well, I do not have an editor but...
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