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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. cool video. Looks like you are having fun.
  2. Congratulations in the progress. I do not remember well of the robot thing there. One old player mentioned that was part of something during legacy or the biggening in Reloaded version. Now, for sure I can tell this... When I started to play the game back in 10/3/19, I created OKI DOKI that day. The auto farming was not fully active as new players can farm today. During that time been a low-level newbie, I had to play the farming every step. As the level in the account progressed, at some levels like in that case you are showing, used to release one auto mode part of the mech. It was progressive. The leg, the arm, the drone etc been released to be auto mode. I do not remember if that it is the last release but for sure, you needed to reach a level in the account then to have fully auto mode the mech for farming. Yes, in other words, I had to go through the progress to release full auto mode in OKI DOKI and was harder because working I was unable to play. In the case for O.D. FARM it was different. Because O.D. FARM it is a younger account, the game set up changed and my O.D. FARM was fully auto mode farming from start as new players around. The robot picture, used to highlight in different color the part that will be released or was active something like that and can see the difference. I do not remember if that blue color it the full auto mode condition is.
  3. click below. that can give ideas, but it is random
  4. So sad to see this again. I already miss them, but I need the accounts space room. Few more still need to go.
  5. yes, especially her ways. I know you like. You know, if you know a bit of Spanish, lalatina can be to words. "La Latina" meaning Latin Girl.
  6. Ha ha. Hmm, it is entertainment on my own way. As you play for rank, you do not need as many parts. Sure, the basic new modules for 3 mechs and 3 decent mechs. A storage of 300-400will be in line. You can be R1 all seasons as I know you can. My aim here has been just for relaxing time farming and making parts not a pro. To be a pro like you does not require that many. Few sets of different mechs should do. My old mechs still make it as they are as R1. You are a smart player so no issues there. About my arm, yes, I burn enough but will recover. My left arm it is more affected. I hold back a bit in my regular work due to the nature of my work I need my arms in good conditions and in mean time I do few other things until recover in basic as leader. Thx for the wishes. I appreciate. NOTE: Farming like I do it is a bit crazy. I do recommend for progress, but I do not recommend being me because it is no sense to do. Why to spend money and not even play for top and to get solo medals?
  7. I love that character. Funny anime. Sadly, I am at work, if you are bored, watch the anime seasons.
  8. As "no" mentioned, you hate the issue of limited storage room, and you are not alone. It is no sense to be able to manage properly but I will say that 1500 will be more in line. Now, you need to invest in the storage room with tokens. When I was free player, that was the area to enhance because I knew it will happen to level up parts and preserve parts for future development and strategies. The cost in the early stages it is manageable for free to play. Later on, it is expensive even for pay to win players. Horrendous cost. So, in the end, you need to spend tokens for it like it or not. So, play every day, watch commercials and pray and pray and pray to get free tokens every day. This is my account. So, sadly I had to spend so many tokens. Not fun I can talk about it, and I need more than twice of what I have.
  9. Yes, you can use Dual Frantic as basic. The mech it is a mech that can be upgraded and rank up as basic R5 or more having the full basic modules. Using old ways in the current game will compete with many same mechs around. I did some test years back and when I used Frantic, the energy mechs and Frantic or Frantic with Spartan will show up often. Sure, heat mechs are more around. Just basic Frantic set as free with your parts that I can see in picture and adding regen with shield and plating. The weight of premium and basic modules is the same so can be exchange without any alteration to the set. Even with heat recoil, it can help. Sure, better to have rock recoil but will do ok in some ways. The weight I keep it for future Charge Engine and Phys Drone. When the energy resource it is low and wants to use a Teleporter, my recommendation it is to use a common teleporter module not enhanced. Teleporter also consume energy and it is an item normally to be use as strategy item. Sure, make anything around that will fit your ways. Remember to read about parts status. Those gives you the ideas for your set ups and limitations. As example, Frantic damage shields but also can give low power attack but also very high as gamble part and require not high energy to be use and will generate heat on your mech during the use requiring some cooling strategy. Have fun
  10. there are some cheaters. In the sideline, there are few bugs very rare but happens time to time and the game grants wrong number.
  11. I play this game ten of what I was very small... He was always good and always entertained me, these days I wanted to play again after years... And I came to praise and thank you for the beautiful game, everything about it is good, thank you guys for the quality game.
  12. Hi Pilots How are you doing? I hope all is well. As I mentioned in my O.D. FARM thread few hours ago, I had some fire in the kitchen cooking and burned my arm some but all it is ok. Will have to fix and replace some stuff around and clean deep. Messy. About the game The progress it has been average. Not super not low but ok kinda. Comparing with the previous post, there is not much change in the goal set. Basically, I am farming to increase gold that will be require at some point to max parts in a large basket. The plan it is to increase Premium Packs till reach 1000 and then open and not hopping for parts in need but if those come, I will be a bit happy. I need to prepare ahead, and I have been working in storage space eating excess parts as planed needing them to enhance account and do also some collection parts for test reducing the legendary parts around and removing epics that I already worked or working to have them for the future test or to complete a mech for combat if get extra parts in need so I am making combo parts for the future if any luck. In this case, I need to transform many parts to myth and need them in L1 and to have many parts in L40 and utilize excess of meat grants during the opening. Just making room will say, saving gold for it and getting the boxes. The account has been part of Thunderdome for some months already and it has been helpful to collect some relics at war in need. My kids are the one playing around both accounts when they can, and I am focus on farming and making parts. The account gold reserve increased from 600 million to 655 dating back May26. Not bad and in line of basic 25 million reserve accumulation per months and that including making parts. Happy with it. Can have more but the account it is not played every day on pvp. The BASE just used to collect gold As mentioned, I got some offers to increase Premium Packs to get 1000 and just need another 18 which I will get in one offer. Mix boxes still decent as always and the egg reserves and the gifts not used belong to the offers. It will take time to open and currently still working on preparation which will take months ahead. Silver coins related to PVP and offers increased Clan coins increasing with titan fights and some of the offers added. Let's see the parts MYTH/DEVINE= Moved from 327 to 338 in basic as should be farming. Legend= 77 dropping from 130 as expected. EPIC= 61 dropping from 78 as expected. The account storage space increased 10 because a mistake in O.D. FARM click so I decided to increase OKI to the same moving from 615 to 625. CHEERS
  13. cost limit 50 tokens per 5 slots. In the end, free to play with think still expensive when need to decide between get an offer or space. Let's faced, the cost it is too much even for pay to win. It does need to be flat out 50 tokens that it is. The limit of 1000 parts can be or will move as indicated. For part makers, it does require a lot of space to manage progress and I am maker. There is not enough space plain and simple. I run out of space all the time and I active making parts.
  14. wow, so many at 2900 HP at R10 even lower. Fun fights. Like the funny effects between or during the fights.
  15. Hi Pilots How are you? I am ok but I had some fire at home at the kitchen cooking and burn a bit my arm. Now I have to work on the house to fix things but all it is ok. Summertime got hot for sure. Anyway, let's talk about the game progress. As previously mentioned, there are no good parts to max in the account and I am currently making just collection parts for tests and making few in the side for future mechs if get some grants making EPIC essentials for combat but more just collection test. Apart of keep making parts slowly, I still increasing the gold reserves. It has been harder this time farming less the account but still moving up. I was able to increase gold reserves from 573 million to 622 million showed in my previous post back in May27. Also, the account now is part of the clan THUNDERDONE. My first WAR grant with Thunder The BASE not in use except to collect gold. The game it is under a particular work collecting premium packs for 600 opening. I got few offers to get the number. I was aiming just 500 but few mistakes thinking in OKI I did it on O.D. FARM so now it is a bit more related to my plan. As always, I like to keep some mix boxes around. Are low right now because recently making parts. It will take some time to get it done and be ready for the opening. Months of work ahead before the opening. Clan coins still moving up slowly with TITAN fights but added few related to offers I got, and some coins were included. Silver coins still growing with daily, and few offers that included them. The progress making parts it has been slower but ok related on average free to play making. Let's see the increase and reductions. MYTH/DIVINE= Increased from 318 to 322 Myth Parts. Not much improvement but focused into make MYTH parts at L1 reducing the excess of legendary parts for meat. I still working on that and will take few more. After I am able to consume them, I will make more L40 to have them ready for transformation as future collection and having them in that state, will serve as buffer for the 600 premium open I will have in some months and be able to control the legendary meat parts that will show up in the opening and the current making MYTH L1 if to control EPIC grants and eat them at the moment. Will be fun, Legendary= 118 dropping from 193 in the previous post as planned. I need to reduce some more not in need. EPIC= 49 from 43 but controlled and will be reduce at some point. Let see the parts around The account space was incremented to 625 but was a mistake click. Anyway, I need space. CHEERS
  16. How is going the progress?
  17. I predict I will farm in about 4 hours. I can't predict if my kids will play few pvp for me. I predict I will have few more L40 and one myth transformation today.
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